Chapter 15

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Hello guys here's an update. Who knows I might update tommorow if I'm not busy. So enjoy and happy brithday Baekhyun.


The orange yolk light spilled through the holes in the blind and waited for the entrance into Amelia's eyes. Vision still in the warm embrace of the evening's glue, hesitantly rubbing the dreams away. Thoughts of dreams in sleep come and go in waves, hanging to the very last recollection of the night, but with little progress.

I dreamt about him. About Kai. He had a smile that stopped you in your tracks. I think he's got to get used to that, a sudden pause in a person's natural speech as they looked his way, followed by an overcompensation with a nonchalant stare and a fake smile. Of course, the flush that followed it was a dead gift. It didn't help him to be so humble about it, it made the girls fall for him.

At first I hate every last bit about him, but now I get to know him he was different. Different as in sweet caring and kind hearted. I know he doesn't show that often. But he did to me. He shows something.

Kai's secret is that he has two separate sides of himself  that what I learn from the times I spend with him. To others he acts like this arrogant bad boy type, he puts all the attention on him, making you feel breathless. But as soon as people get to know him, he returns to the young guy that is cute and innocent .

Yes, I have to tell him today. At the thought of that I could feel myself blushing and thinking about last night. My heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, I swear it isn’t, get ahold of yourself. He isn't here and my heart is beating.

What am I supposed to say to him like" Kai I need to tell you... Nah to normal... Yo what up... Too weird... "I said as I stand in front of the mirror.

Hana just be yourself and tell him how you feel. Who knows maybe he feels the same way I said to myself. I looked at the clock it's 4pm.wait I need to get ready. I have a something plan with Kai. Maybe it's another date I giggled to myself.


I looked into the mirror  and see that I was wearing the dress that kai brought  me yesterday when he said to try it on with no contact of why. To think of it, I don't know where are we going, but knowing Kai it probably somewhere that I can trust him for him to send me. It was beautiful elegant slim blue short sleeve dress. I can't believe this is me. My long, black hair was in a ponytail down my back.

I just smile with my light makeup on. Deep down I know I look beautiful. I was lost for words. Wait I forgot where do we meet? Is he picking me up? Or- I got interrupted by a phone call.

I straight away sreach for my phone. "There it is" as I picked it up.

"Hello" Kai said casually.

Oh wow his voice his smoothing voice. I know I like him now but his voice make my heart beat fast.

"Kai" I said nervously. Why am I nervous? Where's that savage Hana I said to myself.

"I'm infornt of your house now mind of you let me in sugar cube" Kai said confidently.

"Sure be right there" I replied and put the phone down. While thinking on when to tell him my confession and secrets.

I claimed down the stairs with my cute light blue handbag. I take a deep breathe and opened the door to see a very well dress man with a black tuxedo and his black hair is comb to the side.

“My heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, I swear it isn’t, get ahold of yourself.”as I touch my heart and still staring at him.

He turned his head slightly and looked at me from head to toe. Is he checking me out? I thought to myself.

And then he gives me a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.

"You looked beautiful you know that" he said while putting one of his hands on his neck.

I could feel my face turned bright red just from his question.

"Umm... Thank you" I said with my trembling words.

"Let's go shall we" he said with a bright smile.

"Sure... but actually where are going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise for my little sugar cube" he said with a little teased.

For some reason I didn't get mad. I love the nickname he gave me. It feel like I am special to him. I just smile back.

He dragged me to a black Mercedes Bez. I was shock and thought and remember that he did say he came from a wealthy family.

He opened the door for me and held my hand inside the car.


We stopped at a mansion. It was big. The front of the mansion have a water feature with cascading over the top of the wall into a pool in the inner courtyard. The sound of the water act as a wonderful sound buffer from of the mansion including natural stone, stucco, copper, and the cherry wood that surround all the glass.

The gate open to let us in. There were all ready people who all dressed up. I'm I in a formal party that I don't know about. What else it supposed to be.

Kai stopped the car.

"Where are we? " I asked him.

"My house where I live" he replied.

Wow. This is his house. When he said he was rich, he isn't kidding.

"Closed your mouth flies might come in" he said while closed my mouth with his hands.

"OK" I said.

"Why are we here again?" I asked.

"I will tell you when we get there" he explained and hold my hand gently.

We walked together side by side to the front door and saw a lot of guest are in line to get in. It was like a concert line but it's not just a party.

"Excuse me coming through" still holding my hands

" Young master is here, right this way" the guard who was graurding the door said.

As we manage to get in we were bumped into someone and it triggered my special ability that I hate. Thank god its few more years. I don't want Kai to cry. It most be sad. I know the feeling of losing someone, I just don't want that same feeling happen to him.

"Oh dad sorry we did not see you there" Kai appologize while helping him get up.

"Hi son and you are" he said while pointing at me.

"I'm -" I got interrupted by Kai.

"She's my girlfriend, Kim Hana".

My eyes widen at the sudden confession. Does it counts as a confession, but he told his dad I'm  his girlfriend. WHAT!??


What do you think of the chapter? So Kai said Hana is his girlfriend in front of his dad what will happen next, stay tune. Don't forget to vote and comment. I really appreciate it.

 I really appreciate it

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