Chapter 19

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Thank you everyone who still reads this book. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter too and continued reading it.


I lay on my bed's comfort, gazing up to the ceiling. I can't get my head off that story. The story of the past of Ha Rin, and Kai. He lost her before he could say his final goodbye. I know how it feel to lose someone. The same thing happened to my parents and then my uncle. It will happen again to my aunt and then to me.

The same feeling kai and I shared were the same but in different places and time. Oh how the world find away for me to meet him and its like we are destined to meet. But deep down we both were broken inside and out. Those memories with pain and hardship that we both felt will stay in our mind and stay unforgettable because it leave a mark in our life.

And That's why he is like that he lost himself because he love her so much that he lost the way of living in the process. Tommorow in school I will confess and tell him everything I said and my phone rang.

"Hello Hana how are you?" Ara said on the end of the line.

"Fine and I think Kai confessed to me" I replied.

"Yes!! I knew you two love each other" she screamed in my ears.

"Waee... Warned me next time if you do that anyways he actually didn't say like I love you he just kiss me after  asked him do you love me.. But I know deep down he loves me.. But" I got interrupted by Ara.

"But what?" she said.

"But you know that I don't have time to live I just don't want him to have the same painful feelings he onces have in the past" I grabbed one of my pillows and hug it.

"OK hear me out... You two love each other... I know you don't want him to feel hurt if you die but don't you remember when you are around him your time for you to live  increased... That's mean you two are meant to be... Correct me if I'm wrong" She explain.

"Yeah I think you are right... I just need to think of the bright side of things... But I still need to tell him the truth about everything should I or should I not?" I asked her.

"You should because you need to be honest no more secrets it's up to him if he believes you or not but the thing is that you tell him the truth " she exclaimed.

"Yes I will... I will tell him everything about the illness I have about how much time I have time to live and also  about that I can see people time clock  tommorow at school by the way Ara nice talking to you again it has been a long time since we talked to each other like this and good night" I put my phone down and wrapped myself with a warm black blanket and dozed off to sleep.


I stepped out of the bathroom after a warm shower with my hair covered with a towel to dry it and went straight to my wardrobe to pick out what clothes to wear. I always took me forever to choose the clothes I want to wear. I keep on looking at them and said"Nahh" it's a habit of mine I guess.

I found it the right one for me, after a few minutes. I don't always wear too revealing outfits but just a casual outfit to school. I was wearing a plain white t-shirt that is tuck in with some jogging pants, woolly peach cardigan and with some cheep  sneakers.

I placed myself in front of the room  polish silver mirror and splurged. Makeup was minimal, just a hint of foundation on my pale face, confined to a mascara sweep. Too much hair from tumbleweeds, but what else was new? Lips can use some gloss. I licked my lower lips, and gave it a wet shine. I took out a pearl head band and  put it on my hair and that completed my beauty preparation.


The last period had ended, it was so boring. I don't know if I paid any attention during the class at all. But, Ara who sits next  me was really paying attention during  class, her eyes were dotting down notes while listening to the lessons. Well she is a good and smart students after all. I packed my things out them in my bag and said"Bye Ara see you tommorow "I waved my goodbye to her and went out but I glance at Kai’s desk, he is not there I think he went out already.

The whole day I didn't have the guts to tell him. I have a lot of opportunities at science class when I am paired with him, during lunch when he came and sit next to me and during the other times I spend with him in school. Why am I such a coward nervous to tell him? I face-palm myself.


As I walked down the polished clear floor of the narrow and vacant hallway, I saw The Tall handsome guys I like, Kai with his two friends, The princely like person Suho and the cheeky and love to crack joke a lot Baekhyun. I don't know what they were talking about but it seem they were discussing something personal and the other two were saying their farewell to Kai and I was just walking towards them"Hello Kai" as for  the others, they already left.

"Hi Sugar Cube" smile brightly.

" I need to talked to you about something"I grabbed his hand and bring him towards the school rooftop.

"Umm OK" he said with a confused face.

"I.... love you " I confessed, my voice soft but firm. I looked up meeting his intense gazed.

"About time you said that..." the side of his mouth lifted in an amused half-smile.

"Can you say it one more time" he whispered to my ear.

"I said I love you Kai" I replied.

"Well aren't you going to say it back?" I grinned.

"Nope, I think I want to let you suffer because you look cute when you are angry"

I playfully punch his arm. "Kai!" I yelled.

"I am not talking to you for a week if you don't conf- I got cut of with a sudden soft lips on mine.

" I love you too Hana"and he softly kiss my forehead and we gazed into each other eyes.

"I have somethingelse to say... It's its really important... It had been bothering me for the whole day... You really  need to know this..."


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