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Jihyo finally met her happily ever after, the pages she'd write in her journal about Y/N, the scarves she'd make for her, the amount of money she'd spoil for her, she loved every part of that girl and she'd do anything to keep her.

Hell, it even took three different realities for Jihyo to finally end up with Y/N, but, that's the part that connects fiction with reality, patience is annoying yet also a virtue.

After Y/N came out, the years pass and soon, More & More was going to be released within the next week.

For two years now Jihyo and Y/N have been together and they couldn't be more happier.

Of course, the girls couldn't be more glad for Jihyo, but soon enough, after a long talk, a very long talk, they agreed to be with each other. A relationship of ten people, well it's a lot but, they've all grown together and now they love each other.

But of course, they all agreed that Jihyo should be the one to marry Y/N and those feelings for all ten of them towards each other can stay until the other members meet another man or woman in their life.

Getting back to real life, the girls were getting ready for their live and couldn't be more excited.

"You're gonna do just fine.. I promise." Jihyo smiled as she helped Y/N put her outfit on.

"I love you.." Y/N smiled leaning down.

"I love you too." Jihyo smiles widely before kissing her lips.

"Unnie!" Y/N yelled.

"Yes Y/N?" Jisoo asks as Y/N trips a bit but nonetheless gets to her.

"I love you!" Y/N then hugs the older girl tightly as Jisoo smiles hugging back.

"I don't care.. if you get eliminated, I'm getting myself eliminated too.." Y/N said to Jihyo as she looks at her.

"You mean it?" Jihyo asks.

"I mean it.." Y/N takes her hand.

Jihyo smiles melting on the spot, she really didn't want the cliché of finally getting with her childhood best friend.

So she took it as finally getting with her long time soulmate. She was glad that she didn't have to endure another ten years waiting for Y/N. She only had to wait three, and she finally got the girl.

While the broadcast was being set up, from far away, two girls were standing beside each other watching them.

"That's her?" The taller one asks.

"I know she's kind of a knuckle head but, I think you'll get along with her just fine." Author-nim smiles and pats her back.

"Um excuse me?" Mina asks walking behind the two and Author-nim's eyes widen before making the other one disappear.

"Oh hi." Author-nim smiled and turned to Mina. Mina notices the girl and finds that she has seen her before, in her dreams, somewhere but couldn't put her finger on it. This was a case of déjà vu, having met each other in another reality caused her to have small flashbacks to that time, or at least that's the fake logic author-nim made.

"Have I see you somewhere?" Mina asks.

"No.. I'm afraid not.." The girl smiled and Mina nods before saying goodbye and walking away.

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