Chapter 13

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Hello guys it has been a while. I finally updated Kai fanfic. So enjoy. Sorry it took so long.


Kai is still driving his bike and I was just looking at the scenery as my hair blew in the wind.

The wind greets concrete and skin just the same, yet I am blessed to feel it. Its giddy currents flow through woodland canopies, unaware of how its song soothes those who can hear. I have always thought of the wind as so free, chaotic even, yet it too has its path, even if there are infinite possible destinations. It is air with passion, a drive that powers onwards, every direction an option.

"Umm.. Kai can I asked you a question?" I said curiously.

"Sure I am not stopping you" he replied and continued on driving and focusing on the road.

"To think of it I don't know a whole bunch about you yet... I think I don't know a thing about you at all" I took a deep breath " tell me a little bit about yourself" I asked.

"Oh you are now into me huh... Oh I'm just joking well... you know I love dancing and stuff but you don't know I leave in a mansion with my parents. But sometimes it could be a bit lonely" he answered with a clam and voice.

I could see it in his eyes he is a bit upset or something. I don't quite sure. Maybe something happened to him in the past he doesn't want to tell. Just maybe.

"Kai if you don't want to tell me... its fine" I said and wrapped my arms around his waist gently. I feel his warmth of his body like he willing to protect me. It feels secure and nice.

"Don't get any ideas I am just doing this because I don't want to fall off the bike" I said with a slight of anger or annoyance in my voice.

He just give me a slight smile.

"Why are we here? "I said with a confused face while looking around the surroundings.

" Don't you remember you were hungry and I invited you to a cafe place... Then here it is"he said and stopped his bike and unbuckled his helmets revealing his black swift hair.

The cafe is my refuge, this place I can make believe that I am in a caring society.

This cafe is the color of the market strawberries, the feel is polished and the music spills out of the opening doors together with the fragrance of freshly baked lasagna. But now it's almost later this evening, and the light of the day has been replaced by the unrelenting darkness of the night, the sidewalk is as gray as the soft concrete floor at my feet.

"Oh" I said and tried to get out of the bike.

"So are you coming?" he said as he locked his bike.

"Yes just a minute the helmet won't come off" I said and he turned around.

He came closer and closer to me with his face was directly in my view. I could feel our breaths just itches apart.

"Here I'll help you" he said and tried to unbuckled it. I just stared at his beautiful eyes of his without a word come out of my mouth.

Why most this helmet be like stuck ? And why most he be so good-looking?

I could feel my heart is racing out of control and wants to jump out of my chest.

"Here you go" he said while looking into my eyes and our eyes met.

I don't know what to do at this moment. The look in his eyes. The look of someone who wants something but I don't know what.

His head slightly tilted and come closer to my face an inch closer our lips will met. But for some reason I want it. I want it so bad. His lips came closer and closer as my eyes shut.

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