Prologue Part 2:

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The big girls of the neighborhood were playing games in a big empty lot they had invited everyone else to play too so there ended up being about ten including Len and Miku.

Mikuo wouldn't come and play because the mean boys were there, but Miku didn't care. She wanted to play with the big girls!

They had been playing duck duck goose when one of the mothers called her boy in for lunch. Then the big girls started talking about him.

"I wonder who he likes?" one of them asked nobody in particular.

"I think he likes everybody!" Miku cries extending her arms to include everybody in the circle.

The big girls laugh. "No silly! thats not what we mean!"

"Huh?" Miku looked at them confused.

One of the big boys rolls his eyes. "They want him to kiss one of them" He said making a face at the big girls.

"EW!" Len screeches.

"Yuck!" Miku cries.

The biggest girl looks at Miku. "Don't you want somebody to love you before you die?" she asks.

"Yeeeeeesss....." Miku answered slowly.

"Too bad!" The big boy shouted. "Your so ugly that nobody will ever love you!" He laughed at Miku and his friends joined in.

Miku's eyes started to water. but she rubbed at them thinking: 'my mommy loves me!'

Then Len stood up and he went to the big boy. "Your mean!" He said and punched the boy in the face. "Don't ever be mean to Miku ever!" Len shouted and stamped his foot. Then he went up to Miku and pulled her up. "Let's go." he said and they walked to Miku's house.

Miku sat down in front of the gate. Len sat down too, he noticed Miku's eyes were still watery. "Miku! Why are you sad!?" He cried. He thought that now she would be happy!

"Because when my mommy dies nobody will love me!" She cried starting to sob.

Len gave her a big hug. "Don't worry Miku...I'll love you!"

Miku's sobs died down to a sniffle. "Len?" she said


"Will you kiss me before I die? Like my mommy does?" Miku asked wiping at her last tear.

"Ok!" Len smiles at her.

Miku stands up and brings Len inside. Miku's mom comes over to Miku and gives her a big hug and kiss. "Are you hungry?" she asks.

"Yeah! Mommy can me and Len make cookies?" Miku yells.

"Yeah! Cookies!!!" Len cries happily.

Miku's mom helps the two make cookies and she even very bravely tried one.

Len and Miku went back outside and played in Miku's yard. Miku's mom watched them for a while...smiling sadly to herself

<><>Time Skip<><>

"Mikuo will you play with me?" Miku asks her big brother.

"Go away Miku!!!" Her brother slams his door, why does she always come in his room?

"FINE I'LL GO PLAY WITH LEN!!!" She screams.

"I don't care!" her brother yells back.

Miku huffs and puts on her shoes. Her mommy is lying down on the couch so Miku goes outside quietly.

She walks down the sidewalk towards Len's house which seems very far away to her. By the time she gets there she is exhausted. (She walked for about two minutes). Miku goes up and rings the doorbell. Mrs. Kagamine always laughs when Miku rings the doorbell, she told Miku that she's allowed to just come in, but Miku thinks its fun to ring the doorbell.

The door opened and a tall lady opened the door. She looks around and then looks down at Miku.

"Len?" Miku asks peering past the old lady. She notices that the house is clean this lady must be a babysitter who hasn't learned that Len and Rin are a toy tornado.

"I'm sorry dear are you lost?" the lady asks Miku bending down.

Miku shakes her head and blows the hair out of her face. (She accidentally whipped the lady in the face with her long twintails) 

"Len!" Miku yells. Why isn't Len coming out to her, he never ignores her.

"Oh!" The lady shouts seeming to realize something. "Are you by chance looking for the Kagamine's?"

Miku nods and peers past the lady again. Rin's play art easel wasn't set up where it usually was. They must have moved it.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear but the Kagamine's have moved."

"Moved?" Miku repeats blankly.

"Yes, to America." The lady smiles.

Miku stares at the lady. The lady starts to fidget, why is this child staring at her so intently? "Well I think you should run on home dear." she says and shuts the door.

Miku stands there for another minute and then runs like a cheetah back to her house. She slams the door open and screams: "MOMMY!!!!!"

Miku runs into the family room (leaving the door open) and jumps on top of her mother. "What is it darling?" Miku's mother asks with her eyes closed.

"Mommy! Len is gone! The lady said he went to America!" Miku cries

Miku's mom sits up and hugs Miku close. "Poor girl" she says.

"Mommy when are they coming back?" Miku asks quietly.

Her mom doesn't answer

She never got the chance

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