Chapter 12

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Here's an update for my lovely readers. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I will update more often from now on. For now enjoy.


"What" Ara yelled.

"You heard me right he asked me out" I replied. 

"Wow, he like you" she smirked while rolling his eyes. 

"Just shut up" I yelled. 

"I won't Kai and Hana sitting in a tree k-i-s-" she got cut off by me"Don’t you dare" I said "I will" she continues "OK then I hang up on you bye Ara," I said and putting down my phone. 

Why did he ask me out? I am dumb with this sort of things and why did I hang up on him the other day. I'm so stupid. Now I can't get him out of my head. He still doesn't know my secrets yet. Will he believe me when I told him. Then again I might not tell him. This is confusing I put one of my pillows and covered my head to get rid of the confusion. 


The next day, it was a school day as usual. Same old day, same old routine. I was in the hallway. The corridor is long and straight like the old river that passes through the area, except paint is scarred and peeling instead of watery greens overwhelmed by fresh foliage. The floor is bright though, just like the morning tea, brought by the caretaker to a high shine.

I went along the corridors or the hall to find my locker to bring my stuff inside. I said proudly "I found it." I bring my stuff inside my locker and took my books out of the locker when I heard some noise from some girls crowding around some person.I didn't see who it was. With my annoyances, I glanced to them slowly rising. It was the afternoon and the school has just finished, I have no time for it. I saw who they were swooning over. 

Kim Jongin, Kai. 

I saw him flirting with all the girls. I thought you change Kai. So all that asking me out was one of your games too. I was so angry and closed the locker door hardly. 

"Why are do they even like him... He is arrogant, harsh love to flirt a lot... but then again why did he is nice towards me though " I walked away from the locker when I felt a hand stopped me from my steps. 

It was one of Kai's the hand. "What do you want?" I yelled. He didn't answer me, and he grabbed my hands and said, "You need to follow me," and he smiled.I didn't have time to say anything he just drags me.

His cheeky smile that always gets me. I know I don't always smile back but deep down well he made my heart flutter. 

He brought me to a nearby store, a clothing store to be exact or a small little boutique. I have never been here before because I don't care what I wear everyday. I just wear whatever just lying around in my room. Why did he bring  me here? 

" Here try this on" kai handed me a cute black and white long sleeve dress. 

"Umm" that's all I can say and went to the dressing room. 

Questions were popping up in my mind. Why did he bring me here and want me to try this beautiful dress on and search for the price tag and see. I can't afford this.this dress is expensive. Don't tell me his family is rich. Try to think of it he never told me about his family. 

I tried it on. "Wow I never knew I could be this pretty" I said with my eyes wide open. 

Now I feel nervous to go out. Take a deep breath and calm myself down. It's just kai outside. 

I opened the dressing room door slowly and walked out. 

"There you are.. What took you so long " Kai paused for a second looking at me"you look… look "his words tremble towards me. 

I interrupted him" I know I am not pretty just say it Kai"

He grabbed my hands and our eyes met with each other "Don't ever say that… Hana you look beautiful…  I really mean it". 

I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks. I turned my head to the side to avert his gaze, but the sudden rosiness of my cheeks gave it away. 

"Umm… You want anything to eat?" he asked nervously. I'm too slow to answer his question and he dragged me to a coffee shop that also serves bubble tea.

Why is he doing all of this? I asked myself. I was  slipping on the wet asphalt was unexpected, like rain in February, and just as harsh. Here, you can tell who fell, what caused the fall, and what kind of mood is being created by that fall. Well I know that 

I tripped on something and I hurt my knee. 

I should have worn any kind jeans today. Hana why must you be so clumsy. Kai was on the call when all this happened. Well he didn't know I was falling. I can't just say he doesn't care. 

Moments later I got up meaning I sit on a bench and see Kai's almond brown eyes became wider kind off like concern in a way. 

"What happened to your knee?" he said and straight away sat next to me and looked at my knee. 

"I fell isn't that obvious I know I'm so clumsy" I explained to him. 

"Be more careful next time...Anything like pants should be worn. See now what happened. You hurt yourself and almost gave me a heart attack" he said with a  worrying about me speech. 

Through all that I was just staring at him. He really concerns about me it was just a minor injury on my knee. 

" Kai. I'm the one who's in pain can you help me out by not nagging at me like my mother and maybe help me to see the clinic or something" I groaned as I held my hand. 

"Stay here I will buy some bandage.. be right back" he dash to a nearby pharmacy. 

"Here it is" He put the bandage on my knee. 

"Thanks Kai.. I really meant it" I said. 

He stared at me for a while right after and put a coat over my shoulder and bring me to his bike. 

He was so quiet. I don't know what was he thinking at this moment. Did I go too far from before when I yelled at him for his nagging?

At Kai's bike, "Sorry if I hurt your feelings you were just worried about me" I apologise. 

His eyes locked on mine as I was apologizing. I could see a smile crept on his face. "How can I be mad at you sugar cube" he continues with a smirked. 

Hey, I told you not to called me that" I hit his shoulder. Thank god he is not mad at me. 


Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it. I love Hana and Kai's relationship already. What will happen next, stay tune to find out. Vote and comment. I really appreciate it.

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