Chapter 28

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"You should looked where you were going" he said still on the floor wiping some dirt  on his black jacket.

As he got up on his feet our eyes met.

I saw him whom I was trying to run away from.

"Hey Why are you running away from me? " he said, stopping me from going any further by grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer to him.

For some reason, this situation seems familiar or is it just the questions he said. Ahh yes, when we first met, he said the very same phrase "hey why are you running away from me."

All of a sudden I paused, staring at him giving me. I was trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me out.

"Kai I need to go, we've broken up," I said to him harshly.

"Yes I know" he answered, holding my wrist even harder.

"Then why you still holding my wrist?... We're not together anymore" I said shouting at him.

"I know" he replied.

"Kai I need to go I can't stay here with you not anymore" I said as my voice become softer.

"Tell me this can't a friend see you when you feel sad because of a passing of a family member... I know we are not together anymore but I just can't see you get hurt OK" he said with painful in his voice.

Should I tell him about it or just leave it as it is. I don't know anymore.

"I know you are hurting so bad right now... But please we need to talk about us or maybe-" he got cut off by my foot kicking his.

"Awwwhh" He said in pain.

I run away from him. As fast as I could. I saw two familiar faces oh it's Suho with a person I believe I never know her yet. Who is she? Where's Ara? I thought they came here together. I thought not.

I eventually got to the entrance and checked behind me whether he followed me. I guessed he didn't. I caught my breath and stopped running and opened the entrance door to go outside.

I panicked. I am not good under pressure.

"Why did I do that?.. I know he came just to see me... as a friend... Stupid" I yelled to myself.


I took my black silk, plain sleeve dress out of my closet later and put it on my bed when I got a phone call.

I responded by saying "Hello."

It was a call from Ara

"Do you want me to pick you up?" she said on the other side of the line.

"Sure I 'm ready in just a moment ...... when you get here , text me bye" I replied and quickly got the black dress on.

I looked in the mirror with me wearing the black dress. My hair is in a ponytail and I was wearing some makeup not to revealling.

"Today Is your aunt's funeral just keep it together" I said to myself.

I have got Ara 's text. She's already waiting in front of my house. I walked down the stairs and got in her car.


At the funeral.

We stand at the funeral front. The heads were all down. Perhaps it was they showing respect and maybe there was too much fear to look at what was to come. Six strong men pulled the coffin out of the hearse, all wearing suit. The silence dwelt upon entering the church. As they carried it to the front, it wobbled and placed it gently down.

The coffin was dark cherry stained and perfectly polished. It had a silky, cushioned lining. It seemed very welcoming. It was good to know that my aunt rested in a comfortable place, at least.

I saw all my closes friends were there like Suho, Baekhyun who I believe brought his friends too I believe ve they were Chen and Chanyeol. I don't mind them for coming even though I don't know them that well.

My hands have been shaky all along. I wiped tears on my sleeve, and rested on the shoulder of Ara. I kept it together until they showed me an image of her and that's when all the memories came back like a tidal wave. Her face seemed so alive and cheerful and under that closed wooden box I couldn't help but wonder what she looked like. I looked at it blankly, hoping that a miracle would come to pass and that she would rise again and return to the earth, come back to us. Yet nothing came to pass. She gone from my life.

It's crazy how you can turn things upside down. You see the person every day and they're all of a sudden gone, and when they go, part of you go with them too.

Struggling to hold back the grief, tears flowing steadily, silently down the immobile face, feeling bruised inside, numbness, emptiness, walking behind the coffin of mahogany, saying goodbye even though she is already gone, the soul unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death, never again seeing their face or feeling their embrace, seeing the warmth in their eyes, being surrounded by love. Words from the minister, speeches on duty bring a fresh onslaught of tears, well-spoken words, a tribute to their lives and loves, all in black, dusky pink roses on the casket, watching the casket lowered through tear-strained eyes into the graves. Farewell to my aunty.

Few minutes as passed after I said my final words I felt a tapped on my back. It was Ara.

"Are you OK?" She asked.

"Yes I am fine" I replied still looking at my aunts grave.

"Do you want to go back I drive you home?" Ara said to me and I turned my back to face her.

"Umm" but I can't replied because there's Suho and Baekhyun with this two guys behind them.

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention Baek brought his friends along because they were with him earlier" Ara said and explain.

"Hi you most be Hana then Baek said a lot about you or is it Ara or eun Ji... but anyways I'm Chen nice to meet you" He said offering a handshake.

I shake his hand and saw his time left. Well he has a lot of time left "Nice to meet you too".

"I'm Chanyeol" He said and offering a handshake.

But I stopped by saying "Ahh you"

"Yes me" he said confused.

"I saw you in the first day of school... You transferred here right in there next class from mine" I  stated.

"Oh yeah you help me to find Where's the principal office... So you are Hana that Baek keeps on talking about when he is with Kai" he said smiling. But I pause from the mentioning of the word Kai.

"Anyways nice to meet you guys but I think I need to stay a bit longer you guys can go home" I said.

"Are you sure?" Ara  replied.

"Yes I'm sure... I be fine I will go back by bus don't worry about me" I added.

As they left I was there alone still looking at my Aunt's gravestone.

"Are you ok? Hana" a soft voice said behind me.

I turned my head, it was Kai.

"I know everything.. why you want to break up... Please don't run away again" He said.


How did he know? A lot of questions haven't been solved yet. Stay tune to know why. Vote and comment.

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