Chapter Four: Appentence

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Appetence (n.) (English) An eagre desire, instinctive inclination; an attraction or natural bond.

(Charlie's POV)

I am charged out of the hospital, the pain had subsided but just in case, the doctors gave me pills if it came back. Harry wanted to make me stay in a few days but I pleaded him to take me home, I was eager to go outside this boring room and watch Tv all day. Harry had a soft side when it came to me though, especially when I cling to him like a little child, its clear that he spoils me a lot. I was finished dressing up, I went back to the room and saw Louis and Harry sitting on the couch talking, they were so serious, but they shifted to a softer mood when I walked in.

(Louis' POV)

"hey, Im done with the papers" Harry said.

"Can we go home now?" She asked like she was so desperate to come home, but  who wouldnt be after being asleep for a month and 3 weeks doing nothing at the hospital.

"Sure love we were just waiting for you." Harry stood up and carried all of the bags and went outside, before he closed the door he said "I'll be in the car" He gave us a cheeky smile, I love that smile on Harry, it was adorable and contagious that it genuinely makes me smile too.

I stood up, my figure towering her's as I put my hands to my pockets, I wouldn't want to do anything stupid with them.. stupid wherein the fact that I'd like them anyways.

"Lets go?" I said smiling at her, amazed by her recovery. I couldn't help it, its as if my hands had its own mind that it snaked up to her hips and pulled her closer for a hug. She didn't defy my actions case it felt like she wanted it to do so as well. I can feel her heart screaming as it is as if deep inside she knows that I truely belonged to her, and how her memories want to escape the prison of lies they are caged in. Somehow, a part of me is caged in too, because this boundary I have fabricated between us hurt more than I expected.

"Louis?" She asked, mumbling on my shoulders, I can feel her hot breath tickle in the fabric that was separating us.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking up at me. Her eyes sent my guts wrenching for the things I cannot do with her. Darling, Im okay as long as I'm with you.

"Im just so glad you're still here, love" I said whole heartedly, swallowing the words Id want to say to her more.

"Me too" She smiled at me, showing her dimples and teeth, it was genuine cause it made me lament so much that has happened, I just hope that I'd endure the pain of whats going to happen next.

(Louis' POV)

As we walk to Harry's car I can see and feel the jelousy radiating through him, I laughed silently. He never broke eye contact with me. I know that Harry knows that I still feel this passionate love for Charlie as a sister. I never heard him complain about it as he was always giving in to everything just to have me. But I know that he believes me that when I assured him that he has me more than any other person who could. That if he'd have to share me, he would always have the bigger side. But Harry knew there was no sharing. Harry knew I was his and he was mine.

I drove home, it was silent as faint music invaded the background. Stolen looks were exchanged between me and Harry, it was filled with tension as we know what to expect. Going back meaning exposing Charlie to the lies and truths that we were going to make her recall and our friends, we need to warn them about it. We were willing to work all of this out, I know it.

(Harry's POV)

It started to rain.

I looked at Charlie at the back, her legs was rested on the seat, I wouldnt normally allow that, but I'll allow this today. only today. she was looking at the falling raindrops on the window, I can see that her mind is somwhere out of her, she always had that look in her face that seemed like if you get into her mind you'd think you could drown in it. Sometimes she'd tell me she's empty and feel pathetic and I wonder how she could even say that to herself. She doesn't know how many times people have been drowning just by looking at her.


(Louis' POV)

We arrived at Harry and Charlie's flat. I noticed the familiar empty space at the side, where a swimming pool used to be at. They have a swimming pool in it because Charlie is scared of open water, she cant swim, she freaks out. I remember that time when she was asleep and me and Harry placed on that plastic transparent big hamsterball and placed her in the middle of the pond, we were camping. She cried when she woke up and got frustrated because she was surrounded by water, it was funny, but I can see the horror in her eyes. I didnt really remember why she is scared of water, I didn't remember asking.

