43. second thoughts

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The whole night, Mina was contemplating whether she should go to JYP or not, and she did.

Walking inside JYP then looks away from he picture frame of his daughter and then looks up at Mina with a smile.

"A friend of mine told me you know how I can end up with Y/N." Mina said.

"You're already dating her?" JYP raises a brow and then Mina sits down.

"All the other girls wants to be with Y/N too." Mina said and JYP gulps.

"So tell me how to be with her in this end or something the girl I talked to sounded crazy but for some reason I trusted her." Mina said.

"Well? You know her the most other than Taehyun." Mina said.

"It's complicated." JYP said and turned to her.

"But uh, right now I think it's best if you two take a break and I think Y/N should head back to her dorm with Tae-O." JYP said and she nods tearing up a bit before walking out.

"Mina!" Y/N said as she finally found her lover and walked to her.

"Let's break up.." Mina said, the girls in the practiced room noticed it started to rain and raised a brow.

"Mina.. I'm sorry I never meant to kiss her." Y/N said.

"It's not that, the other girls love you, maybe you deserve to be with Jihyo, maybe, but I know we don't deserve to be with each other.." Mina said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Mina no.. we can work this out." Y/N said.

"I tried to work it out, we all have you. But it can't work out, we can't." Mina said.

"I love you and you love me! We both know that!" Y/N said.

"But saying that won't prove we mean it!" Mina said.

"Do you not believe me when I say I love you?" Y/N asks.

"I know the way you look at other girls Y/N, if only the girls didn't look at you the same way I did maybe you wouldn't have thought of cheating on me." Mina said.

"You bastard! I care for my members and you but you all betrayed me!" Mina said as she got angrier.

"I never betrayed you!-" Y/N was cut off with a slap and Mina's eyes widened at what she just had done.

JYP steps out the moment it happened and looked at Y/N before grabbing her collar and dragging her inside his office.

Mina was too stunned and watched the door close.

JYP sits her on the couch and grabs his water bottle before splashing water onto her face.

"You messed it all up!" JYP yelled at her.

"Messed what up?!" Y/N yelled.

"I did this just because of you!" JYP yelled.

"Did what?!" Y/N yelled.

"This!" JYP said and then showed her the frame of him and her in that separate timeline when Y/N was originally a member of Twice.

"I thought I could fix everything!" JYP said.

"What is that?" Y/N asks and JYP sighs as he broke down infront of her.

"Y/N you're moving back to your dorm with Tae-O? And starting tonight, you do not, go outside." He said.

"Why?" Y/N said.

"Just follow my words dammit!" JYP yelled at her and then she nods looking down.


The next day, it was Chaeyoung's birthday and Mina was quiet the entire time they celebrated it.

"Happy birthday to you.." the girls sang and clapped as Chaeyoung smiles sadly and blew on the candles.

As the 'party' finished, Chaeyoung was in her room as she fought herself from letting tears roll down her cheeks and Jihyo walks inside.

"I'm sorry for a bad party Chaeyoung.." Jihyo said as she sat down beside her and Chaeyoung lays her head on their leader.

"It's okay, it was bad timing anyway.." Chaeyoung sighed.

"Things just don't feel right anymore do they.." Jihyo said as Chaeyoung shakes her head.

"It just feels like we're not supposed to be here at this time right now." Chaeyoung said and Jihyo agrees.

"I don't think there's ever going to be day that everything feels right." Jihyo frowned.

Meanwhile, Y/N was in her bed sleeping and having sweet dreams of having a vacation, and JYP heading to where Yosuke was.

"I need you for a very special project." JYP said and then brought him to his car.

"What is it sir?" Yosuke asks.

"What did your major in university Yosuke?" JYP asks.

"Physics." Yosuke said.

"Good, by the time I'm done, I'm gonna retire early in Europe." JYP sighed as Yosuke drove to a destination JYP remember was the facility he built for Yosuke.

But finding it, it was just a blank field of grass, he steps out, he wanted a way to go back.

"Sir? What is it?" Yosuke asks.

"Nothing.." JYP answers.

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