Chapter 8

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Hello, readers here an update for you guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you like this story so far. Enjoy.


I tapped his shoulder and said, "So, Kai are we friends?".

" Yeah, sure if you insist," he said and looked away. Why was he always looking away from me? Sometimes I don't know what he is thinking at times. 

Maybe being friends with him isn't too bad. Silent filled the air as we were quiet after that question towards him. It was a bit awkward. I glanced at him and he was still looking at the sky. He was thinking about something I thought to myself.

It broke off when he said " well I think you are qualified to be my friend… or maybe not...its not like you have any anyway" he exclaimed with a harsh tone. I think he was teasing me.

"Hey, I have friends...I have Ara you don't know her yet and Remember him right?" I said angrily and I punched him on his shoulder as hard as I could. He was cracking up so hard and it irritates me so much.

 I was still hitting him. I don't know why it was fun hitting a bad boy, a jerk that is Kai, but he grabbed one of my arms and looked towards me with his glowing eyes of his. I felt delighted and cheerful for some reason. a small smile crept on my lips.

"Can you stopped I was just joking by the way?" he said with a teasing tone of his voice, he came closer to my ear and whisper " So are you nervous when I do this" he smirked at me and I turned my head towards him.

"No, I am not, now leave it's already 4.30 pm why are you here?" I yelled at him and looked away while crossing my arms.

"Can a friend stay with you and keep you company, sugar cube?" he said and smirked.

"Oh, now I have a cute nickname huh how many girls you told that too?" I said as I am boiling up.

"Oh, you think that is cute" he rolled his eyes and looked at me.

My face was burning up as I feel my cheeks and all red like a tomato.

"Ahh cute you are blushing because of me am I that attractive?" he said and cubbed my cheeks. 

"No, I wasn't blushing, Kai  " I pushed hi hands that were on my face away and calm myself down. Why he have to be so attractive?

"Sure you weren't, Hana" he chuckled at me.

"Can I sleep here?" He asked.

I didn't have time to say anything but he just laid his head on my lap. I could feel my heart beating rapidly fast again. I just hope my watch wasn't going to make the beeping noise again. I need to calm down. He is just Kai. Nothing special. Well, this is a first that a boy sleeping on my lap.

"Wake me up when you want to leave," he said and he dozes off into a deep sleep.

As he was in his deep slumber. I stared at him for the longest time. I looked at his slick black hair of his and stroke it to feel it. Wait why did I do that?

I looked at my time and it is really increasing. I was right it was him. Still, I know it is in his shoulder but I can't just take off his shirt. Yes, he was wearing a long sleeves blue shirt. Who knows how his body looks. yes, I could picture it with his abs galore. I know he has a six-pack under that blue shirt. Wait, Hana, your pervert side is showing as my cheeks turn rosy red.

"Are you checking me out?" He said and turned his head to looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"No, I didn't why you think that?" I argued.

I wasn't checking him out. I was justing observing him. Yes to know where his clock is not checking him out. He is should a fool of himself. But for some reason, I could feel tingling in my stomach. I  feel giddy for some reason and butterflies when he said that.

"Oh really?" He laughed because my face was so red.

A heavy silence settled over us, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. It felt awkward now because we were not talking. I don't know why I kept on stealing glances at him. He just smiles.

He broke it off by saying" So, Hana why did you write dear diary 5 more months to go? In your diary of yours," he started to stare at me.

"Hmmm….none of your business" I glared at him.

"You will eventually tell me the truth behind that...Hana, I am sure of it, I just need you to open up to me that's all" he mumbled.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

" Nothing I am just saying that your eyes are beautiful," he said while staring at me.

I started to blush from that compliment I assume. I could feel the heat growing in on my cheeks. By now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness. It was the blush of roses, that peek of champagne pink.

"Umm…" my hands were trembling of nervousness.

" Can't believe you fall for that again" he chuckled.

Why he keeps on teasing and bothering me so much? I hate it. I hate it.

"Haha very funny I hate you, you know that" I shouted while I was hitting his back continuously.

For some reason, he didn't fight back. He just surrenders from my hits from earlier towards him.

"I know," he said while looking into my eyes.


Guys do you like the story so far? The story just began. I just love the bickering between Hana and Kai it's so cute. Stay tuned for the next Chapter I posted it tomorrow. ❤


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