Chapter 2

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Thanks for reading my book. I hope you will love this chapter.

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.

"I hate you" I shouted.

"I heard that I see you later" he answered.

I could feel that he was smirking at me.


"What did he say? " Ara asked me while chewing potatoes chips that was in her hand.

We were in a small coffee shop, not far from my house just across the street. It is a really small and cute shop.

The tiny café huddled despondent among the huge city buildings. Washed out under the overcast sky, it hunched in itself, fighting against the drizzle. Hundreds of people rushed by it, outside on the crowded street. The half a dozen customers glanced up as the door swung open, heralded by a blast of cold wind.

Unlike the outside, the interior of the café was warm and cheery, with bright lights and colourful walls. The customers returned to their conversations as the door swung closed behind the new entrant and the cold breeze was forgotten.

"That I need to pay him 200 000 won" I replied as I stir my hot chocolate while looking at it.

"Wait isn't that expensive for just a scratch?" she continued.

"I know right... It's so annoying. You can clearly see that I didn't mean it" I replied still stirring the drink.

"Well, there's something else... I can't see his-" I got cut off with a sudden voice.

"Hey, Hana... Ara" Suho came in the shop calling us with his big bright smile.

We turned our head to face him. He is not that tall like 5'8. He was wearing a blue denim jacket with just a white polo shirt, black ripped skinny jeans. As he walked to us, it was like a fashion show that he was walking in the runway towards us.

The bright light glows through the gradient skins that will make you feel so devoted to looked at him. Plus his handsome facial features that look almost like a Disney Prince. It was just his aura the vibes when he delivered himself.

His name is Kim Junmyeon, as I love to call him Suho. He was one of my friends since middle school.

"May I join you guys?" he asked and pulled out a chair to sit with us.

"Sure" I replied.

"So what were you guys talking about?" he asked us again while looking at the menu to order.

"Well just this jerk wanting me to pay just because of a scratch on his bike," I said with a nonchalant manner.

"Really if I see him next time I will punch him for you... How much you need to pay? " he said while his coffee got delivered to him and take a sip of it.

"200 000won" I replied.

"Wait that's a lot for just a scratch" he continued.

"That's what I was saying" Ara replied to him.

"What's his name so I know who to beat up", he said while his hands formed a fist.

"Kai" I replied sipping my drink.

" Wait...What? " his eyes widen with the sudden reveal of the name and he started to gasp and gulp for breath. He was screaming silently and slowly losing consciousness.

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