Chapter 21

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Here's an update for you guys. I hope you'll love it.


I sat at my desk waiting to hear the bell rang. "Fast just a few more minutes to recess" I whispered as I looked at the clock.

"Just be patient Hana now hush I have to listen to the lesson as we were supposed to do first" Ara said eyes glued to the whiteboard listening to what the teacher was saying.

My stomach rumbled and I squirmed into my seat trying to silence the rumble. I was looking at the clock; there were only two more minutes before lunch. My teacher was droning on, but my head was worried; my eyes glazed over as I envisioned the sandwich next to my feet in my bag. I was salivating at this idea. Just one more minute. I watched the red seconds hand round the clock on the wall slowly completing its loop. The closer it got, the slower it looked like it was going. Again my stomach rumbled and I tried to cover it with my hand. Luckily, no-one heard the sudden noise. Finally, I heard the sound of a bell. I 'd never have been happier to be over for class.

The school bell rang. "OK students we will continue in the next class and please do your homework you all can be dismissed now" the teacher said while rubbing the whiteboard.

"Yes finally" as I could feel my stomach growling. I am really hungry.

"Hana I need to do something first go on first" She said.

"OK" I replied and get my wallet and went out of class.

I went to the cafeteria and had a look at the food. It looked vile and turned my stomach inside out. I chose a ham sandwich and a small carton of juice. I sat down at an empty seat and took a bite of the sandwich . The cafeteria at the moment was not that packed because I was so early.

Moments later, Ara came with her tray of food in her hands and sat next to me. "So what were you doing when I was gone"as she bite her sandwich.

"Eat " and I keep eating.

"I told him everything," I said, and she was about to choke on food, but I gave her water straight away.

"What did you do? .. You really did ... Did he believe you?" she said, shaking still.

"Yes, I was surprised that he believed me," I continued.

"Then that's fine," she replied.

"What's fine?" asked a familiar voice and we turned our heads and saw three guys walking up to us.

Me and Ara saw Kai with Suho and Baekhyun coming over to us. They were smiling because everyone was looking at them. Who could blame them they are handsome. I can't denied it. Though and I continued eating my sandwich.

"Is this seat taken sugar cube?" he said and just sit next to me without me answering to him and the others sat in front of us.

"I believe we haven't met before pretty lady" Baekhyun said with a wink and I glared at him.

"Umm... Who might you be?" Ara said.

"The Byun Baekhyun in this school" He said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry oh OK I heard you before it just I-" I interrupted her to get her for not telling him why. Actually Ara also have a secret that only me and her knows and also her family no one else knows about it.

"I'm glad you two met and Baekhyun she is a bit shy OK no more flirting... I thought you like someone else" I said smirking.

"Wait what" Kai and suho said at the same time.

"Baek loving a girl doesn't add up" Kai said drinkin his apple juice.

"Baek really you like someone" Suho said with a confusing face.

"If I said yes will you promise guys won't be so noisy about it" he said.

"Promise" kai and Suho said at the same time.

"It's Eun Ji" Baekhyun replied while looking at everyone's faces especially Kai and suho.

"So you like her" Kai said.

"I knew this day will come and you will love again" Suho said with a smile on his face.

"Wait you guys aren't even shock a all... you know what we did to let her date me" he said with a hint of sadness in his eyes. I know what happened to them I hope they worked things out.

"Yeah we are at first but we are happy for you" Kai said.

"Speaking of love... When will Hana and Kai tell us about you guy's love live" Ara teased

"Why would we" kai and I said at the same time.

"Fine we are dating so happy now Ara" I said.

"So you two officially dating congrats" Suho said while biting his sandwich.

"Hana I didn't say we were dating yet and we didn't even discussed it yet" Kai said with a teased.

"Should dating need to be discussed Kai why would it be" I replied to him.

"No I just love seeing you mad it is cute" Kai said cubbing my face and I smile back.

"Aww you two are so cute" Ara said while putting her chin on her hands and looking at us.

"You guys are so disgusting I have to go it's too cheesy here" Suho get up and walked away.

"I'm with Suho on this one bye guys and Ara nice meeting you" Baekhyun smile and walked away.

"Kai is it that cheesy?" I asked him.

"I don't know but I do know you were cute and that what matters and also I love you" Kai said and still cubbing my face.

"Can you stopped it people are watching" I hit his shoulders.

"I leave you two alone then" Ara get up and accidently dropped some of the leftover food on her tray to this tall guy in front of her.

"Oh Sehun long time no see" Kai said.

"Umm sorry" Ara said and picked out some tissues to get rid of the food off Sehun's shirt.

"It's fine really it's an accident" He said while gently pushed Ara to the back a bit while saying that and their eyes met.

"Oh it's you" Sehun said. (explain more in sehun book lol idk when will that be)

"Sehun I need to talked to you" Kai said with a fake cough.


I know this chapter is not that good or boring.. Not much happen, but I hope you'll love it. There will be more things will happen it might be good or bad just wait and find out. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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