chapter 17

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Hey guys here is an update for you guys sorry to keep you guys waiting. I hope my lovely readers enjoy it.


The kiss was so heavenly I never felt this way about someone before. Maybe because I never fell on love before. Who could blame me with this so called power I always worried concern about people and about me too about death that it slipped my mind. For once I felt like someone truly love me for me.

I loved the way he melted his broad body into mine. The way our lips fit just like two pieces of puzzle. He relented the way he played with my hair, holding me more and more close. After what felt like ages we broke apart and I looked at him "How long?" It was all I asked. I ignored the question. He held my hand gently and smiled and escort me to his car.

In the car.
We were in Kai's car and we didn't talked after the kiss. I don't know maybe it was shocking for me. But questions keep coming up in my head. Did he really confessed to me by kissing me?

Silence lay like a down-filled duvet over the car, he was completely paying attention to the road and there's me admiring his perfect features. How did I do to deserve this kind of man in my life.

The car stopped unexpectedly. Wait the lights turned red that's why, but he slightly turned his head to me "sugar cube closed your mouth... I know I'm handsome, good-looking, cute and flies might go in your mouth, so be careful" he joked with a bright chuckled.

"Oh" I simply shut my mouth. That was rather humiliating and turned my head facing the window.

As we reached in front of my front wooden gate, I am still looking elsewhere not him. I need to break this awkwardness between us.

"Kai I have a question...what do you do if I was in danger?" I said leaning into his shoulder.

"I will protect you Hana I really do and I was meaning to tell you this for the longest time... Hana I love you" he said and saw I was sleeping on his shoulder.

He removed some strains of my hair tucked them behind my ear and said "Hana I really do mean it I really do love you... I know I could be mean at times but you change me... The moment you argue back at me then it hits me you were different then the other girls... They would just cry and run away but you, you just yelled back at me... I don't know why that make me fall in love with you but you look cute doing it... "he smiled.

Few minutes after, he tried to wake me up by gently shake me, but it didn't work. He tried many techniques but still I am fast sleeping.

" You a really are a heavy sleeper... I'm not complaining but what if your parents worried about you"he thought to himself and continued by kissing my forehead" Please Hana don't leave me like-'he got interrupted by yawning of me waking up.

"Oh Kai" I yawn.

"Hana we already arrived ages ago but seeing you soundly fast a sleep you were so cute that I don't want to wake you up" he grinned.

"Oh really... by the way Kai thanks for inviting me to your mom brithday party... Next time tell me where we going first OK" I grabbed his collar and he gulped and nodded.

I kiss his cheek to thank him "There... thank you Kai see you tomorrow" he just starred at me when I was opening the door of the car to go inside.


I was walking down the hallway to get my stuff. The hallway is wide and clean like the old stream that passes through the area, except pigment is deeply affected and peeling instead of soupy greens overwhelmed by fresh foliage. The floor is bright though, just like the morning tea, brought by the caretaker to a high shine.

Once I saw Kai with Suho and Baekhyun I stopped in my tracks. What were they talking about. I hid myself behind a locker but I didn't managed to hear anything. Kai and Suho walked away and that's leaves Baekhyun. I know I am not that closed with him, but he seem nice. I think.

People say he is a player that dates girls left and right. Maybe that was just rumours. Anyways enough of that, I walked to my locker get my notebook and pencil case and put them in my bag.

"BOO!" Baekhyun shouted at me, and I jumped, shouting, "Aaahh, scared me."

"I need to talk to you Hana" he stopped me from going any further.

What is it then that he wants?


At the school's rooftop.

"Here catch" Baekhyun said as he throw a carton of apple juice and I caught it"Thank you"

"Hana I didn't introduce myself properly I'm Byun Baekhyun best friend of Kai since middle school" he sipped his drink.

"Oh nice to meet you Baekhyun... ummm What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked and sipped my drink.

"Actually about Kai" he replied.

"Yes what about him" I said still sipping my drink.

"Well Kai didn't always been like this arrogant hate people type of guys he use to be a kind and shy guy that people adore him"Baekhyun said while looking at the sky.

" No way him nice and kind to people is just new to me" I said while my eyes widen.

"Yes he used to be like that but his old girlfriend left him and he felt heartbroken ever since... I saw he change from this innocent guy turns someone that I don't know anymore"Baekhyun said with a calm voice.

" Oh"was the only word that come out of my mouth.

"Do you want to know how it's starts" he said still drinking his apple juice.

I just nodded. So Kai became like that because of his ex-girlfriend.


Next chapter will be a Flashback about Kai from Baekhyun's story, so we get to learned more about Kai's back story. Stay tune for the next chapters to come and don't forget to vote and comment.

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