8. soulmate

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"Everybody, get this set up!" Tae-O said as he was urging everybody to set up the billboard he bought for Jihyo's birthday.

"You're actually crazy that you bought a fucking billboard and made it get built in a day near JYP!" Y/N said looking at Tae-O like he was crazy as they did another live broadcast.

"This was your idea!" Tae-O said.

"But I said to buy a damn banner! Not a billboard!" Y/N said.

"If it was a banner it would be large enough to cover the building's wall." Tae-O said.

"Besides, this is just the small part of your gift to your sunbaenim, I'm just helping you even though I'm not hardcore as a fan as you are." Tae-O smiles at Y/N and she chuckled rolling her eyes.

"You spend your money on the craziest things." Y/N chuckled.

"Well you make up the craziest ideas." Tae-O said and Y/N looks at the camera and makes a dead face as she zooms the camera in on her before pulling back the view.

"Alright! What's going in here." Y/N then turns her head and gasped shoving the camera to Tae-O's chest making him hold it and she ran to both Taehyun and Jackson before hugging them tightly. It's literally only been what, 5-6 days since she's seen them?

But that was enough to make them miss them like they were her world.

"Okay let go." Jackson chuckled as Y/N did so and smiled widely seeing them again.

"I'm Tae-O, I've been taking care of Y/N during her training." He smiled as he held the camera up to his face and shook both of the men's hands.

"Look it's my lame friends!" Y/N smiled and showed them on camera but Taehyun got camera shy and hid behind Jackson as he laughs and waved before Y/N turned the camera back to her and Tae-O.

"The billboard should be complete before Jihyo gets here." Tae-O said, currently it was 6 am,  and Jihyo was told to go to the building around 7:30 when the sun would rise.

"Should we add something else? Like it's from you and I?" Tae-O asks and Y/N shook her head looking at the team of construction works putting up the billboard.

"No.. just say it's from once." Y/N smiled softly and then walked back inside the building, though she was a trainee in the same label as Twice, she still was a once at heart.

"Wait Y/N! You know we can't head inside the building right!" Taehyun said as Y/N walked back out.

"Right!" Y/N said as the three boys chuckle and so Jackson received a phone call.

"Shoot I gotta go, got some errands to do." He said and so they wave bye to him as he started walking away taking the call.

"Right that reminds me, I have to get groceries, we'll text you later okay?" Taehyun asks as they hug before Taehyun walked away and Y/N smiled.

"Come on let's go." Tae-O as she nods and so they end the vlive together before heading inside the JYP building and going to the cafeteria just to hang out until the sun rose.

Jihyo was arriving at the JYP building and the moment she saw the billboard from the car window, she smiled widely.

"Wow.." she smiled and took a picture of it. It definitely gave her a reason to smile this morning and so she stepped out and walked inside the building as the receptionists greet her a happy birthday and she thanks them.

Receiving countless of happy birthdays, she walks in one of the practice rooms to see Y/N practicing and no Tae-O to be seen, she blushes when she saw her dance and even took the second to watch her.

"Ahem." Jihyo cleared her throat as Y/N turned around and smiled widely and bowed before stopping the music.

"Happy birthday sunbaenim!" Y/N ran up to her before stopping just a few feet away from her.

"You see I'm all sweaty and you're all gorgeous right now so I don't wanna mix that together." Y/N makes a disgusted face after and shook her head as Jihyo giggles.

"Well I could practice with you." Jihyo looks at her.

"You don't mind?" Y/N asks as Jihyo took her jacket off and ran a hand through her short silk hair before nodding.

"Please, I've been a trainee for 10 years, it wouldn't hurt to dance with you on my birthday." Jihyo chuckled.

"You know 1million dance studio?" Y/N looks at her.

"Of course, you know Beyoncé?" Jihyo asks as Y/N bursts out laughing.

"Who doesn't?" She puts Baby Boy on and so the music started.

The moment they started dancing, Jihyo felt excited and happy in the moment, dancing with a trainee and a singer who has a voice whom she loved to the bottom of her heart.

Jihyo then stood infront of Y/N wrapping her arm around the back of the taller girl's neck and so they drop their hips swaying together and so Jihyo spun around facing Y/N as she held her neck with both hands and hid the blush from her cheeks.

Coming close to an end, Jihyo then dipped her body as Y/N held her and smiled widely as Y/N brought the girl back up.

"Thank you really, I think this just wraps up my practice for today." Y/N chuckled and it was clear she was shy and even blushed a bit.

"Oh! Here's your present." Y/N smiled and handed a small box to her.

"Don't open it until you get home." Y/N smiled widely as she nods before thanking her and walked out as Yongjin was looking for her.


Jihyo was home after a great birthday date with Daniel since she already spent the morning with the girls.

Opening her gift from Y/N, she smiled softly seeing it was a cheap but beautiful ring that had a star on top of it.

She also saw a note inside and read from it.

'Sorry your gift wasn't as expensive as the others' but I hope you liked it. I had struggles finding a really cheap ring that I had envisioned in my head, happy birthday again

Love, Y/N'

She was about to text Y/N but looking at her contacts she groaned and mumbled to herself, "I'm actually so dumb."

"I forgot to ask for her number." She groaned louder and then stuffed her face into a pillow.

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