Chapter 11

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It has been a while since I updated this. Sorry for the wait. I hope you love it. Enjoy.


" Before you leave I need to ask you something?" he scratches his neck.

" Go on," I said with my eyes widen from his question.

" Can I have ...." Kai said trembling his words.

" Can I have your number? "he asked putting one of his hands behind his head.

" Wait... what... what did you just say? "I asked him with my eyes widen from the sudden question from him. It feels like he wanted to ask me something else but whatever. Wait he wants my number. Kai wants my number. I could feel a little smile crept on my face but become what it was before afterwards my I don't care face.

" I asked you for your number Hana... Can't a friend asked for her number... We are friends remember " he rolled his eyes towards me.

" Why would I give you that," I said crossing my arms and looked at the other way.

"Well, you will someday Hana... Well see you tomorrow" he whispered in my ear and it gives me shivers on my spine.

"You get blush easily Hana" he giggled and wave his goodbye to me.

Why he suddenly change personality a bit from a jerk kai I met before to this sweet charming guy that help me when I need him.

I closed the door with my back resting against the front door, smiling brightly, my heart racing very fast at any moment now my watch will go off, but I don't care. I know I kept on distancing myself from him. I don't know why I always do that but deep down I was happy.


I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. My mind was in shreds. I would never get that picture out of my mind. I turned the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my hair and trickled down my back.

My eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing me the images like photographs of those moments that I have with him today. Hana snapped out of it. We just his friends. Anyway, he is a jerk. 


I stepped outside the showers with my hair up wrapped with a purple towel because it was soaking wet. and water dripping down on the floor. Those moments of me and kai played in my head. Why am I thinking of him? I took out one of my pyjamas from my closet and wear it. I jump on my queen-sized bed and lay there with my phone in hand. I closed the door of my room. 

There are not many pieces of furniture in my room, and many of them have been bought when I was a small child. There is a bed, a table, a chair, and a chest of drawers. The floor is covered by a large white carpet that my parents bought somewhere in a nearby shop just across the street. It is warm and fluffy, and I love lying on it reading a book or watching something on my laptop. There are also two shelves on the wall where my parents and I keep books and some little memorable stuff like albums and photos.

These shelves reflect the history of my family. My mother does not like people watching our photos and private things, so she has kept them in my room, away from prying eyes. There is one picture of my father holding a little chunky girl is his strong arms. This little girl is me, and I seem to be genuinely interested in the camera. I look totally happy, and so does my father, which makes this picture especially valuable. On another picture, I stand with my best friend Ara in the schoolyard. 

These pictures I cherished a lot because I remember the great and amazing memories of my family my parents who I love the most. Now I am alone in this house. I know I have my aunt but she is not here right now she is at the hospital. I'm alone in this house. Little droplets of tears started to fall little by little but...

"Ring Ring" I jump from my place from a sudden phone call.

"Hello, Hana is your aunt OK?" Ara said on the other side of the call.

"Yes, she is now it's not a bad injury from the car accident... My aunt is fine" I replied to her.

"That's good... So how have you and Kai been?" she asked. I felt like she is teasing for some reason.

"Why? He is same old kai nothing change" I replied with a harsh tone. But deep down I know he changes just a little bit.

"Really?" she said sarcastically to me.

"Yes we are just friend" I yelled.

"So you two are friends now," she said sarcastically.

"Yes so" I replied.

"Nothing," she said.

"So you still going with the plan using Kai?" she asked me with a calm voice.

"Correction getting close to Kai to spend with my aunt beside I have like few more months" I explained while wiggling my strain of hair.

"It's the same thing" she replied.

"Yeah, he a bit I mean a little bit nice to me today he helps me with my aunt situation at the hospital" I pause for a second" he kinda cute" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Nothing... Anyway, long story short we friends just friends nothing happened and that's final" I exclaimed.

"Whatever you say," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well, I will wait and see what happens" she replied with a smile on her face.

"Wait ... Ara, I have another upcoming call"

"OK I wait"she replied.

"Hello, who is this... Whoever you are make it quick " I said with a harsh tone.

"Wow I just want to say hello to you...that's a bit harsh... Hi to my sweet sugar cube... my friend" a familiar voice spoke on the other side of the line.

"Who is this?" my eyes widen and I am so confused, I recognize the voice. Who might this be? Don't tell me it's...

"Kai, how did you get my number?" I asked him.

"Hi Hana Suho give it to me" he replied.

Suho I will kill you tomorrow just you wait Suho and see you tomorrow I mumbled to myself.

"So Kai what do you want?" I hissed at him.

"Ouch anger much I just want you to be my date," he said nervously.

"Wait... what? " my eyes became bigger of the sudden offer and without realising I end the call with him "Oh shoot" I cursed to myself.

"Hey, are you done talking with Kai what did you guys talk about?" Ara asked me with curiosity.

"He asked me out" I shouted.

"What" Ara yelled.


Stay tune to know what happened next. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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