Chapter 18

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Hello here an update for you guys. I hope you'll enjoy it.

"Do you want to know how it's starts" he said still drinking his apple juice.

I just nodded. So Kai became like that because of his ex-girlfriend.

"During the party everyone was shocked because he indroduced you as his girlfriend... He never had one right after her... Or yes you don't know her... I feel like you should know the story because you deserve to know and don't tell him that I tell you this ok"he said calmly.

"I won't... I promise" I assured him.

"Years ago in the land far away... I got too a head of myself" as he smile. I giggled because of his cuteness.

"Anyways... Me and Kai use to be friends when we were kids. Childhood friends as you can say. One day, we saw a young girl with long brown hair. Her hair was a lovely whisky, the color of fallen leaves browned and sleek with the first rain of autumn. She is the same age as us playing alone. We were in a playground swing on the swings while we saw that she was there all alone.... so we went to her and started to be her friend", he continued as I was just listening to the story.

"On that moment we became the best of friends. You should see kai back then he is way different. His attitude is so different. Meaning he's kind considerate to people and he smile a lot. We were friends that  no one could  separate us like those  chewing gum that sticks when you touch it or stick in your hair I don't why you would but"he chuckled. I just smile from his jokes.

"The one time I got to talked to him about this... About if he has feelings for her... he said yes and I said just confess to her then he did. They became a couple leaving me as the third wheeling... I got used to it" he continued.

"Then they become a couple went on dates. They were really close. Kai really lives her. I think almost everyone knew about their relationship even Suho...we just became friends with him. Time past and it was their 10 month anniversary. Kai was planning a surprise date for her. Oh yeah I forgot to mention her name is Ha Rin. OK back to the story, Ha Rin doesn't like Kai spending things for him, she always lecture him to save money because he always went overboard. Few dates before the surprise date that he plan, he wants to make something that she loves and that is origami brids. Why because she did this when he asked her out buy doing it with her. He was doing 10 for thier 10th month anniversary as a couple together. "he stopped to drink his apple juice.

So Kai’s first love is Ha Rin. I'm pretty sure she is a kind and nice person that he falls in love with. I wonder where she is now?

" Here comes the sad part of the story,  Kai got a phone called from Ha Rin to broke up with him. I didn't know exactly what she said to him but I'm only telling you what he told me. He was devastated and heartbroken from the sudden breakup. A tear rolled down  onto his cheeks, but he didn't care;  all he cared about was folding those origami , "I had to stay focused" he said. but after a lifetime of being oblivious torture, he let go and cried his eyes out. I came to his house from what he told me on what happened so I confort him saying if you love her so much you should tell her why she breaking up with you. There's most be a reason because I know you guys that well that you too love eachother.on the day of the suppose to be thier 10th anniversary suprise date, he went to her house with a bouquet of flowers in his one hand. He rang the door bell and Ha Rin answered the door and her eyes widen from the sudden handsome Kai wearing a tusk with a bouquet of flowers. "Hi, happy anni-" he wants to finished the sentence but suddenly, she collapse in front of him.

"He was in panic mode and straight away called the ambulance to send her to the hospital. Turns out she has an illness with no cue for it cancer. He was so shocked and surprised. The doctor said on that day was her last day for her living on this earth. He held her hand and said"Why didn't you tell me this sooner... Now I know why you want to break up with me... to make me less heartbroken but it didn't happen I am really going to miss you Ha Rin. I was beside him seeing everthing he said to her. and he wasn't his old self ever since."he said and now" He's that arrogant guys you met."

" Wow I'm just speechless"I said quietly.

My body felt numb as I heard the end of the story. I could feel something dripping from my eyes to cheeks now"are you crying Hana? "Baekhyun wiped away my tears quickly.

" I'm sorry it is just a very sad story but it wasn't just a story but this happened to Kai’s past... He must be so miserable for him to not have the chance to say goodbye to her on that day before she left him for good" I suddenly felt the pain he was feeling all those years ago. The feeling of loosing someone you love so dearly.

"See Hana that's why he act like that towards people but when you came along he change... He slowly become his old self again and no one can ever  replace his first love but I believe he can find someone that can change him back to his usual self again. I want to see him smile again. He is really different now. But it change when he met you. I could see it in his personality now it change a bit. He smile a bit when he is with you.
So Hana I am glad he found you just take care of him for me" he said with a bright smile.

"Really" I  said.

"Why are you so dense, he love you. I thought he will never found love again but I was wrong."Baekhyun replied.

" I know that he loves me I just don't know if he will accept the past and move on" I assure him.

"I got to go now... I need to settle something about a lie or a bet that I did to date this person, maybe you know her Eun Ji is her name and I need to say I'm sorry to her" he said as he saw a girl walking beside us. We were standing in the hallway. (those of you read my Baekhyun fanfic may recognise Eun Ji)

"Oh OK Baekhyun you not so bad after all I thought you were just a player who hunts girls but I was completely wrong and Baekhyun go to her just tell her the truth that you love her and it wasn't just a bet." I simple at him.

"How do you know that?" he said with a confused face.

"Just a feeling I  had just go to her..." He waved and walked away.

So, that’s why he acts arrogant to everyone it's because of his broken and painful  past.


Now we know a bit of Kai's past. What will happen next. Stay tune. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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