Chapter 7

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Here is another update for you guys. I hope you will love this chapter.


"Ok if you want this book back... Kiss me first" He said as he moved closer to me. I just froze.

His face was very close. I never see his face up close before. I have to admit it he is so handsome and good- looking. I can't lie to myself, I need to be honest to myself. I could see his smirking plastered on his smooth face.  His cheeky smile of his that will make anyone for his tricks to fall for him and do what he wants. A lot of girls will die and melt from his sudden offer. But it will never work on me. Maybe just a little bit. That little bit is my sudden heart racing.

My breath hitched and my heart pumped hard as I saw his face very close to mine. Any time now our lips will touch. So, I instantly try to back away little by little. Out of all the moments in my life, I think this is the moment that makes my heart skip a beat. I could feel it getting faster.

"Beep!Beep!" My watch was beeping because of my heart racing very fast than usual. It took Kai by surprise and looked at me as his eyes widen.

"O-oh it's just...  my watch telling me it's 4 pm ...umm that's all nothing really special " my words were trembling because I was so nervous around him. I don't know for some odd reason I don't want to tell him I was sick with a rare disease that involves my heart.

I think it is because I don't want to get another person to worry about me. I just don't want to burden someone else. I don't want to see another person feel sad and miserable towards me again. I saw those teary eyes on my mom, dad, my best friend, Ara and also my aunt and uncle before he passed away. 

"Oh ok...let me asked you again if you want this book need to kiss me first," he told me again as he gets closer to me and I could see a small smirk crept on his lips.

I could feel my heart racing again, but this time it isn't as fast as the moment before. I could feel my cheeks heating up. With my cheeks slowly turning and burning bright red. I think I am blushing so hard right now. So, I immediately cover my face so that he didn't see it.

"Are you blushing because of me?"He smirked while rolling his eyes towards me.

Quick think of something. Without realizing, I stepped on one of his feet and took the book or my diary back from him.

"Ouch!!" He yelled from my sudden actions towards him.

"There you need to learn...don't just simply tell a person who you met like a few days ago and asked the person to kiss think that I'm that cheap and easily fall for your Kai I knew your a bad boy and a little bit of playboy in the mix...eww not my type...this is a warning don't ever touch this book again" I was so angry and I glared at him while crossing my arms with frustration towards him.

"Have you always been this beautiful, Hana?" He said out of the blue.

I can't fall for that again.

"KIM JONGIN... are you flirting with me?" I asked rolling my eyes still mad. He didn't even listen to what I was saying.

"Now... leave me alone, a  girl needs her alone time" I pushed him and straight away sit down as my back against the wall while starting towards the blue sky.

He just stood there for a few second and then he walked towards me and sat next to me.

"Can I sit here with you… I won't distract your alone time" he said calmly.

Why is he so clinging? Why he wants to be close to me. It is so weird to me. A tall handsome guy who is popular in my school wants to be close to me. Wait I forgot I need him to be close to me and the debt I need to give it to him. I search for my bag and rummaging through my things and I found the money. Yes, just the right amount.

" the money for the debt," I said and revealed the money to him.

"Oh," and he takes it.

He then looked at the puffy cloud and started to talk to me and I just listen to him.

"You know what Hana...for some reason I can't take you out of my, not like that...not in a romantic way I don't know our encounter from that very day maybe it's just a moment that I can't forget," he said and turned his head towards me and a bright smile crept on his lips.

" Oh… well maybe because it was just a crazy moment... I don't know...Hey, Kai who's the other guy the short guy with hair covering his forehead?"I asked him to change the topic.

"Oh Baekhyun...he is my friend why?..why are you asking about him...hmm," he said.

"No reason I just saw him with you that's all" I answered.

"So, you were stalking me, Hana… I didn't know you were head over heel in love with me" he said jokingly while rolling his eyes.

"No I didn't " I shouted and try to hit his shoulder but he caught my hand just in time.

All of a sudden our eyes locked to each other like we were the only ones at the moment in time. It felt like everything else stopped at the moment. I don't know what I am feeling.

He then immediately release my hand and looked away. I don't understand him. One minute he is so fooled of himself basically a jerk the next thing he is sweet. I just ignored it.

Idiot...I need to get closed to him remember to get a bit of time left of my life. I thought and facepalm myself.

I tapped his shoulder and said, "So, Kai are we, friends?"

" Yeah, sure whatever if you insist," he said and looked away.


What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out. Don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot.

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