I parked infront.

"we're he-"

"Shh dont wake her up" Harry cut me. she carried Charlie Legs inbetween his waist, head resting on his shoulder, her arms around his neck, I can tell that she is used to people carrying her like that when she sleeps, Charlie still knows she is going to be carried, she dangled on Harry without even waking herself up.

Charlie was light so it was easy for Harry to walk to the door and carry her with one hand and open the door with the keys in the other. I grabbed Charlie's stuff, as I walked in to their flat, I saw a fammiliar view, Charlie sleeping on the corner of the couch, head and arms are resting on the arm chair and one leg on the couch the other, dangling on the floor. she's always like that, sometimes she'd rather sleep on the couch than in her bed. The rest of the room looked the same, the damage that was caused a few weeks ago was cleaned. Me and Liam had the time to, Harry declined to leave Charlie, he wanted to stay in ever single movement she made when she was paralyzed.

I went to her bedroom and dropped her things there. Memories flushed through me as I saw her room, I used to sleep her for the night, other than Harry's, this room became our space, mine and Charlie's. I grabbed her Favorite blanket it was dark blue, it had stars and planets on it, Its actually harry's old baby blanket, even though its too small for her she doesnt use it for covering purpose. She hugs it. I went back to the living room and covered Charlie with the snall blanket and she automatically hugged it.

I went to the kitchen to look at what Harry is doing. I saw him grabbing a large bottle of beer and opening it up.



I came closer to him, as I did, it made me realize our height difference again, but that didn't affect the dominance on our roles to each other.

"What do you want to do now?" I said looking into him, waiting for a reply.

"Everything" He smirked, touching me in places that sent warmth to my center, I leaned to give him a kiss on his puckered up lips but when he angled towards me, I pulled, teasing him.

"I meant about Charlie.. but that can be an exception" I said. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to give me a long passionate kiss, my left hand was on his chest and the other rubbing into his curly hair, making it messy. He grabbed my bum and caressed it, I felt my body wanting him now. I cannot resist how my hands  started unbuttoning his jeans and dipping my hand to his center with only his boxers as a boundary to connect my hand with his length. I earned a silent moan from him as my lips trailed down his neck to place wet kisses all over him.

"Harry? Louis?..." a voice echoed from the corridor to the room.

I panicked and pushed Harry away causing him to give me that dissapointed look. he put his buttons back on. He sat down in one of the tall chairs near the counter to hide his massive buldge, building up on his crotch.

"We're right in the kitchen love" Harry shouted to the door. he looked at me like he wanted to continue it while Charlie wasnt there but I increased our distance by opening the fridge, pretending as if I was looking for something.

(Harry's POV)

I wanted him so badly, I thought we didnt have to hide, but we still do, even if my sister thinks they're just friends. Same old feelings of hanging and hiding travel through me. Will there be any difference at all?

"Harry?" Charlie peeked at the door hugging that blanket I gave her when she was 4.

"I thought you left me" she said with that worried look on her face, she is still afraid of being alone isnt she.

"But we didnt." I smiled, reassuring her. Because we really won't

"Louis what are you doing?"  She said looking at Louis. I looked back at Louis who is starring at the open fridge, he looked at Charlie then looked at me.

"eerhmm.. I was looking for some.. orange.. yes, orange"

He grabbed the orange and ate it like an apple me. He's stupid.

"I think I remember how to eat an orange and thats not how you do it" She looked at louis dumbly as his attempt to try to make her laugh.

"Oh, hey. Do you want me to show your room?" I offered to Charlie. I nly just remembered that she might have kept things there that showed great value to her relationship with Louis. I haven't really went in her room yet and remove the things that could possible remind her of Louis.

"Sure" She replied and I walked to her.

"Louis?" I asked looking back at him, asking if he'd want to follow.

"ill be at your room" he gave me a wink and a naughty grin, good thing Charlie wasn't looking.

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