Chapter 21

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3rd person's view

“Jeez.. oh, captain Levi's here! Mikasa–” as the two entered the main hall, Jean turned to Mikasa only to see her walking the opposite direction. “Where are you going?”

“I have.. important matters to address to Commander Hange.”

“Don't forget to eat, okay?” for a second his heart skipped a beat when she turned around– hoping he would receive a simple nod but after she proceeded on with her own matters, Jean frowned.

Though his only sadness stayed for a split second when he remembered his mission: get [Y/n] to become a member of the Levi squad.

It was Eren's risky plan, especially after how strict Levi and Hange were towards him, asking Levi to let [Y/n] join the squad could raise suspicions. Nevertheless, Jean accepted it.

He wanted to give [Y/n] a high position as a compensate for what he did back then.

It may not be enough or it's more than enough, nevertheless it's what she deserves.

Upon arriving Levi's table, Jean stopped a few distance away and recited his lines. One wrong move and he foiled the whole plan.

After taking a heavy breather, he approached the table, and the table holds not just Levi's presence but the whole squad, minus Mikasa, Eren and Armin.

“Captain,” Levi hummed as a response. “M-May I talk to you?” Jean silently coughed, he tried acting as nonchalant as possible and stuttering out of nervousness just foiled it.

“About?” He sipped his tea. 

“About [Y/n]”

Sasha almost choke on her food, “[Y/n] [L/n]? That girls name is very known around the camp! Rumour has it that she turned into a tita–”

“For once, I want you to munch your food loudly and not listen to our conversation, Sasha. ” Levi glances up on Jean's figure– which was standing beside him. He raised his brow and pointed an empty seat next to him, “That's very odd of you to just stand there, perhaps this is something serious?”

Great job trying to act normal, Jean.

“A-Ah yes!” he glued himself on a seat. “Captain.. I think it's about time we recruit another member from our team and I think [Y/n] is the best fit. ”

“Really Jean?”

Jean nodded, “I even saw it by my own two eyes how skilled [Y/n] is when it comes to hand-to-hand combats. She's fast in reacting to such attacks!” despite his positive explanation, the table was very gloomy. All members ate quietly– all in heavy anticipation for Levi's answer.

It's very unlikely that he'll agree, considering the order of keeping Eren away from [Y/n] came from Hange herself. It's a demand, not a request.

Despite this thought, some members were hoping and grasping unto the 1% chance of him accepting the idea.

“Jean, [Y/n] is just there eating with her friends,” everyone gasped. “C-Captain.. do you mean–”

“I saw her fight with own two eyes too. It wouldn't hurt to try put her skills to a test to see if she really is worthy. ”

All the members cheered. Jean who was cheering along the others, then came to an abrupt stop when Levi shockingly scoots over him and whispered, “Did [Y/n] remembered you?”

Shivering all throughout his body, Jean shook his head. “I-I don't know captain..” Levi tarried in this position before pulling away. “Invite her to our base then. We'll test her skills there”

Jean breathed out, before he could approached [Y/n], everyone started leaving the hall. He swam through the crowd but she disappeared from his sight.

Without wasting anymore time, he went to her room. Upon arriving, he knocked on the door– he didn't even remembered [Y/n]'s threat not too long ago.

[Y/n] answered the door, immediately scowling at him, “You still want more of your bones to break–”

“Actually I dare come to you because captain Levi wants to see you” he smirked. [Y/n]'s eyes enlarged, promptly opening the door wide enough for Jean to enter. “W-Why? D-Did I do something wrong?”

The alternation between her angry state and her calm one gaslighted Jean whether at this point, she was just purposely avoiding her past with Eren by acting so oblivious around him.

Jean was thinking outside of the box too much– he made things much more complex when in reality, [Y/n] genuinely just remembered him after the handshake and is scared of Levi if  he did found out she's a titan shifter.

“He wants to test your skills, if you feel uncomfortable around unknown people, bring your friends. ”

[Y/n] looked behind her and there revealed Takashi, Yuji and Chloe eavesdropping. Chloe bit her lip to detain herself from smiling– Eren's in Levi's squad, she'll get to see him upclose.

“Do you guys trusts this dude's words?” she asked, pointing at Jean. “Only one way to find out. We're ready to tag along if you'll go.”

It eased [Y/n] even just a tad bit after she get to bring her friends along. They entered inside a forest, grappling from one branch to the other until Jean stopped.

They landed on the ground and saw a group waiting for their arrival in front of a cabin.

“You brought your friends?” Levi stated. “C-Captain Levi, Jean said I can tag along friends.” she bowed.

Her sudden action made him raised an eyebrow.  Seeing her major improvement under the moral category shows how much she's willing to take the time to understand each advices and lessons she gets and applies them for a greater future.

Levi nodded to himself and walked passed [Y/n] and her friends, “You passed.. along with your friends. ”


“Wait, what?”


“That easy?”

“Captain?” Jean ran after him, “I-Is that true, captain?”

“Help the four new members settle in. I'll just be in my office.” based off the report he got from Keith, Levi's new announced members were the top three graduates of the 108th training corps. Except for Chloe, though he knows little informations about her.

If he doesn't make use of their abilities for a greater advantage, it'll all rot.

He entered his office just so he could dig up forgotten informations about the four.  He rummaged his cabinets in search for old folders containing the fours personal informations and observations based off Keith.

“I can't believe I have to read Captain Keith's bad handwriting again.”

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