Chapter 6

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Hello guys. Here is the new chapter for you. I hope you will like it. So enjoy.


"Your beautiful you know that," he said and walked away.

It caught me off the guard. Why did he say that out of the blue? Why he suddenly said that? My legs can't even be moved from the spot. I was completely frozen and I could feel my cheeks turning rosy red.

I was still frozen in my place. Still can't get my feet moving those words just make me speechless, mute, silent, and dumbstruck. It makes me feels all sort of things that I don't know what I am feeling right now. I could feel a tingle in my stomach but in a good way. I feel my heart raising as I put one of my hands on my chest.

Then, I heard a beeping sound from my watch. I saw that my heart is beating rapidly. Normally when it makes that sound or it beating fast, my heart got some kind of a problem. But in this case, I think it was because of something else or maybe it is. I looked at the watch one more time and it stopped beeping.

"Your beautiful you know that" echoed in my head. Questions kept on forming in my head afterwards. Why? Why did he say that to me?

For some reason, I could sense a smile forming from his words.  The corners of my mouth lift up into a smile with a hint of sweetness with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.   I was giggling like an idiot.

I'm I starting to fall for him, Kai. The Kai that I have to pay debt with. It kind of makes me feel like I am falling in love. I can't fall in love with him .with a jerk like him. With a terrible and awful attitude of his that I loathe. I just can't but we can be friends I said to myself.

I look at the time"I'm late" I shouted and ran as fast as I could to the classroom.

"Excused me coming through!" I shout aloud to the student who is in my way as I was still running to class.

I stepped into the class seeing the classroom was full of various noises, it was a mixture of different noises coming through, the screaming of children as they were shouting hurrraayyyy!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!.

The class was full of the girl’s gossips about the parties and events that they have or are going to have. The voice of girls pleading each other for notes. The sound of the choir they were singing about how happy they are for the teacher being absent

The voice of the hands tapping on the table and drumming, it sounded ridiculous. The students were laughing like the devil and saying hahaha!

Maybe because the teacher being absent made the entire class turn into part-market. All the student are happy and a mess.

As I was walking to my desk. I feel my radar ticking when I walked to my desk, I caught Kai stared brazenly into my eyes. Our eyes met, but he broke it off as he wants to talk to suho.

I could feel my cheeks heating up. I think it's like a read tomato now. I suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide my rosy features behind her slim fingers.

"Hana... What happens to your is all red?" Ara turned to me.

"I'm fine" I replied.

"Are you sure" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes," I said.

"Are you sure?" She replied looking at me.

"Yes I'm sure...when will the teacher get here," I said fanning myself" Why is it getting hot all of a sudden"

"I think it's just you," Ara said and turned her head and at Kai who is staring at me.

She just nodded and smiled brightly.

"Whatever you say," she said still smiling.

"By the way, I  can pay the debt to Kai," I said out of nowhere.

"Oh and Hana...are you really going to get close to Kai...aren't you using him?" She asked.

"I know I am a bit but I need to be there for my aunt only have me in this world " I explained.

"Wait if you pay the debt back maybe you won't ever interact with him or be closed with him again" Ara continued.

"I will think of something...Hana Kim always has a plan" I replied.

"Good Morning class...sorry I'm late," the teacher said while putting her stuff on the desk.

I will have a plan.i just need to think of it that's all.


Warm sun from the sunny summer sky beat down on my skin. as I watch the puffy white clouds hovering on the clear blue sky. The wind was just nice. Not too cold, not too hot.

I was at the School rooftop alone. The rooftop is like my happy a like my place to get out of reality and everyone else. Sometimes having this ability will want you to escape life and the world. Just wanting to be alone.

I opened my book. It wasn't just any other book, it was my diary. I write my memories and the moments I have left in my life in them. I wrote these to make whoever find them, they will know that I live a happy life and also to make me remember the precious memories I shared with the people I love or either my family and friends that I live my life in the best way possible before I passed away.

"What's this?" a voice said and snatch my book from my hands.

I was startled from that. I looked at the person. He is tall and handsome. Yes, it's Kai. Why was he here?

"Hey give me back the book...that's mine" I shouted at him. We were standing face to face, but I was short and he held the book high so that I couldn't reach it.

"Kai!!" I yelled.

"Dear diary there's like 5 months left-" I cut him off.

"Hey who said you can read that give it back" I yelled at him and he still holding the book high and I still can't get it.

"Ok if you want this book back... Kiss me first" He said as he moved closer to me. I just froze.


So what do you think will happen next will she kiss him or no? Just stay tuned. Don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot. This just shows that people support me. Thank you.

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