Chapter 1

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Hello readers this is the fourth book of my Exo series enjoy. I hope you will love it.


Kim Hana

"Hey why are you running away from me? " he grabbed my hands forcing me to stop.

I don't know him personally but I know he is popular in my school. He is tall like 6ft to be precise. He has darker smooth skin than me.

I can't deny it but he is really handsome with his black flowy hair. He has a long charismatic nose and lips. He just sexy and hot in general.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and also getting red.

"I rephrase it again why are you running" he said harshly still his hands holding mine.

"Umm.." I said nervously. Words just won't come out of my mouth at this moment.

Wait as he still holding my hands why I can't see anything. I was surprised.

He looked at my eyes and I looked at his.

"Listen here little lady you were in my way and you scratch my bike you need to pay" he smirked so devilishly.


My name is Kim Hana. 16 years old first year in high school. I'm half Korean half American. I moved back to Korea when I was 5.

Throughout my life I have this ability that only my parents and my best friends know, her name is Jung Ara.

The ability to see people life span or life clock when I touch them. At first I thought it was great but as I grow older and see it in a different way. It made me tear up because I will know when will they die.

I also know my own life clock too. Sometimes it scared me because I know when I will die. Now I just trying to be happy and make everyday a great day.

How I get into this mess, meeting this guy, this arrogant guy well it started this morning.

I was getting ready for school. I wore just some casual clothes. It was 6 am but I need to visit someone. That someone is my aunt.

She has been battling cancer for almost a year now and through all that I know when she going to passed away.

I know she isn't one of my family members but she became one and she is one of my best friends. The thought of her of dying made me sad and miserable inside and out.

As I reached the hospital.
It lies beside the sea, this hospital, where clean winds blow, its neat roadways are bordered by green lawns and flanked by long, low buildings that reach away in far perspective, buildings of corrugated iron, of wood and asbestos, a very city, but one where there is no riot and rush of traffic, truly a city of peace and brooding quietude.

It always felt nerve wrecking to go in. I always felt nervous because the hospital is the last place I would go to with my so call special ability.

The hallway has as much personality as the rest of the hospital. The floor is slate grey and the walls dove. Above the ceiling is made from those polystyrene squares laid on a grid-like frame.

The light is too bright for my eyes after the darkening gloom outside, I find it abrasive, enough perhaps to bring on one of my migraines. There are commercial prints on the wall, tasteful in the dull kind of way.

"Aunty hello I brought something for you" I came in the hospital room with some food for my aunt to eat.

She was still laying down on the bed watching TV.

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