Chapter Thirty Three: Anacampserote

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Anacampserote (n.) Something that can bring back lost love.

(Louis' POV)
I woke up with the telephone beside me and embracing Charlie, she was wearing my clothes which was a very nostalgic view to my eyes.I stared at her and got every inch of the details of her face and remembered it like a map. The way her hairline fades when it gets to her forehead and how her eyebrows were like twins, looking alike but not exactly the same. Her closed eyes that hid her forest green irises away from me and her curved eyelashes that fluttered like my heart whenever her eyes were in my field of vision.. Her tiny nose that looked adorable alighted with her cupid's bow of her lips. Her lips is what I missed the most, it was naturally pink.. those details had a devil in it that called me.

Theres so much beautiful things about her that I could say more but if I could write it down, there wouldn't be enough paper that the universe can provide me with it. But then her beauty isn't supposed to be valued by the way her details were sketched on the lovely canvas of her face, or the structure of that canvas. Its not measured by the length of her hair and how it moves along with the breathtaking actions that she does. The size of her body like the ratio of her hips and the curves that she's in. The value of how beautiful she was wasn't simply those physical things but the beauty that was within her, more than skin deep.

And that can never be taken away from her.

My face came closer to her's as the urge to let my lips touch hers grew more and more by the milisecond. I gave her a gentle peck on her lips, I felt how it collided and how its shape contrasts mine.

I missed that, I missed her puckered up lips on mine. I leaned back again to admire her face, taking up so much that I can handle but each and every time I see this unowned beautiful masterpiece that laid before me, my heart sinks for some reason. No words or a coherent sentence, paragraph essay, novel or bible can explain.

She made a slight sound and adjusted. She hugged me tighter and came closer. Her body knowing the familiar heat that secured her long ago. Her head was on my chest, I hoped that she could hear the heart that was longing for her.


After a while, I got out of bed, it was a challenge. I was scared I might wake her up but I made my way through it. I covered her with the sheets and kissed her forehead before I went downstairs.

I decided to make breakfast for her, I can't really cook, but for her, I know I'll try anything. I cooked for her before, and she gave me a positive feedback in which I liked.

(Charlie's POV)

I woke up with a migrane, an aftermath of the alcohol I consumed last night. Somehow, It feels so good just to stay in bed at this rate but I couldn't sleep I couldn't just close my eyes and stay.

I noticed that the bed is usually softer, I realized that I was in Louis' room. I began to remember what happened last night and how I got here. He called me his girlfriend and held my hand until we got here. I know he called me that cause of the circumstance but just by thinking about it makes me blush. Something about it that makes me like the idea.

Maybe I am her boyfriend

I tried to get up ad sit on the bed, admiring the room. It wasn't that clean compared to Harry's but it smells like men's perfume. I liked it. There were clothes on the floor though and un arranged things on tables. I looked outside and realized that it was afternoon. The way the sun rays hit his bedroom window made me want to crawl in bed again.

I went outside and saw a mini entertainment section where there were video games and a large television with a couch. It made me feel like I've been here before which I probably was cause Louis has been a very close friend.

I went downstairs to see Louis cooking at the kitchen that was connected to the dining and living room. I held the handrail the way down, the way my migraine affected me made me tipsy and suddenly it hit me. Déjà vu. I feel like I've done this before.

"Good morning" He greeted me with a smile which made me smile. The wrinkles between his eyes made my migraine feel lighter.

"Same to you, Harry told me you can't cook"

"Well I can't let you starve" He was only wearing his tiny shorts, I admired his body, it was a little bit tanned. I only noticed now that he was buff. His tattoos made him look manly and attractive.

He laughed a bit, so maybe he noticed that I was checking him out, I looked away and felt heat spread to my cheeks.

I sat down the dining chair and he sat beside me, placing my plate in front of me. I started eating.

"well?" he asked, watching me as I take a first bite.

"well what?"

"does it taste good?"

"yeah" It was only bacon and omelette and it was no different from any other. But since it meant so much to him.

He smiled.

"What happened to other people? At the club?" I asked.

"I haven't talked to Harry about it but they got home safely. Lexi is with her. I talked to Liam about it earlier on the phone and he said Lexi bailed them out of hail cause they didn't want to do social services"

"And the other men?" I referred to one I danced with.. what was his name again?

"They'll be in jail for three days I think or if someone bails them out, less than that"

"Oh" I felt guilty. I was the one who caused all of this.

"Its not your fault though, love. Its inevitable to have people try to be with you, thats why Harry is a bitch about making you safe" He joked. Its inevitable huh?

After we ate, I went to the kitchen and placed my plate on the sink.

"Wow" I looked at all the mess that he created just by cooking breakfast.

"See, this is why I hardly cook, you should feel special, I cooked for you" he laughed.

"lets clean up" I was overwhelmed by the mess he made just by cooking bacon and omelet.

Louis and I did the dishes, he scrubbed with soap and I washed it out with water. We were done cleaning up, I accidentally pushed the trigger of the small hose of the sink, making Louis wet.

"oops" I said unintentionally.

He looked at me a bit unexpected but he let out a grin that made me knew what I was going to expect, he took the hose from me and sprayed it on me.

"Oh come on!" I said.

That didn't stop him, I grabbed a large container and filled it with water, I Spilled it all on him. Now the kitchen is wet.

He carried me, I gasped, he went to the bathroom and turned the shower on and Placed me under there.

"I win" He stuck his tongue out and we both laughed at the situation we were at.

We had eye contact he stared into my eyes, the moment making it more intense. The shower once boomed our laughter now was filled with silence and running water that hit the cold tiles and our heated bodies. Our face became closer and closer with an invisible force pushing us to each other, paying attention only to out lips.

We both closed out eyes and kissed. It was a peck at first as we opened our eyes and kissed again. We let our hands touch each other's wet body, his hands traveling up and down my waist and lingering a but to my butt, mine was caressing his chest, the other, gently running my fingers through his wet hair. Our mouths gave up entrance. The kiss was sloppy and big movements were made as our heads twisted. He was sensational.. the feeling and the taste of it.

I jumped on him, he accepted my weigh as he got hold of my thighs. My legs wrapped around his hips as it made slow movement to make him moan a bit.

I felt heavy flutterings on my stomach, my heart fluttered, It was the best thing I have ever felt. It was perfect. It felt perfect.

I realized, the visions I had that resembled Louis was him. But I wonder if it had happened, cause it was impossible if it did.. But if felt like it did. It clearly felt like it happened a long time ago and I was sure of it. It wasn't a fabricated vision. But doubts were still flying on my head.

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