chapter 9

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Hey, guys here is an update for you. I hope you guys love it.


"I know," he said while looking into my eyes.

"Well you didn't answer my question, why did you say you have 5 months left what was that all about," he asked me again and I just looked at him.

I don't know what to say to him at this moment. I don't want to worry him. I just don't want him to know my secret that I can see people's lifespan. Also about I don't have much time to live. I just looked at him with no words comes out of my mouth, I was speechless. Quick think of something.

Just as I was about to think of something to answer my phone rang and it makes me jump from my place. The ringing of my phone went off like an annoyed rattlesnake. So, I picked it up.

"Hold that thought,"  I said to Kai

"Hello who is this," I asked.

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause silence while my thoughts catch up.

I was white as chalk by now. My eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and although I  was staring into the sky because I cannot believe what the doctor said to me. One of my hands covered my mouth still in shock.

My eyes drip with tears. My walls, the walls that hold me up, make me strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching my shirt. Perhaps these tears will help wash the blood out. I press my head against the wall... baby blue, so innocent... I am anything but innocent. I'm trembling. I can't-can't stop. Even as I press my hand against the wall it shakes, it trembles. It's raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. I can't stop... I can't stop. Why can I not stop crying?

As I was still crying, for some reason I felt two arms wrapped around me "you look anything fine...I'm here for you... whatever it is just let it all out" he said while letting me cry more. 

He pulled me close, gently rubbing my arm. Despite the heaviness, it fluttered at the feeling of my body pressed against his. I sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture he gives me. For some reason, it's comforting and makes me calm down again and felt like he is there for me.

I pulled away from his hug and said " Thanks for that I really needed that, sorry Kai I need to go" I get up and started to run but stop by someone hands that were grabbing me.

"Wait I go with you" he insisted and I just nodded.

I didn't reject his offer because I want to focus on the news that I just heard or witness a moment ago.

Well look at the time we rush down the stairs through the hallways and to the main school's entrance. At the moment there barely any students around.

As we were at the entrance, I saw the sky and the puffy clouds are turning grey. Just as a drop of crystal-clear water appeared on my fragile skin, yes it started to rain. Rain dripping slowly and heavily.

Soon, it began sprinkling. Little droplets of water drenched her hair, skin, and dress. The water droplets began growing larger and falling frequently. The light ‘pitter-patter’ of rain turned into wet thuds as the icy water raced to meet the ground. The sprinkling turned into a torrential downpour. The coldness seeped through her gauzy gown and chilled her skin. Truffle’s hooves were sloshing through the thick, slushy mud. The clouds grew darker and darker.

 "I don't have an umbrella," I said to him.

"Neither do I," he added.

What to do. What to do I need to go or it's will be too late I thought as I was walking back and forth panicking on what to do.

"Hana I have an idea," Kai said ss he stopped me from panicking.

"Go on" I reply.

"You have two options...either we go wherever you are going to go on my bike or we just stay here until the rain stop...its your choice" he smiles brightly.

I have no choice I am in a hurry so...

"I choose your bike" I answered.

"Hope on and Hana you didn't tell me where are we heading?" He asked and give me a helmet for me to wear.

"Here I wear it for you" he put the helmet on my head gently and I was just staring and glancing at his beautiful face while my heart started to beat fast" Here you go Hana," he said and our eyes met. we stared at each other and I felt like it was forever and everything else stopped or frozen.

When our eyes lock it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from my lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. It broke off from his sudden words" So, where are we going?" He started his bike and still, the sky is becoming darker and darker with grey clouds everywhere with the rain still pouring heavily.

"Earth to Hana is anybody there, I know... should I  kiss you then," Kai said teasing me.

"Wait what did you just say?...why would I kiss you jerk" I stick my tongue out at him.

"I know you won't haha Hana finally you're on earth again" he replied with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh yeah I need to go to the hospital it's really urgent," I told him and he didn't question anything and started the engine and start to head to the hospital that I told him.

As we reached the hospital, I straight away unbuckled my helmet and put it in the bike.

"Wait for me" Kai yelled as I was rushing in the hospital's entrances.

"Kai just try to keep up" I replied.

"I am sugar cube" he smirked and run towards me.

"What did you just call me? Don't ever call me that again" I glared at him.

"Did I annoyed you?" He replied teasing me.

"Yeah isn't it obvious" I replied still irritated by him.

We were at the hospital lobby. I didn't look at anything else because I was focused on one thing only and I asked "Where is my aunt located now?".

"Room 201 miss" the person who was mending the desk said.


What do you guys think to happen in the hospital? Stay tuned for the next chapter. Maybe I update more because of the quarantine. Don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot.

 Don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot

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