Chapter Nine: Sankofa

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Sankofa (n.) (phr.) (Akan) "Go back and fetch it" We must look back in the past so that we may understand how we became what we are and move forward to a better future.

(Charlie's POV)

Thank God the tests were over, I feel like my brain is about to explode, everytime the teacher said 'pass the papers forward, the test is over' it was like passing my future to hell. I was uncertain of what I was doing but for every question there would always be some answer popping in my mind and I was even unsure it was correct, it sounds like it was so I just trusted my crappy brain.

"Good luck to your results" Our professor said as we exit the room. I smized. Thanks, Satan.

I was waiting for Harry outside the campus, I was sitting on the stairs, staring at the parking lot infront of the school, looking at people, most of them who passed by were saying hi. I didn't know who they were but I said hi back or I would just smile at them, Lexi left early because she was her mom's long distance assistant in New York.

She mentioned something about my part time job.. Ice skating? Yeah. I remember. Little kids on ice. I wonder if I could still Ice skate.. I mean, its only a part time job, right? But the idea of gliding in ice through thin metal gave me excitement. I want to try it soon.


(Louis' POV)

I woke up with the bed suddenly cooler and disappointment, Harry wasnt there beside me. I saw a sticky note on the lamp, it said

||Dear boo,
im going  to pick up Charlie from school, there is food on the fridge if ever you're hungry, wait for us okay? Don't leave yet. love you!

xx harry||

there was another one that said

||Ps: I woke up with sticky sheets ;-) fix that would you? it was your fault anyways||

I stopped reading it and mumbled "shit Harry it was your idea to not use condoms"

|| did my part by picking up YOUR clothes, love you! xx Harry||

I mumbled again. "Harry why do you have to be such a neat freak?"


(Charlie's POV)

A familliar black car just recently parked in front of me. Harry popped out of the driver's seat with his sunglasses of his. God, my brother is attractive. I stood up as he approached me.

"You're late" I weakly punched his abdomen.

"And your classmates are checking me out" he grinned at me leading me towards the door as he faced me.

"I know" rolled my eyes and sighed. People looked at him and his car, he seems to be handling the attention pretty well.

He opened the passenger seat for me and gestured for me to come in like the gentleman he is. I sat down as he gently closed the door and jogged to the driver's seat and began to drive.

"so hows the tests?" he asked, eyes focused on the road.

"Aww.. come on, Harry. The most important thing is that we have each other and we love each other, thats what family is for, right?" I changed the topic and cooed. 

He smiled with his dimples of him. "Yeah, you're right" 

"Where's Lexi though?" 

"At her part time job.. why? Miss your girl already? aww" I pinched his cheeks but let his face away from me and grunted.

"She's not my girl" He frowned.

"But to the eyes of other people she is" I raised my brow.

"Yeah, its called dealing with publicity, cause you know your brother, Im famous and girls are dying just to see a glimpse of me" He exaggerated.

"Hmm.. I can see your ego has grown into the humongous size of-"

"My dick?" He laughed.

"Hm.. not really, because in that case, your ego would be nonexistent" I said killing his laughter.

"I'll have you know, people line up just to be with me" 

"And Lexi?" I smirked, wanting him to tell me all about their relationship.

"What about Lexi?" He glanced at me. "Why do you even want to know about us anyway?" He said irritated.

"Because you two look so good together!" They do, they really do. "And you seem like a couple now, why not continue it officially?" 


"Because?" I said eager to find out.

"Reasons." He faintly said.

"Reasons?" I frowned.

"Fine. Its because at one point of our lives, we'll find a person who we'll be getting in a high speed with and risk our lives for them and there will come a time where you'll loose controll and the breaks breaks and stop to work and theres nothing else to do but crash" He sighed. "And that person to me is Lexi" He said parking the car in front of our flat. 

I grew silent to his thoughts about Lexi. I envy their relationship as I knew no one would describe me as that.. tragically mellow.

"Okay, Charlie, theres something I want to tell you" he said in a serious tone that scared me. He took his glasses of, exposing me to his green eyes that poured out hesitation.


"dont freak out ok?"



"yup harry, promise"

"you sure?"

I wonder what it was.

"yup, pinky promise harry" I showed him my pinky and he entwined our pinkies together and connected our thumbs.

he let out a deep breath

"Charlie, Louis, is more than a friend or a best friend to me."

there was silence and tension in the car.

"Louis is my boyfriend."

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