Chapter 14

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Here's an update for you guys. There will be another update tomorrow. So look forward to it. So enjoy.


Heat rose from my stomach to my chest. Kai's lips were on my lips and my heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotic beyond reason. I parted my lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling my toes, unfurling all my senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts.

My whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on mine as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden.The taste of him... it silenced my thoughts and made me want more. But...


great his phone rang at the right moment I thought to myself. I parted from him and he get his phone from his pocket.

"Hello" he said and turned away from me.

I can't believe it, I kiss the Kim Jongin that I used to hate as I feel my lips ever so slightly and I smile like an idiot.

"Hana sorry I have to go bye sugar cube" he said calmly and waved a goodbye to me.

I unlocked the door with my heart still pounding like the persistent waves against the crumbling. cliff. Clam down Hana. I know he makes you melted inside but you need to go in the house. I giggle to myself.

"Hello I'm home" wait I forgot I'm alone in this house. Why do I always forgot?

I ran upstairs to my room jump onto my queen-sized bed and giggling like an idiot to myself. With a pillow in hand and eyes staring into the ceiling, I was in a deep thought and that was thinking of someone in particular. The dashing handsome guy that I met.

When first I look upon His face. Yes he is good looking and handsome. But, his attitude or the playboy personality that I hate the most plus with his arrogantness that I can't stand.

Now, when I look upon his face, I lose myself. All mistakes I have ever made, and there have been many, are gone every impure thought erased.

Let's just say I started to fall for him. For his kindness and cheesy pickup lines and even his bright smile that makes me happy and giddy inside.

Love. When your heart melts like butter on a hot toast at someone's sight. When you're feeling lightheaded and safe. When you hurt to be with them, to look at them, to touch them. This is love.

I heard a ring on my phone that was on my bedside table. Oh it was Ara who was texting me. I replied back...

Ara: So how's your date?

Hana: Great I guess.

Ara: Wait, you're did not dinied it

Hana: umm, yeah so bye I'm sleepy.

Ara: Wait I need your advise.

Hana: Asked away.

Ara: How to approach someone that I think I have a crush on.

Hana: Wait am I hearing this right my best friend never once like anyone or have a boyfriend is having a crush.


Hana: It's easy just approach him and say hi its simple.

Ara: It's not that simple... Hana

Hana: Who's this person? I want to know... Is it Suho or Baekhyun. I don't know why I guess Baekhyun you don't know him lol.

Ara:You might know him, Oh Sehun

Hana:I know that name before. Oh, him... is the guy from the next class from us. Yes he's handsome so good luck just say hi OK Ara. I know you are a bit different then others but give it a shot. You got this fighting 💪

Ara: Thanks Hana.

Hana: You share your love life. time for me to shared mine. Kai and I had our second kiss.

Ara: Wait hold on.. when was your first. Nevermind when you guys first met. Do you like him?

Hana: Yes

With no hesitation.

Ara:I knew you will fall for him. I just knew it.

Hana: it's getting late see you tomorrow goodnight.

Ara: ok talk you tommorow.

I put my phone beside me and tried to go to sleep then another ring on my phone. Who might this be?

I picked it up and said "Hello make it quick" with a harsh tone. Who could blame me I'm tired.

"That's rude sugar cube for the person which you kiss with... So I can't called you to say goodnight or something" He said.

"Oh Kai I'm so sorry" I said shyly.

His voice. How I miss his voice. His deep and gruff voice. That make me melted at this moment.

"Hana goodnight and see you tomorrow I want to take you somewhere in the evening and wear the dress I brought you today, it's somewhere special" he said.

"Umm OK Kai goodnight to you too" I replied and I put my phone down beside me under my pillow.

I wonder where he will take me tommorow. Is it another date. I was giggling with my pillow covered my head. I know now for a fact I am really falling for him.

I whispered" I love you Kai" as I closed my eyes to try to go to sleep.

But there is a part of me that I want to tell him the truth about me. Does he accept me when I told all my secrets about how much time I have left and seeing people time span. I will tell him. If he believes me or not is a different story. The main thing right now is that I have to tell him my feelings and tell him why I stay close to him. I will tell him tomorrow.

I was lying in my bed, thinking about Kai, until I fell asleep in a spot where I looked like I was a ballet dancer. I sleep well, honestly, I sleep better than I did before. The pain in my eyes ceases, and I have a tiny smile on my face.


What do you guys think of the chapter? Sorry its too short. I hope you love it. So Ara likes Sehun. The first appearance of Sehun I guess. 😅. Stay tune for more chapters to come. Don't forget to comment and vote. It means a lot.

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