Chapter 20

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Sorry guys for keeping you guys waiting I was so busy. Here's an update for you my lovely readers.


" I love you too Hana"and he softly kiss my forehead gently and we gazed into each other eyes and end it with a bright smile.

When he smiled at me it was as if every ounce of oxygen had been taken from my lungs flowing in the air like smoke at midday. Every time he kissed me it felt like the world had stopped, leaving just the two of us together to wander the earth. Every time he held my face between his hands it felt as though he had untyed all my knots. Holding me in arms to which I have become so familiar for eternity.

I felt fireworks, tingles and desire, but in the end I could only describe it as gentle and soft. I felt that he will protect me with that forehead kiss of his. When he gazed into my eyes, it felt like I was dreaming and he is beside me or I felt that the word around us stopped just me and him in this world.

"I have something else to say... It's its really important... It had been bothering me for the whole day I really need to tell you this... You really need to know this..." I scratches my neck and my voice trembles. I was still beside him.

"Go on" he replied looking at me.

"How do you feel if you know something that people may think it's crazy or unbelievable... What I'm trying to say is would you believe me if I tell you what I want to tell you Kim Jongin" I said with a calm tone and looking at him for his reactions.

"Sugar cube what ever it is... I will always trust you believe you... I will no matter what it might be... It could be crazy or weird but I will believe in you... I always will because I love you so much from the first day I saw you and if you or if it is hard for you to tell me then take your time... I will always be by your side" he added while explaining to me that he will be with me forever.

Those words make me feel save and secure. He is willing to be by my side. I never felt this kind of love before or being in love and cherished to someone that isn't my family member you could say I never fell in love before in my live but Kai came into my live and change everything.

I took a deep breath and talked to myself "I could do this... he said he will belive me.. Here's goes"

"OK first" I grabbed his hands and dragged him.

"Where are we going?" he said.
"to the rooftop..I explained everything just follow me" he just nodded and smile.

I saw that he smile more often then before. Baekhyun was right I change him to be a better person. I am glad.

"Here we are have a sit" I said and sat at a wooden bench and patted the seat next to me for him to sit.

"OK" he sat next to me.

"OK how to say this... First of all I am happy you willing to trust me... OK now I'm babbling... I have a secret that I been keeping from you from the moment I met you... Sorry for lying to you for that but I have my reasons to why... The only person who knows this is only my best friend Ara... You know her right... Anyways I cut to the chase I can see people life span. I also can see yours and mine... I have this feeling of knowing when people are dying everyday and it make me feel so sad and meserable... "I stopped for a second to see his reaction.

He was completely quiet. I was wondering what was he thinking at this very moment.

" Yes it's true I can see people life span even when they will die... I am fine if you don't believe me... I get that a lot from other people if I tell them... B-" I got interrupted from him.

"I believe you Hana... Why wouldn't I be I could feel it in your eyes that looked sad when you talked about it" he replied and tucked some strain of hair back of my ears and I felt my cheeks turned bright red at that moment.I think my watch will rang at any moment now. Remember it rang when my haerbeat is faster then normal but this time it isn't my illness its the person I love.


"Yes.. Suger cube" he replied.

"I have another thing that I kept a secret from you... I don't have much time to live... And it is because I have a very rare case of a heart disease that did not have a cure yet... Sorry I didn't tell you all of my secrets..." my eyes glued to the grown.

" What... How many time left? "he said as his eyes widen from the sudden news.

"About four month left"still my eyes are on the grown. I don't know why I'm acting like this maybe because I felt that I am going to cry at this moment. I could feel a bit of tears rolling down to my cheeks.

He held up my head to face him and wipe my cheeks from the tears falling Down earlier.

"I am happy that you told me all of this... I am not mad because you lied to me and I am also sad too... about this... about your time left to live but, I know you think I don't believe you about the powers you said you have but either way I still trust you I will always be by your side... Hana" he pulled me into a hugged and comfort me.

"It's OK you can let it all out" he said and patted my back. I cried like there is no tommorow. I have kept that in me for so long the pain and misery that I had been kept inside of me.

I pulled away from the hug "Thanks for that" and I lean on his shoulder.

"You smell nice" he smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean... Pervert" I yelled and hitted him playfully.

"There's that savage Hana I know" he smiled.


What do you think of the chapter? Finally she tell kai her secret. What will happen next stay tune. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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