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Hi readers here an update for you guys. Sorry it took so long. I hope you guys will enjoyed it.


"Who is this Sehun... I never seen him before. Since when kai knows him. And Ara, where is Ara, where did she go. Well, it's none of my business," I stroke my neck and bite my lip.

The bell rang. Quick lunch is over and now I'm by myself. "Where are all my friends? " I stand up on my feet and look around. All the other students tried to finish up their lunches as fast as they could and some rushed to go back to class.

I glided down the marble steps like a slinking panther. I really need to walked fast because I do not want to be late for the next class. As I was walking, I thought to myself about how my life is great again with Kai and everthing around me. It felt like the world is by my side now. I smiled brightly to myself as I thought of him, Kai. Who would of thought him, Kai as my boyfriend. I still cannot believe it as we used to hate each other. Good times as I smirked.

I entered my classroom, some of the students were sitting writing or reading, and some of them were texting on their phones. I went to my wooden desk that is next to the window , but Ara still was not here yet. I sat waiting to see her come in. I wonder why she just went missing.

My classmates came in one by one as time passed and the quiet environment was louder than before. I just took a bored look at the window and would enjoy the scenery.

Then I saw Ara coming in with her head face down to the floor without looking at anyone and sitting beside me.

"Sugar cube close your mouth or you could catch a fly ... maybe later I shut it for you," he whispered in my ears as he leaned towards me with a smirked plastered on his face.

It took me by surprise and kicked him playfully, and yelled "Pervert."

"Ouch!!" he said in pain.

"Good afternoon class" the teacher walked in.

The teacher walked into the room, just as he expected perfect order. There was none of the nervousness in him that normally came into the inner-city comprehensive with fresh blood.

He wasn't tweedy in jeans and t-shirts, or one of the fashionable ones. He had none of the spread in the middle ages he should have had at his age. He was dressed in a classic grey suit over a pressed white shirt with a golden tie. Quite possibly he dressed better than the principle, wow I'm shading the principle but somehow with his close cropped hair and silver-flecked brown goatee he belonged in those clothes. He may have walked straight off a Caribbean plane from the glow of his eyes. They all fell silent when he spoke, much to the class's surprise.

I saw classmates who just hurried to their seat quietly without making a noise and a mess.

As the teacher start the lesson, I already felt the boredom kicking in. I lean down my chin on my hand resting it and tried to listen to the lesson.

In those moments of boredom I am a ship upon a sun-warmed sea, sails happily relaxed upon the mast. Time plummeted like cement. For the time being he has checked his cell. A minute had passed, or so it seemed, since I last checked an hour ago. Before I new it, I fall asleep without me realising it.


"Wake up Hana.." Ara shake me gently.

"Wake up," she said while still shaking me, "the teacher will assign us a partner for our project... Wake up.

"Quick he coming this way" she continued.

"Wait what..." I said and looked around what was happening and sit up straight and pretend I did not sleep at all.

"Kim Hana" said the teacher, as he stood before me.

"Y-yes" I wavered.

"Hana you 're going to be with Kim Jongin(Kai)," said the teacher as he looked at the list of names.

"At least I'm with someone that I know," I said to myself softly, looking at Kai, and he smiled.

"Jung Ara you will be with Kim Junmyeon (Suho)" he said.

"That is all for class... Class you may dismissed"


I was at the hallway putting away my books and getting my bag in my locker. Right as I felt two hands covering my eyes. I just smile I know who it was "Guess who" he said.

"Kai" I replied and he hugged my back gently.

"So where are we going to do the project?" I asked.

"I was wondering how about your place" he said calmly.

"Why my place why not your place?" I asked.

"How about this if you can catch me I agree with your offer Kai what do you say" I said in front of him.

"Deal" I run away from him.

I turn, running as quickly as my long legs can carry me, bolting down the alley way like an Olympic champion at the start gun; quickening my pace to an all out sprint. I hope he would not catch me, but deep down I know and I hope he does. I was just teasing him. As I was stopped on a dead end and saw him running towards me I know he will caught me.

"See I told I catch you" he said and his arm on my waist.

"OK you win but can you let go of me I'm suffercating" I said. "Oh sorry" he let me go.

"Just kidding" I said and kiss his cheek.


"Hop on" he throws me the helmet to put on and I get on the motorbike.

"OK" I answered.

He was driving towards my house. We were here last time, when we were in the hospital with my aunt.

"I get something to drink, here is my place, you can sit here " I said and walked to the kitchen.

Kai looked around the living room. He then sat down on the couch and put his bag on it, taking out the project folder.

"It's here," I shouted, and for both of us I brought two mineral water as I throw one for him and he catches it.

We start the project, I was serious about wanting to finish it quickly, but Kai continue to tease me and make my heart flutter. I just can't bear him.

Time past, he was sleeping on the couch comfortably and I said" why is your face so handsome and good looking... But I love you and fall for you for who you are not for your looks only."while touching his nose and his hair. But he caught my hand and pulled me to him and now I am laying down beside him cuddling me." Please stay with me like this" I just smile looking at his face that was very closed to mine. He kiss my forehead. I could feel my cheeks burning bright red.


Thanks for reading. What will happen next. Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot.

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