Chapter 27

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Here's another update for you guys. I hope you guys will love this chapter as much I love writing it. So, enjoy reading.


"Sorry to say this but your  Aunt passed away today" the guy I think he is the doctor said from the other side.

I got a huge surprise, really. I knew about the duration of her life, it was a couple of weeks left but she still died. It is very difficult to think about and the tears already dropped down on my cheeks.

I rushed down stairs as fast as I could take my cardigan that was hanging on the wall and some sandals and rushed out to look for a taxi. I told everyone about my Aunt's death. Even Kai. I just texted him.

"Where to?" the taxi driver said.

"To songta Hospital please" I replied still worrying and crying on the inside looking out the window of the taxi.

I know she will die in few days or even weeks. But I don't want it to be now. Now I have no one with me. No family to go back to. You can say I am lonely. First it happens to my parents. Then my uncle now my Aunt. Who else will disappear from my life. My life is so cruel that it is really hurt and painful. That's why I distancing myself from Kai. I don't want my other person who truly love me with all his heart to die because of me. I just don't want it.

I found myself alone, for the first time in my life. A huddled heap of ripped jeans and torn cardigan, sitting alone and in darkness utterly terrified. The dark eaten up my frail shape. Now in this whole world, it was just me alone.

20 minutes later, I arrived at the hospital that my aunt who passed away.

"Thank will be 4000 won please" the driver said as he turned to face me.

"Here you go" I give him the money. I get out of the yellow taxi and walked to the front of the hospital.

Little more than a large house on a hill, the hospital was, indeed, what it was before the war. But after pushing the enemy back beyond their own boarders, they took this mansion for their own use and flew into the medical staff and supplies they needed. Now the generous size bedrooms and lounge areas were wards, their original function was preserved only by the dinning room and kitchen.

I rushed to the front desk with my own two feet.
"Is Mrs. Jiyoung here.... I mean where is Mrs. Kim Jiyoung" I said almost out of breath.

"She is in room 304...miss"the lady at the desk said politely.

" Thank you "

I ran to search for the room. As I scanned the hospital rooms, I searched for the room high and low. At last, I found it as I breathed so heavily.

I said "Room 304" while holding the door knob to open it.

As I walked around the room, I saw my aunt laying on a hospital bed, covering her face with the blanket. I saw that and I walked towards her and sat down on the chair next to my aunt and began to cry.

"I regret it all ... Why didn't I visit you aunt Jiyoung regularly ..." Tears began flowing even more"you're the only family I've left in this world ... I love you aunty ... I remember when you used to scold me a lot when I was a little girl ... you've always been there for me now you're not there beside me as you told me all those years ago "I said while crying.

When I heard the sound echoed across the room. It was the sound of the door opening, I paused and wiped my tears away and turned to see who it was.

A man wearing a white coat holding on his hands a set of files walked towards me, "Your  Kim Hana right?" I nodded.

He most be the doctor. Yes he is who else would wear a white coat and walked into a hospital room.

"I'm so sorry, but we couldn't do anything else to save her ... We really did our absolute best... we 're really sorry," the doctor said.

I said "OK."

Deep down I know there is nothing that could be done to save her. One there's no cure for cancer and I already know her time have come, but it was sooner then I have expected.

I paused for a second, and I thought to myself what if there's no determination for someone death to happen. It could happen at anytime. I got to my senses when the doctor interrupted me.

"Before we buried her for the funeral tomorrow, we need to send her to the room ... Can you sign this?" he handed me a pen to sign.

I sign it and I read "Kim Jiyoung aged 56 died on 21st April 2010, and return  it back to him.

I walked to the door. As my hands held the knob and opening it while looking at the floor. I didn't see where I was going. I was too caught up with my thoughts about my ability thing that I just discovered.

" I'm sorry" I bumped into someone chest. I do not know who it was because I did not see where I was going. We fell in the hallway. I tried to get up and saw it was someone familiar. It was Kai. My eyes widen in shock. Why is he here? Right I text him idiot why would I do that after I break up with him.

"You should looked where you were going" he said still on the floor wiping some dirt  on his black jacket.

As he got up on his feet our eyes met.


I hope you enjoy the story so far. What will happen next. Stay tuned to fine out. Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot.

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