Chapter 26

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Here's an update for you guys. I hope you'll love it. Enjoy.


"I will tell you this... I" I took a few deep breath " I want us to break up" I said as I looked at his intense eyes.

As I looked at him his eyes widen at the sudden offer by me. Who could blame him. It is a shock to him saying that out of the blue. But deep down I wanted to say to him the truth, but I was a coward.

"Hana tell me this isn't true... Please I don't want this to happen to me again.. I just don't want it" he said yelling and I saw sadness in his intense eyes.

"Yes it is I want to break up with you" I said calmly and looking at the floor. I don't want to say it in his face or even looked at him or I will not have the courage to say it In front of him.

"You lying Hana... I know you if you lie you don't looked at the person you are talking to... Please tell you are lying... So look at me in the eyes and say that to me that you want us to breakup" I could hear the pain in his yelling voice.

I held my head up looking towards him take a deep breath " I'm breaking up with you" as my eyes looking into his.

"Please tell me it isn't true... I know it is just a lie still... Look into me and say you don't love me... But I know you still love me"he said still with his painful voice.

" I- I-I hate you. I never love you... Kai I never love you"as I looked into his eyes. I saw he broke down afterwards.

I hate seeing him like this. But it is for the best. I can't stay near him. If I did he will die faster and I will took his time away from him. I can't do that to him. I just can't.

"So all those memories we shared... Means nothing to you Hana... Like the first day we met, when you scratch my bike.... All of the memories are gone now... Is it that simple to you Hana... We're you just toying with me all along? Hana you were my only happiness in this world after... But you hurt me too... Why you have to play with my feelings?" he said with some tears in his eyes and grabbing one of my hands.

" Yes I was playing with you... I never love you... Look at the time I need to go... Bye Kai" I run away from him and by the distance I watch him broke down on his knees sitting on the floor hugging his legs while crying his eyes out.

I really did broke his heart and I broke mine too. Why did I do that. I hate myself for doing this.

I run, my feet kissing the earth. I may have been balking at the thought of running too far and quick a little while ago, now I love the possibility. Bit by bit, my pale cheeks stream down with tears.

Tears blind me and I turn, running as hard as my long legs can carry me, bolting down the street like an Olympic champion at the starting pistol; pushing my speed to an all out sprint. My tennis shoes' pounding noise resonating off the alley walls with a clanging echo that matched my heart throbbing inside my chest with the intense sorrow and terror that I felt as I hurried away.

Then I stopped and took a slow pace to walk. I looked up at the clear sky and thought about what I did. "Stupid" I screamed to myself and carried on with my head looking down on the floor.

I know I was selfish about it. I should tell him why or the truth. But I did not tell him. I realize I was dumb to do this. I do it to protect him. I don't want to make use of him again. I don't want to be greedy. I don't want to be the reason why he's dying because of me.


I was at home laying on my bed with a pillow on my head covering me from my misery. Those words that I said to him. I didn't mean to I was such a coward.

The tears burst out from a dam like water, spilling my face downwards. I feel my chin 's muscles trembling like a little girl, and I look at the window as if it could soothe me. The side effect of this constant fear, constant stress with which I live, is static in my head once more. I hear my own sounds, raw from the inside, like a distressed child. It takes everything I didn't know I 'd have to give out of me. That's how it is when people get gritty. It's like a spirit theft, an injury that nobody else can see.

Our memories that cherish a lot. Each detail of that day, like an Etch a Sketch, was burned into my memory, and if it was shaken, I'm more than sure the memories will stay.

The day we met. "Why are you running away from me". That's right I always run away from problem. I did that when we first met.

"Your name" those words he said that time make my heart flutter. I didn't admit it that time, but I did. And the confession he made to me. I was so happy at that time. Tears still fell down on my face. Thinking of all those great and happy memories I have with him.

I heard my phone ring. That's when I got to reality. I get up get my phone and held it to my ear.

"Hello" I said.

I paused at the sudden news.

"Sorry to say this but your Aunt passed away today" the guy I think he is the doctor said from the other side of the call.

I got a huge surprise. I knew about the duration of her life, it was a couple of weeks left but she still died. It is very difficult to think about and the tears already dropping down on my cheeks.


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