20. valentine's day

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"What's on your mind Mina?" Sana asks as all the girls were having a relaxing night in their dorm.

"Y/N." Mina blurts out and her eyes widen before shutting her mouth.

"Is this why you've been so glued to your phone more than always?" Sana asks and then Jeongyeon swipes the phone away from Mina and saw the video of Y/N singing as she was on a variety show.

"Okay you're in love." Jeongyeon teases the girl and the penguin turns red.

"I'm gonna take a nap." Mina said but that was when her phone started to ring.

"It's Y/N!" Jeongyeon said as she looked at the phone and the girls huddle up as they sat down and Mina tries to grab it away but Jeongyeon answers the call.

"I'm glad you picked up Mina unnie." Y/N's voice rang through the girls' ears like candy and Mina smiled softly.

"What do you need?" Mina asked.

"Well you said you were running out of ketchup, so I bought you a new bottle." Y/N said and Mina then takes a peek outside to see Y/N outside.

"Yeah sure! I'll get it." Mina smiled and then rushed outside and so the girls all crowd up to the window to watch.

"Thank you so much." Mina giggled as she stepped out to see Y/N.

"Very comfortable, what you're wearing." Y/N chuckled and Mina realized she was standing infront of Y/N wearing nothing but a robe and her eyes widened before turning red.

"Yeah very." She chuckled nervously and then took the ketchup bottle.

"I guess I'll see you around?" Y/N asked as Mina nods.

"Yeah. By the way if you're curious, Tae-O's doing just fine." Mina smiled.

"I can't say the same for Jackson and Taehyun though, they still haven't woke up." Y/N said softly.

"Well I'm sure that they will soon, just keep your head up." Mina smiled and Y/N nods before getting in the car her, Taehyun and Jackson would all use before driving away.

"Yah you messed up." Chaeyoung said through the window as Mina turned around to see them all.

"What do you mean, I messed up?" Mina asked.

"That was your chance to ask her out! Or ask her to be today's date! It is Valentine's day." Chaeyoung said and Mina looked at the streets before walking back to the dorm.

"You didn't ask her?!" Tae-O asks as he groaned the moment Y/N nods.

"Okay come with me, it's our day off anyway." Tae-O said and then dragged her out of their dorm before shoving her inside his sports car before starting the car.

"Okay where are we going?" Y/N asks.

"You are finally going to get the girl, and I know for sure there's seven single girls and two taken ones who are ready to have you." He said.

"But I want to know, who is the girl?" He asks her.

"Well, my mind's set on Mina and my heart's telling me it's her right now." Y/N said and Tae-O smiled before pulling up infront of a luxury clothing store.

"Black and white combo is always the go to." He smiled before picking out a black blazer and the pants before shoving it to her along with a white shirt.

"Now, I'll buy and you will get dressed." He said pushing her into the dressing room before buying the clothing for her.

Y/N stepped out after and then tosses her old clothes to Tae-O and he smiled.

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