Chapter 31

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Thanks for 2k reads. It means a lot. There will be one more chapter after this. But there's also an epilogue. It will be in Kai POV. I will be telling the story in his pov. So enjoy.


I phoned Kai to see where he was. When I see him, I began running towards him. He was at the opposite end of the street. Just as I ran for him. I stopped as a van came to me because I was scared and I was almost hit, but he was running to me to save me, but somehow it was too late I got hit by a van from earlier.

Perhaps I was so excited to tell him about my time gain but I was hit. After everything was a blur, I saw his worried face, and I felt it all slowed down and I fell down on the road with the van stopping and Kai running towards me putting me in his arms.

Am I already dead? Am I unconscious ? The last thing I remember, I was in the arms of Kai.

I wake up in an unknown place and I'm lying on a bed. This is an unfamiliar place for me. I saw that this liquid thing I don't know what it is on my hands is connected to a cable of some kind. I was looking around  and I'm in a hospital room. When I thought about how I get here. Yes, I had an accident.

Then I felt something preicing through my head. Pounding, throbbing, like toothache in your brain, right between the eyes, migraine, visual disturbances, excruciating, debilitating, soaring. I held my hand to my head to stopped the pain.

"AHhh!! It hurts" I said with some pain in my voice.

As the pain stopped I looked to my left. I saw  Ara sleeping beside sitting on a chair. I smile. She most be tired. I don't want to wake her up. Wait where is Kai?

Where is Kai I kept thinking? I looked for my phone and it is at the table where  and the phone is really far away. I've been trying to get up but all this stuck on me. I just can't do it. My entire body still feels pain. It's still sore.

I have tried to get my phone too many times. No use was made of it. I still feel my whole body in pain. And now what. I just started looking at myself. My hands had some bruised so I looked at it. Like touching my hand. Wherefore my eyes widen in surprise. Upon me there is no time clock. I have looked everywhere for it. When Ara is still sleeping, I touched Ara 's hand. But no. Could it be my abilities to see the time left for people to live vanished for good. I was actually happy so I just smile.

Few minutes later

"Hana you're a wake finally... I really worried about you" she said while wrapping her arms around mine.

"Hi Ara... Yes I am awake" I smiled and hit her.

"What's that for?" She yelled.

"For telling Kai about everything about the time increases when I am with him" I teased her. She just nodded. I thought she would smile. But no I don't know what is her expression right now. I just can't read it.

She took my hands and looked in my eyes and said, "Hana I know I was wrong to tell Kai that .... but when you got hit by the car," she took a deep breath, "you've been in a coma for two years."

I paused for a few minute. I need time to process this.

"I have been in a coma for two years" I said out loud.

She nodded.

"Where's Kai?, he must be worried about me?" I asked.

"Kai well he is busy with his work" she replied.

"You know after you got hit, Kai called the ambulance and carried you to the ambulance and didn't let go of your hand... He was so worried... I know this because I was walking and I saw an accident then it was you... Anyways I get a taxi and drove to where the ambulance have taken you. After that they send you and treated you. I met Kai outside the room of where you were getting treated. You should seen the state he was in. He kept walking back and force panicking. He was really worried about you"she said.

"Then what happened"

"The doctor got out of the room greeted us and said that you were unconscious... He said he doesn't know when you will be awake... After that Kai keeps on coming here taking care of you... He didn't miss a day... But when he is busy he tells me to take care of you in return."she continues.

" He must be really worried and hurt... And also misses me"I said with a sad  tone.

"Well that's leave you now awake I should texts him" she said and I stopped him.

"Can I texts him" she nodded and took my phone to me.

As I turned on my phone I saw a lot of messages from him.
56Messages (I will type some 😅)

KAI: I miss you sugar cube

KAI: please wake up I don't want to lose you.

KAI: I won't leave your side

KAI: Please come back to me

KAI: why are you so cute?

KAI: I love you

KAI: come back please

There were a lot of his messages. He keeps on repeating  the same messages. He's so sweet I giggled.

Hana: I miss you too.

"Done... Ara what does Kai do now?" I asked curiously.

"It is a really busy job... He's an idol now in a Kpop band called exo" She past a picture of 12 guys (Took place in 2013)

He is handsome as ever. He is still the same. As I scanned the picture. I recognised some of them. This is Baekhyun, Suho, Chen I think, this must be Chanyeol.

" Is this Sehun? Wow they all in the same group." she nodded.

"Yes you and me are dating idols" she said excitedly.

"So a lot have change huh" I said. He must be busy.

"Want to hear some of their songs?" Ara asked. But it is more of a demand because she switched on the TV and turned to a show. Maybe a music show.

"They are on now" she said excitedly.

"They're are so  good" I said and I keep on looking at Kai. He have not change one bit. I know he is good at dancing at school. He sometimes entered the talent competition with Lay I think. I'm not quite sure.

"This song is called growl.. The song made them became popular" she explained.

"Wow" I said. My eyes only kept looking at Kai the entire time.


1 more chapter after this but there will be an epilogue after it. So stay tune. Vote and comment.

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