Chapter 29

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Here's an update for you guys happy reading.


"I know everything.. why you want us to break up... Please don't run away again" He said with a soft tone.

Those words make me stopped and paused. The sorrow was suspended for maybe a split second, the shock shielding me until it shattered like glass. I suppose you might call it surprise, but for the first fraction of a second, they 're the same thing to me-an inability to compute.

"Wait what!!!" I shouted with wide open eyes.I can't believe that he knew. How? How did he know? I didn't tell anyone.

"Yes I know everything" He repeated.

"You mean you know why I broke up with you" I rolled my eyes in shock.

"Yes" He replied still looking at me.

"But still we can't be together... But why do you still want to be with me?" Tears started to fall bit by bit.

"Is there a need to have a reason why... I know everything about you about the time clock thing even the one you didn't want to tell me about" he took a deep breath" about why you have to broke up with me".

"If you know this then why you still want us to be together?" I yelled.

" Because I love you... I don't care if I die.. I love you Hana... I really do, It is as if space and time become the finest point imaginable when I see you, as if time collapses into one tiny speck and explodes at light velocity. It's like my life begins with you and ends with you. I may run forever, hunt for ever, but in the end, every path leads to your heart and soul right back. I love you forever... I don't care if the universe hates us please be  mine and live forever. I know you getting my time away from me, but I don't care. If a day without you in my life is like I won't be myself ever again and my life would not be complte."he said while walking towards me and hugged me tightly and I hug him back.

I am not sure what to do. I was in a mess, crying. All those words are making me melt from him. He loves me so much and I love him, so why the world hates us.

I just pulled away for a second and, while wiping my tears away, he cupped my cheek. I looked, and smiled in his eyes.

He chuckled " I love your smile its cute"

My cheeks turned bright red when he said that and he laughed.

"Your blushing because of me" he smirked.

"Yah!!Kai!! " I hit his shoulder.

"There's the Hana I know and love" He said still smiling.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Nothing you just act like the way you use to that's all" he replied while tucking some strain of hair to my ear.

"But Kai I know you want us to be together but I don't want you to die quicker because of me" looking at the ground without facing him.

"Look at me in the eyes I don't care just be with me" he demanded.

I just nodded. I don't know why but I don't want to leave him. I just don't want it. His touch his warmth and also him beside me is enough to make my heart melt. I just agreed with his words. I know it may be bad for both of us. We have to deal with it I guess.

"How did you know?" I said curiously.

"Ara told me" he replied.



Kai Pov

I was on the ground crying my eyes out sitting hugging my legs. Those words that Hana told me hurts me so bad it's like some one stabbed a knife through my heart. I was completely devastated of those words" I want us to break up"the words came piecing through my mind that I can't forget.

The pain sometimes crushes you- it leaves you incapable of anything. It leaves you shattered- both inside and out. The tears will not stream down, nor will the cries slip past your quivering lips. The hallucinations would come, but they would not let you move, letting the steam go. They 'd push the steam to cover you and keep burning you.

I went back home still in a horrible state. Thinking on what happens today. The breakup. I was laying on my comfortable bed with a pillow on my head not wanting to be anywhere but to go to sleep. It felt like the very same feelings I felt all those years ago with her. Why does history repeats itself. I hate my life so much. I throw the pillow away.

Then i heard my phone vibrate. At first I just ignored it, but then as I saw who texted my eyes became big.

Sugar Cube : I know we're broke up but you can come to the hospital if you want to, my aunt passed away.

"SHE TEXTED ME! " I yelled.

I get up went down stair get my black jacket and dash out of my house. I get on my bike to the hospital.

As I was at the front of the entrance I saw someone that looked familiar.

"Ara" I yelled. Then she turned around and saw me.

"Oh hi Kai... I didn't think she will texted you" She said looking at the ground.

"I didn't think so too"

"So yeah I need to get in my friend need me" she tried to walked away and I stopped her.

"What!" she yelled at me.

"Ara you know her more then I do...why did Hana broke up... We were OK us together"

"Let go of me it was meant to be a secret" she said trying to get her hand off of me.

"Tell me right this instead" I shouted and gripped her wrist tighter.

"Let go" she yelled again.

"Let go" she continues to yelled.

"Please Ara tell me I'm begging you... you know that we love each other right" he looked into her eyes but she didn't want too.

"Tell me please"

"OK I tell you" she said.

"This she said that if you come close to her your time will decrease and her time increase" I let go of her hands and my eyes widen. I need time to proses this.

"See if she tell you this you guys still can't be together... Kai I am sorry but she doing it for your own sake" she said slamly.

"I have to go my friend is waiting for me" she walked away.

End of Flashback.


What will happen next stay tune? I will be updating the next chapter after this. Vote and comment.

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