Chapter 25

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Here's another update for you guys. So enjoy. ❤️


Next day, as I rouse from a heavy slumber I first become aware of the air's coolness and it's loamy fragrance. The field is lumpy, as if I were on an earth bed and rocks. In the dew of the dawn, my clothes feel as warm as a tree. I half wonder if I still dream as I sit up and take in the shafts of light that burst through the gaps in the canopy of the leaf above.

Now I'm awake, perhaps more fully awake than I've ever been. There are no tracks around me and no other person's warning. As far as I can say, I'm alone with the birds that make up their carefree song around me, and I feel more alone in that sweet melody. The strange nightmare alone is mine. It is worse than it seems at first, normally after.

I get up lazily get my clothes just a blue shirt with skinny jeans and I put on a dark blue cardigan with my hair tied in a ponytail. As I was at the front gate, I looked at the time it's almost 8am. I might be late, but I don't care. In my head right now is just the picture of the time span that I will stoled from Kai if I'm near him. I was walking really slowly like with my head face down.

I finally reached my high school, walking down the hallway with the students chatting making noises, I don't care I just minding my own business. I go to my locker and took some of the books from it. As I shut the door, "Hi" a familiar voice said and I looked at the tall guy who stood in front of me as my eyes widen with realization it's Kai.

"Um Hi... See you later" I just rushed and ran away from him. I could see he was confused by my action. I just ignored it.

Finally reached my classroom, with all my classmates noisy as usual. I straight away walked to my desk and slammed my head down on the table to cover my face.

"Hi Hana" Ara said concerning about me.

"What happened to you? " her eyes went widen as he sees my messy hair and my pale skin. She also see that I have black beggy eyes.

"I'm fine don't worry about me" my head still on the table.

"You don't look fine... Hana tell me you know I hate it when you keep secrets from me, we trust each other don't we" she demanded.

"OK fine I didn't get much sleep yesterday happy now" I replied.

"Why didn't you get much sleep? tell me the whole story" she dragged me to sit up straight.

"OK fine Kai came to my house for the project" I said still not wanting to tell her.


"And I -" I got cut of by someone. It was a familiar voice.

"Good morning ladies" the guy said sitting at the back seat of us.

"Good morning Suho" Ara said smiling brightly at him.

"Morning" I said then I stopped and back again to covered my head by putting my head on the desk.

This was because someone came in the classroom. The one person I do not want to see right now. Our situation is so complicated that I  do not want it to be more complicated. Kai walked in the classroom, all the girls eyes were on him. Well he is still handsome. He took his place and sit behind me.

"Morning Hana" he said with a smile on his face then turned back to being confused for my action.

"Morning" I said with a very quiet voice.

"Kai don't mind her, it's that time of the month ... You guys know what I mean" she rolled her eyes. I know Ara is keeping the secret that I will tell her after but, this is the best excuse you could give him. Now I am embarrassed to looked at the two of them. Thanks Ara. What a nice friend I have here.

I never look at him once at class the entire day. I have just focused on the lessons. I could feel him stealing a glimpse of me. I could feel it, but I just decided to ignore it. But sometime I have the feelings that it will make his time drain from me if he is near me. It just makes me feel guilty.

"Class you may dismissed" the teacher said and walked out of class.

It was time for lunch, I don't feel like buying anything. I quickly get my lunch from my bag and stand up.

"Sugar cube... Want to eat together?" his lips went up.

"No... Wait no meaning... Me and Ara want to catch up and eat together sorry Kai" some of my words tremble in front of him.

I grabbed Ara's hand and walked out leaving Kai's face with disappointment. Kai I have to do it sorry.

"Wait so you telling me, when you gain your time, you also drain his too" her eyes widen in shock looking at me.

We were in the School garden. There were several wooden benches and wooden tables for the students to sit and eat. And plus I Don't want Kai to find me. So I choose this place. He never knew I will eat here. The two places I will eat is the school's cafeteria or the rooftop.

"Yes and now I don't know what to do" I sigh thinking of a salution.

"Do you know what to do?" I asked Ara as she was eating her lunch.

"Actually I don't know... Maybe you need to tell him why you keep on avoiding him first" she stated.

"Why would I, it's not like he noticed I was avoiding him" I said with confidence.

"You think... He kept on looking at you with a serious look on his face... He is well aware you been avoiding him" she said.

"But.... But I think it's best not to tell him" I said in hesitation on my voice.

"No but at me... Just do what I said... Just tell him everything and then decide after of how to settle it" She continues.

"OK ok Ara I knew you were my best friend for a reason" I smile at her.

"And don't forget it" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm was wonder who's that Sehun guy the other day" I asked as I was curious.

"Umm. He is-" she got interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Here you guys are" Kai said to us almost out of breath. Did he search for me all over the school.

"Ara I got to go" I get up.

"I think I need to go" Ara gets up and walked away. She doesn't want to be in this situation.

"OK I will go too" I said and tried to run away and his hands caught mind to stopped me and it worked.

"And where are you going... I need to talk to you" His hands held mine hand tighter, he does not want me to escaped.

I kept silent. I do not know what to say in this situation.

He pulled me closer into an embrace. I felt my heartbeat beating fast "Now tell me why are you acting like this to me today and yesterday... Please tell me why?"

"What if I don't?"

"I will hold you like this forever and I won't release you" he replied.


"Hana please tell me why" he still hugged me tightly.

"OK I will" he released me.

"I will tell you this... I " I took a deep breath " I want us to break up" I said as I looked at his eyes.


What do you think of what Hana told Kai? I think she was dumb. She should of tell him the truth. Anyway wait for others chapters to know what will happen next. Don't forget to Vote and comment.

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