Chapter 10

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Hello my lovely readers this is a surprise update. Enjoy. 😉


The fear thoughts looped around in my mind until there was no room for anything else. The "loop" played like this. These next few hours would either pass as a blip in the course of my life, or they would be the final trauma that broke me. Everything and everyone shows me that all will be okay, but I'm anxious.

 It comes as an electrical storm in my brain that, quite honestly, is painful. It's different from a headache and it feels the same as intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go. So though I appear calm, my sad eyes are saying far more than "Help me," they are saying that my soul is in such unbearable pain and because not only I am worried about my aunt but also on people at the hospital, remember I could see when they will die.

As I looked at the people passing by the hospital some were conscious some were waiting in line, we were on the way to my aunt’s room and I accidentally bump into an old woman.

“Sorry let me help you up” as I give the old woman a hand I saw a glimpse of her life clock” a few hours to go” I mumble to myself.

The anxiety sits below my smile, my actions, my silly jokes... It is there like over- caffeinating but without the option not to drink a cup. So there I am, all amped up with no escape.

“Thanks, deary, I can walk on my own” the old lady said.

“ Are you sure?” I asked.

“ Yes, I’m sure” she replied and walked away.

Kai edged his hand toward mine ever so slightly, until I felt his fingertips brush my hand.

“ Kai what you doing” I said with a confused face.

“ holding your hand because you seem sad, I still don’t know what happened to your aunt, so I am here to help you be calm and not be miserable let’s go” Kai explain while dragging me and smiling.

“ Kai what happened to the jerk Kai that I know,” I said.

“ What you talking about just shut up and follow me you want to see your aunt right?” he grins at me. 

I just slightly nodded. Why was he acting sweet, kind and nice all of a sudden? 

“Here we are," Kai said releasing my hands.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I straight away ran to my aunt who was laying on the hospital bed.

“Aunty are you ok? Is there any injury ...please be fine” as I grabbed my aunt’s hands while worrying about her.

“I’m fine it was just a minor injury and the accident was not that bad” she explains to me.

“Are you sure...I’m just worried about you that’s all?” I said calmly and still concern about her.

“I know dear” she stroke my long silky black hair and I  slightly smile. 

“Ahem..” Kai gives a fake cough to get our attention. 

He was just standing there for like a few minutes when I talked with my aunt. He was so quiet.

“ Who might you be?” my aunt asked looking at him.

“Umm-” he got cut off “are you  Hana’s boyfriend?” my aunt asked him. 

“Umm-” he got cut off again “ No he is not” I yelled immediately without Kai’s chance to answer.

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