Chapter Fourty Four: Paracosm

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Paracosm (n.) A detailed, prolonged imaginary world created by a child that includes human, animal or alien creations.

(Charlie's POV)

We all head to Perrie's. Even though I shouldn't because I wouldn't want to anymore, I still had to because of Jane and the twins, Louis rode with the team. Jane was with me and Daisy and Phoebe though.

"Thank you so much for the ride, I feel like I won't last even a minute with Niall and his friends in his car" She said as she carried Phoebe on her lap on the passenger seat.

"Don't mention it. Cherlaine was there, I don't see why you'll be uncomfortable" I shrugged.

"Well Cher may be my best friend but we still have boundaries and things we don't agree on"

"Like being with Niall's friends?" I glanced at her.

"Yes and more than that, being close with them. I didn't know she even liked football.. although once I caught her watching once. But then, its all a huge surprise to me, especially that her and Niall are that close. I only know they know each other. All the more, his wild and rowdy friends."

"Same" I realized that she didn't know what Zayn told me and I felt guilty for not telling her, but I think I'm not the right person to tell her that so I would let either Niall or Cher do it, its none of my business, I guess.

"But I'm not going to see that as a competition though" She defended. "Right? Niall and Cher, it seems like an odd pair"

"Something tells me you're nervous over this" I told her honestly.

"I'm not nervous, its just that me and Niall already made up and I wouldn't want that to change again" She shrugged.

My mind travelled back to the way Niall made Cher laugh and the way he looked at her on Perrie's. Its the happiest I've seen of Cherlaine, excluding the night where she was drunk. There was no tension between the two of them, they were both comfortable with each other.

Then when I think of Louis and what happened earlier at the field, he denied my kiss. I know that was the right thing to do since we were at an open field and everyone could easily see us with Zayn, Niall and the twins around us. The hug was too much yet it was not satisfying to me, I wanted to have the luxury of making out with him in any place or time possible yet he denied that from me. I can't stop thinking about it. How many times will he do that?

"She hugged Niall though, which was a very huge surprise. Do you know that she only hugs important people in her life?" She shifted her position and looked at me "Like her sisters? Hardly even. I don't remember the last time I hugged her. Especially that tight"

"Jane, don't be paranoid over this. They're just friends" Even though honestly they act more than that.

"I'm bot paranoid! I'm just curious" She sat again facing the front with Phoebe on her lap, dismissing her thoughs.. hopefully.

"I think its best if I don't get curious so I'll just leave the topic be" She shrugged.

"Okay, Jane. What ever you say" I said as I approached the entrance to the parking and looked for a spot. The place was crowded.

When we got off the car, I held Daisy and Phoebe. On the way inside Cher, Niall and his friends were there talking about something and laughing on the way in, Cher included.

"Hey" Niall greeted us. "Have you all met Jane? She's a very special friend of mine" Niall went by Jane's side and held her waist which she glowed from and introduced her to a small group of football players.

Phosphenes [Larry Stylinson Fan Fiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now