Chapter 4

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Finally an update. I hope you love this chapter as much as I love writing it. Enjoy reading.


It was another day at school. Same morning routine, same old classes. everything was just the same. I was so bored and weary with my head on the desk coping very hard to not go to sleep, but any minute now I will be in my deep sleep. It's all because I don't want to get into trouble with my teacher.

I saw that Ara was fully paying attention to the lesson. Well, she is a smart, clever and intelligent student. A top ace student who always has A's in all of her subjects.

Then there's me a complete opposite. I am just an average, normal typical student. Sometimes I fail Mathematics because I hate it but sometimes I don't.

As I was about to fall asleep I could feel two eyes gazing at me. I could sense that the person is staring at me. I twirled around and looked at him, but he was looking away from my direction.

I turned my head to face the front again and I realize the same eyes were eyeing me. So I twisted my head again to look at him. yeah, it was him, Kai why was he looking at me? Then I looked at suho who was sitting next to him and he just smiles and smiles back at him.

Kai pulled out five fingers and glared at me. What was he on about? He whispered, "You have 5 more days to pay the debt".

Oh my God, I forgot about that.

I need to figure out where is his life clock. I need to figure out a planned to find it. This means I need to get closed to this jerk. Anyways I need to pay the debt too.


The high school cafeteria was crowded with the twenty tables that sat occupied, dirty beyond fixing. It's always packed with the student for much time. The sophomores entered; their chatter and excited laughter filling the building as they sat at their tables for lunch.

To describe the school cafeteria and it's the food was like describing your favourite shade of graphite pencil. In the end, it really didn't matter what you asked for or what you wanted, you'd get the same over-cooked grey offering on it's a grey plate with its grey taste.

Well as for me I was sitting with Ara. We have been here for like 5 minutes before all the cafeteria was packed.

"Yes! I know what to do know! " I cried out loud and everyone stopped and looked at me.

I was so embarrassed. I forgot I was in public. Ara just giggled from my weird actions. She knows I can be a bit weird at times.

"Hana...sometimes I question and concern about you?... Is anything ok? you know that I'm your best friend right?" She said.

"Well let's just say I figured out a way to pay the debt and solve all my problems with him...with that jerk...Kai" I explained why I did that earlier.

"Ok, Hana... are you sure you hate him that much?" She questions me with a smirk plastered on her face.

I know that face of hers. She is teasing me, isn't she?

"Yes I hate him with all my guts" I replied and continued eating my lunch.

"Whatever you say " she replied and her lips went upwards.


I decided to follow him to see to find out where the time clock is.

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