Chapter 23

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Here an update for you guys. And thanks for the 1.6k reads as of right now. I am very thankful for it. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I love writing it.


I could feel his heart pounding and mine pounding too. He still cuddled me and I faced his large chest. When he cuddles with me like this I felt safe and secure. Its warmth and soft touch will make me feel comfortable. He was fast a sleep. I did have a look at him. He's so adorable when he sleeps with his pout, like a little kid.

"Hana, your hair is so soft" as he tucked some strain of my hair back of my ear. My heart  pounding so fast now.

"Why you have to be so cute?" he said as he cubbed my face.

"So how do you feel if I made this face" I stated while making an angry face.

"No still cute" as he pinched my noise.

"Ouch that's hurt what was that for" I said and hit his shoulder ever so gently.

"Nothing" as he stared into my eyes.

When our eyes lock, It was as if every ounce of oxygen had been taken from my lungs floating in the air like midnight felt like the world had ended, leaving just the two of us walking the planet. Each time he held my face between his hands it felt as if he had untyed all my knots. Holding me in arms to which I have been so accustomed for eternity. This is what it was like to fall in love, a story you never wanted to end. I've been longing for it for so long, and now I can't barely lose it-lose that thing which makes me feel so full.

But in reality, we know what will come to our future and we want to make the present counts before we ever have a future.

"Your eyes are so beautiful" as he said that I could feel a blush coming in.

"What's with all the flirting today?" I asked teasing him.

"Give me your hand" I let him take my hand "Why?"

"I want to spend all my time with you... I know you don't have much time left let's spend it together... Shall we? " he asked.

"We shall" I replied as my eyes were getting sleepy.

"You're so cute when you half asleep like that" he smile brightly.

"Go ahead sleep.. I will be right here beside you" he said and close his eyes while pulling me closer and hugged me.

I could feel my eyes shouting every few seconds  without me realizing it before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.


I got up from my phone with the sound of an alarm. I struck it down to avoid the noise. I felt a muscular arm around my neck, and a leg over my waist as I moved my head ever so slightly. I forgot, I was on the couch beside him sleeping. I was trying to move my other hand but he held it ever so gently.

quietly I raised his arms up to try and  get up without him waking up. I looked at the time of the clock against the wall. It 11am, it is late wait we don't have school today. I went to my room, searching for a blanket.I tucked him in with the blanket I picked. As I was turking him in, I stopped and I cannot comprehend what I saw. I saw something that make me shocked and could see my hands was shaking.

For a moment, my brain stutters and my eyes take on more light than I expected, with every part of me pausing as my thoughts catch up.

That's how I feel now, trying to remember how to breathe, being unable to move, being absolutely shocked as the image bounces within my skull.

"Why now... Why now... Why most the world hates me... Why the world hates me so much that it want take my happiness away from me.. Why" I shakes my head and bit by bit tears fell down to my cheeks.

My nails had already been bitten to the quick. I nibbled at the frayed edges of them, like a famished rodent. He was still sleeping. I stepped toward him and touched his arm where I saw it, and then looked at mine.

I covered my mouth because I don't want it to be real.

"It's true"

I went in my room. Thinking of what to do.


Moments later, Kai was waking up yawning and was looking around the room without me.

"Hana!" he shrieked.

What should I do ... What should I do? I was panicking and shouting, "In the kitchen!"

"OK" he got up and walked to the dinning table in the kitchen.

He saw pancakes as he approached the dining room table, and immediately sat down next to me.

"Your breakfast here" I said trying to be as normal as possible. What I saw yesterday, I can not tell  him. It just made me feel sad thinking about it.

We were having our breakfast together. I kept silent . Keeping it in secret. I just don't want him to know. I don't even know why.

As I was washing the dishes, I felt two arms wrapped my back waist. It got me by surprise. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as he squeeze me gently , not wanting the moment to end.

I began to panic and pushed him away as my face gasped and my hands shook, "Umm... kai you need to go now."

"Tell me why it's not like we need to go to school" Kai said confused looking at me, as I was pushing him to the door.

"Just go Kai" I said and give him his coat.

"OK but please tell me why" he said that just an inched near my face and I gulped.and I turned away.

"Just go kai" and I could feel that my heart was breaking.

"OK but..." he pushed our face inches apart against the wall...Please tell me why I need to go, Hana?"While he looked into my eyes.


Guest what Hana saw? It will be revealed in the next chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot.

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