Chapter Seven: Metanoia

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Metanoia (n.) (English) The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life.

(Charlie's POV)

7:32 Pm I was awakened by my head. It felt like pounding once I opened up my eyes and see my dim lit room with the fairy lights. I felt something in my eye, my contacts I suppose. I felt it buldge a bit on my eye, did they even remove this when I was at the hospital? I struggled to stand up and move myself to the bathroom where I switched on the lights and my head battering with the strong light. I tried to remove my contacts and look for its case and surprised that I seem to know where it was. My field of vision is close to gone. I must have glasses here somewhere, right? I have red ones near my drawer. My instinct told me. I went back to my room and went to my closet where I opened my drawers to find a green case with big red glasses inside. put it on and was unhappy with the sight of seeing it on my face in the mirror.

Yet I had no choice but to wear the ugly thing. I looked at the stranger on the mirror and notice how unhealthy I look. It occured to me that I haven't asked the boys how long I've been asleep in the hospital. And maybe if there were a time where they gave up if I ever woke up..

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and found Louis, Harry and Lexi eating their own boxes of pizza on the island counter.

"Hey foureyes, we got you a box" Harry said with his mouth full.

"You look like a ten year old again with those glasses" Lexi stated, making them laugh a bit. I rolled my eyes.

"I had no choice, its only for now though" I rolled my eyes. "Why are you here?"

"Lex stopped by to tutor you" Louis said.

"At this hour? for what?" I asked

"Your board exam is next week, I should tell you that, right?" She said

I sat down beside Louis and opened my box, I shoved a slice into my mouth.

"But I just got out of the hospital" I whined. "How long was I gone anyway? A week?" I chewed mith my mouth full like they did and rested one foot on my stool, bending my knees as I rested my chin to it.

"Uh.." Harry looked at Louis. "Love, you've been asleep for a whole month" They said surprisingly.

"A whole month?!" I nearly choked, I grabbed the water that Louis was offering to me and drunk it.

"I've been asleep for a whole month and you're gonna make me study after I just recovered?" I pouted.

"Doctor's orders. Its easy don't worry" Lexi said.

"What am I studying anyway?" I asked nonchalantly

"...History" Harry said like I should know the answer to my question by now.

"History?! Do you know how many things I need to remember to pass history?! I need to remember years and years of detailed information and specific date and people's weird names" I panicked a bit.

"Like what? Charlie?" Lexi asked challeging me that History isn't that hard

"The beggining of man kind that happened billion of years ago when the earth was just a lifeless planet then shit happened like asteroids hit earth causing to adjust its position and axis and affecting its gravitational force and it also brought water which brought life like teeny tiny microorganisms that started like and dinosaurs came to life and another asteroid hit eartn again causing it to be extinct and then the start of evolution of mankind from apes to homosapians then they learned shit like fire and gathering and hunting and fornication and farming that led to early civilizations-" I was panicking and hesitating.

Phosphenes [Larry Stylinson Fan Fiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now