14. grieving

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"I don't think this will work Y/N." YooA sighed.

"Yeah I was thinking to say that to you tonight too.." Y/N said.

"I'd be more than happy to still be your ally, but I just feel like I'll be burden to you.." YooA said.

"Unnie you never will be a burden." Y/N smiled before she took another shot with YooA.

"How are Taehyun and Jackson?" She asks looking at Y/N.

"Couldn't be worser, it's been a day and they haven't woken up.." Y/N said and then sighed before taking another shot.


Y/N was back home at the dorm drinking a whole bottle of soju even if it was 7 in the morning and Jeongyeon pulled the bottle from her.

"Aish, you were drunk coming home and you're already drinking again." Jeongyeon sighed.

"Well without my brothers with me, who am I supposed to call family when my parents are on the other side of the world." Y/N sighed and then leaned back on the couch.

"Besides, I broke off a romance with someone, now I have to deal with 9 girls who all are afraid." Y/N said.

"Afraid of what." Jeongyeon said.

"Telling the truth. I know some are also into guys, but you're just hiding you'd like to be with a woman." Y/N said.

"It's our own choice, why would we need to tell the whole world we're into the same gender?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Because homophobia in the world is just going to be a joke unless an influential group takes it serious. Now kpop is seen as a joke but the more people love it, the more it gets serious. Now what do you want to be seen as, an idol? Someone who gets worshipped and is made out of gold? Or a human that improves their quality of life and others too." Y/N said before getting up and walking to the washroom.

"It's not that easy." Jeongyeon said.


As Y/N was practicing guitar sitting in the practice room, Jonghyun and JYP walked in.

"Y/N, Jonghyun's been waiting for the right time to talk to you." JYP smiled as Y/N stood up and bowed but no smile was on her lips.

"Pleasure to meet you again sunbaenim." She said.

Jonghyun looked at her before turning his head to JYP.

"I thought I would have triple threat variety show host Y/N to be my apprentice not this sad guitarist." Jonghyun said.

"Look she's been having a rough couple of days, just take it easy on her alright? Just for this once?" JYP said with a hopeful and Jonghyun sighed before he nods.

"Y/N! I would now like to announce Jonghyun as your mentor! He will teach you all his knowing until the day you debut. Of course I was going to talk to you about producing today but I decided that Jonghyun will be just fine to give you the starting ropes." JYP said.

"And since Jonghyun has been coming to JYP all the time, nowadays you will step inside SM Entertainment." JYP smiled.

"It's a gracious offer pd-nim but I'm afraid you have to pass that offer to Tae-O, I'm in need to check up my friends in the hospital everyday." Y/N said.

"I'll drive you there after our training session." Jonghyun said looking at her.

"You're willing to do that?" Y/N asks as JYP looks at Jonghyun with a small smile.

"Yeah, it can't hurt the schedule." Jonghyun shrugged.

"Well you're starting right after lunch and Yosuke will drive you to SM after." JYP said and Y/N nods before the two left the room.

Y/N sighed sadly before sitting back down and then continued to play guitar.

The door opens again and Y/N's voice got louder.

"If that's you again JYP then it's better you leave right now or-" Y/N said.

"Y/N?" Sana asked as she got up.

"Oh sorry Sana I'm just really distracted right now with Taehyun and Jackson's condition." Y/N said.

"Trust me, I know." Sana chuckled and then looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Sana asked as Y/N puts away the guitar.

"Nothing really, I'm just practicing that's all." Y/N shrugged as she then stood up but still faced away from Sana.

"How long have you been playing?" Sana said walking to her and that's when Y/N turned around causing the two to be close to each other closer than they expected.

"Um.. about 2 years.. I've only met Taehyun and Jackson when I moved here and they've taught me ever since..." Y/N gulped and the two stare into each other's eyes.

Sana was a flirt indeed but with Y/N she decided to risk it and pull Y/N into a kiss holding both of her cheeks.

Y/N's eyes widened at first as she was stuck in place.

Sana's eyes were closed and so with her left hand, she closed Y/N's eyes and Y/N puts her hands on Sana's waist before kissing her back.

Sana pulls away and blushes a deep red, but Y/N was red as a tomato.

"I should go, um, lunch is around the corner." Y/N said.

"Oh um yeah I should go to the girls already." Sana said.

"Y-yeah." Y/N then ran out of the room but not before bumping into Tae-O.

"Woah! What's the rush! And why are your lips all glossy? You never wear lip gloss." Tae-O asks before Y/N wipes her lips.

"Long story short, Sana kissed me." Y/N said and Tae-O lets out a loud scream and shriek before passing out in Y/N's arms, the shock and panic in Y/N now turned to an emotionless and tired emotion.

"Aigoo, why do I tell you everything." Y/N groaned and then walked to the cafeteria after putting Tae-O over her shoulders horizontally.

"He's fine everybody!" Y/N said after catching the attention of everybody in the cafeteria before sitting him down and splashing his face with a cup of water waking him up.

"Okay you have to tell me everything." Tae-O said leaning forward ignoring the fact the tips of his hair were wet and the collar of his shirt was drenched.

"You passed out and the first thing you ask after you wake up is the drama?" Y/N raised an eyebrow and Tae-O nods with a wide smile which gave him another cup of water thrown at him.

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