26. signing

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"We'd only sign Twice if we're only signing Y/N and Tae-O." The CEO of Republic Records said over the call and Jonghyun looks at JYP as he gave the younger man a nod.

"We'll send our people to speak with you soon." Jonghyun smiled as he then ends the call and sat back in his seat.

"By the way.." Jonghyun turned to JYP.

"A lot of people and even idols are talking about romance now with Y/N." Jonghyun said.

"And?" JYP asks.

"Mina came to ask me for my permission if she could ask Y/N to be her girlfriend." Jonghyun said and JYP looks at him in disbelief.

"What? Are you asking for my permission? The people Mina should be talking to is Y/N's parents, who are abroad." JYP said.

"But Nayeon and Jeongyeon are also asking." Jonghyun said.

"Y/N has a lot, but, I don't think she's still stable with Jackson's passing." JYP said.

"But for now, choose a girl that you'd approve and even be okay with in public." Jonghyun said.

"I'd approve Y/N to make her relationship public with any of the girls, but with Mina, she'd have to be public about dating a girl but protect her for now and keep her hidden." JYP said.

"Are you sure with this? You've been putting Y/N through a lot." Jonghyun said.

And so, the two men decided to call Y/N and she picked up after a few seconds.

"Yes, pd-nim?" Y/N asked.

"Well we've been thinking about a lot, and I know Jackson's passing has been tiring to keep thinking about and I'm sorry." JYP sighed.

"It's okay, I can't lie when I say that it hurts waking up in the morning." Y/N said and an audible sigh was heard.

"It might seem even more burdening but, have you thought of getting into a relationship?" JYP said.

"Um, well, I haven't really thought about it yet considering I never had one." Y/N said shocking the two men.

"You never had a girlfriend?" Jonghyun's eyes widen slightly and groaned.

"What's the matter?" Y/N asked.

"Well you're preparing for your debut and all, and we thought you could, get you on the news more and let you come out if you want and be with a girl you'd like." JYP said.

"It's not like a PR Stunt is it?" Y/N asks.

"Of course not, it's to help the media be more open minded to same sex couples." JYP said.

"I mean, Jackson always enjoyed seeing same sex couples in public." Y/N chuckled.

"So would I be able to date Mina then?" Y/N said.

"Well yes actually, and as friend to friend, not mentor to mentee, she'd like to date you too." Jonghyun said causing the girl to smile.

So within that, Mina was brought into the call too.

"Yeah I'd be cool with going public." Mina said shocking the girls.

"Well let's take it one step at a time, I'll come out, say I'm dating a female idol, then when you're fully healed and so am I, we'll reveal that it's you." Y/N said.

"Yeah." Mina smiled softly.

"But to make it official, let's go on a date, I'll see you in two hours?" Y/N asked.

"I'd love that." Mina said.

The two men felt like a third and fourth wheel hearing their conversation and soon the call ended.

"We're the best cupid." Jonghyun said and the two high five.


"Do I look okay?" Mina asked wearing a nice blouse along with leggings and she slings her gucci bag over her shoulder.

"Perfect." Sana smiled and hugged her.

Then the doorbell was rung and Mina walked to the door and opened it to see Y/N holding a bouquet of roses.

"This is for you." Y/N smiled as she handed it to Mina receiving a kiss from her.

Mina hands the bouquet to Sana as the girls thank her and so Mina waves goodbye before holding her hand and the two go out on their date.

The two had their fun, going on an amusement park despite it being a work and school day for most, the two were given time off for them.

Their final stop was the ferris wheel and Mina held the teddy bear she won thanks to Y/N for her help and Y/N pulls her out.

She takes a picture of her arm around Mina and then takes one of Mina doing a peace sign beside her eyes as Y/N winked scrunching her nose and chose that would be the picture she'd post.

Finally, Y/N took a picture she'd keep for herself and turned Mina's head to her and kissed her softly.

"Wow.." Mina said softly causing Y/N to smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Y/N asked.

"Yes.." Mina smiled and so Y/N sighed softly in relief looking up at the sky.

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