Chapter Thirty Nine: 木漏れ日

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木漏れ日 (Komorebi) (n.) (Japanese) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees

(Charlie's POV)

Lexi's alarm clock woke me up at the sound of Marimba. It made me cringe.

My eyes were heavy as I reached to Lexi's phone and shut the alarm off, it was eight thrity in the morning. She was still asleep and tangled between the blankets and pillows.

"Wake up" I shook her as I sat up the mini tent slash fort on the corner of the room.

She groaned.

"I'm hungry, Lexi. Wake up, lets go to McDonald's" I said as I try to adjust to the room's brightness. The sun rays went through the windows of our doorm, there were no curtains nor blinds anymore. The way it lit the room made me feel some type of way, nostalgia I guess.. The room was silent and only the slight sound of the air condition and the sheets moving filled it.

She sat up looking like the most disturbed person ever to wake up, staring at a blank space of some prt of the room, her brain buffering from her slumber. Her eyes were red with the frown she wore and her hair was messy.

"Why not KFC" She argued.

"McDonald's is better. Hurry up and get up before we miss breakfast" I stood up and made myself presentable from the lack of materials we brought here.

"Its 8 and we could still have breakfast until 11. Lets go to Perrie's" She suggested, laying down again. Yeah, why not.. our friends might be there too.

"Okay.. do you know how to drive there?"

"Of course" She mumbled being unsure. "Just take a turn on the left to Nala street"

(Lexi's POV)

I lay back to the comforter to look at my phone and texted Harry. I was going to ask him how it went last night between him and Louis. The thought that maybe Louis could see my text instead of Harry on his phone came upon me and decided to call him instead.

"Im in the middle of something" His husky voice said through the phone, he probably just woke up.

"Having ass sex I suppose?" I asked, considering that he is with Louis.

"Yes" He said nonchalantly. "Where are you?" He asked.

"In our dorm.. I though it would be nice to bring Charlie here" It was.. really. I never felt closer to her before and it was nice to feel that way after a distant feeling of separation between us because of our busy schedule and most especially, the amnesia.

"Well did you tell him yet?" I asked. I'm so bothered by the fact that having to touch Harry is wrong. After all the years that we have spent together, I don't fully get the rule of not having sex with him cause its 'wrong' an he's with 'someone else'.

He sighed on the phone and heard him say to Louis that he'll be back. I assumed that he went outside.

"I didn't" He admit, sounding guilty. He better be guilty though, because I've been into Louis' shoes and I sure would want anyone fucking Harry but me.

Not that I still want to now.

"Why" I scoffed.

"Because we had sex and I didn't want to kill the moment!" I rolled my eyes on his explanation.

I sat up the bed "If you don't tell him then I will-"



"I don't want to lose you!" It took me a moment to fully grasp what he said. It made my heart sink. But no, it shouldn't. It shouldn't feel this way.

Phosphenes [Larry Stylinson Fan Fiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now