Epilogue KAI POV

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Hi guys this is the last chapter of this fanfic. So thank you for everyone who reads it.


Kai pov.

"You have to find someone," said Suho as he sipping his coffee.

"You know I'm not ready to let Ha rin go yet ... She's always hurting me so much that I'm not ready for a new relationship," I said while drinking next to Suho.

"You have to move on from Ha rin.... Eventually Kai" he replied back.

Until heading to school, me, Suho and Baekhyun are in a coffee shop. It was right across my house, so I had no breakfast. And the others merely came along. It's the school's first day after a long semester break and I'm still heart-breaking from a breakup. It's not an average breakup. My heart is hurting anyway.

"Earth to Kai aren't you ordering something?" Baekhyun said while waving his hands in front of me to get my attention.

I nodded "I will have the regular please".

"Why don't you just start over?... Well Kai there are planty of fishes in the sea" Baekhyun said.

"Baekhyun I am not like you always a different girl in every week... she was a person I was truly love... Now she is gone from this world" I said with a soft tone.

We spoke a few minutes later to catch up. I haven't kept up with them since last year's breakup and now I've just been in my room since school break. I haven't spoken at all to Suho and  Baekhyun. And it's good to be talking at the  moment.

I don't know how it's happen but we ended up with a bet. When Baekhyun loses he will ask the girl out on a date who was just walking in the cafe. I really didn't want to be a part of it at all.

"Hah you lose Baek" Suho said smirking.

"Find I can ask her out give me a few days to do so" Baekhyun said confidently.

"Well guys I  go first" I get up and leave these two at the coffee shop.

Hate my day like everyday, same old life same old me. Just another typical day I guess. I know I am popular with the ladies. I just ignore them. I just hates the attention I am getting at school. I get in my motorbike put on my helmet and drove off.

I was almost at school, I hope I will have a normal day at school today. I was so fast driving my motorbike when I saw a beautiful girl walking. I need to stopped. Breaks why aren't you working?

She stopped walking in front of me and just stared at her. I don't what came over me. I felt everything was slowing down when I looked at her.

I stopped just in front of her. She just looked at me and our eyes locked. I got back to reality when I saw she scratch my bike. I got this as a present from my dad. It was a very expensive bike. As I looked back to her she disappeared. There she is running away from me.

"Hey why are you running away from me? " I  grabbed her hands forcing me to stop.

"I rephrase it again why are you running" I said harshly still I was hands holding hers. I don't know why but I felt like her hands were soft and warmth and I felt a tingle in my heart when our hands touched.

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