Chapter 30

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Kim Hana POV

"So that's how you know... Ara some friend you are not keeping my secret" I said angryly.

"Don't blame Ara I was the one who needs to be blame I stopped her or threatened her" he exclaimed.

"Yeah I was just kidding" I giggled and hit him gently.


2 Months have past, well same old school days. Same old me at school. Nothing much happened. Well Ara and Sehun became closed I don't know how that happened.

I was getting my bag from my locker when someone covered my face. I know who this is.

"Kai" I smiled.

He turned me and hugged me "I miss you".

"Yeah yeah I miss you too... Well we did see each other yesterday" I said sarcastically.

"So how's your cousin place... I know you been living there?" he asked while we were walking side by side.

"Fine they were nice" I smiled.

"I'm glad you are happy in your new home" he said.

"Anything happened to you anything  at all"

"Suho found someone... I can't believe they're together... You know Baek with her girlfriend and I'm with you" he said holding my hands.

"Umm Kai I have a great news... My cousin found the very best doctor in town for my rare disease for a cure" I explained in excitement.

"Really that's great" he said carrying me up and peck me on my lips.

"But you know my live is like 1 month left and yours reducing because of me and there's no guarantee that the surgery will be successful" I said with a frown on my face.

"Looked on the bright side you never know what the future holds so just go with the surgery I will be right by your side" he said wiping my tears.

Deep down I am scared and terrified. I can feel the sweat in my head, the throbbing of my own pupils, the ringing cries in my ears, and the thumping of my heart on my stomach. My fingers are clenched in a fist, my fingernails digging through my palm.


Day of the surgery, I was nervous going to the hospital. Kai keep holding my hand to keep me calm.

"Kim Hana" the doctor said.

"Here" I said and said bye to Kai. I could see Kai was worried about me.

I was worried about going to hospital on the day of the surgery. Kai hold on to my hand to keep me calm.

"Kim Hana" said the doctor.

"Here" I said and I said bye to Kai letting go of my hand with his. I could see that Kai was concerned about me.

I went in and I could feel my hands are shaking. I am so nervous.

The surgeon turned up to announce himself. I guess this was going to put me at ease before my heart surgery, but all I could think of is what he would look like in a mask and gown as he opened my chest. I wondered if he'd feel remorse if I died at the table, or if all of that worked for him in a few days. His words washed over me like a cold sick bucket and I felt nauseous to my stomach pit. Then, he asked if I had any questions with a smile that was meant to comfort me. I supposed 'Is there some way of stopping surgery? 'An innumerable times had already been answered so I shook my head.

Few hours had past and I was unconscious on the bed. Turns out my surgery went well. I opened my eyes to see Kai sleeping beside me sitting while holding my hands. I smile at him.

"You're awake" he said kissing my forehead.

I just smile.


I woke up with the sunlight through my face. I saw Kai face in front of me. Oh yeah I told my cousin I wanted to stay at my house tonight. Then he came unannounced. Then here we are together in bed.

Why is he so handsome and good looking and I touched his nose. "Why are you so cute?" I giggled.

I looked at the time it's 10am. I need to cook breakfast. I straight away get up. I was stopped half way from a hand.

He dragged me and hugged me on the bed. Our faces are an inched apart. I just smile.

"Kai I need to cook for breakfast" I said.

"Can we stay like this forever" he said still hugging me.

I just let him take a few minutes to embrace me. Its warm touch makes me feel safe and comfortable.

"No I need to do other stuff to I need to eat... I promise I will be by your side forever even though I still takes your time away from you" I said and kiss his cheeks and pulled away from him and went down stairs searching for food to cook.

"It looked like there's nothing to eat" So I'm getting ready to go to the grocery store. I left Kai a note, if he was wondering about me.

I let him sleep because I knew that he was helping his father at  his work. His dad is a corporate businessman. I can't just wake him up from a tired day  from a good night.

I picked out the stuff I need for me to cook. Lectuce, chicken I know Kai really love chicken and other ingredients for me to cook lunch later.

After buying some groceries, as I was coming back from the store, I texted Kai while holding 2 bags of groceries in my hand to say I'm going back. He said he'd come to the street where I stopped so I'd wait for him.

I didn't looked at my time clock since after the surgery. I just don't want to remember anything about it. It just reminds myself that my life is great and simpler without that thing in my life.

Few minutes later, I  realized that my timer is increasing suddenly. My eyes widen from the sudden shock.

"What!" I yelled. Why is it increasing when Kai is not here. I check again and look around if he is here yet. No he is not here. Why is it increasing?

I phoned Kai to see where he was. When I see him, I began running towards him. He was at the opposite end of the street. Just as I ran for him. I stopped as a van came to me because I was scared and I was almost hit, but he was running toward me to save me, but somehow it was too late I got hit by the van from earlier.


What will happen next? Wait and see there's like 2 chapters left so stay tune. Vote and don't forget to comment too.

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