Chapter 28 Everything's Almost Right.

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Miku's POV:

On a Friday I was finally released from the hospital. The doctors wanted to make sure that my fever didn't come back and that I didn't have any relapses back into my coma.

The very next day I went back to school, my dad wanted me to stay home a few extra days but I actually missed the constancy of school.

When I walked into the classroom I realized that I had become the center of attention which made me really uncomfortable. I sat down at my desk just as Mr. Shion walked into the room. He was carrying a huge bag that he placed on my desk.

Len was smiling at me so hard he almost looked like an idiot, but that wasn't possible for him.

"Alright class! Do we have something to say?" Mr. Shion asked.

I was so confused.

"WELCOME BACK MIKU!" A million voices shouted. Some of them were actually happy while a few I could tell didn't really care.

"Welcome back indeed!" Mr. Shion laughed. "We are all so happy that you are feeling better."

I blushed a little. 

"You may open the bag after school." Mr. Shion gestured to the bag he had placed on my desk. So it was for me? I wondered what it could possibly be.

Len was still smiling at me but this time his eyes held a far off expression, the expression eye's hold when the person is daydreaming.

Then he snapped out of it and blushed a little when he met my eye.

Things have been a little awkward ever since...well...the kiss. I want to blame my delusion for asking Len to kiss me again...but I know I wasn't delusional. 


The bell rang for lunch and us students flooded the hallways. I was walking with Len as usual.

"Ah shoot!" He exclaimed. "I left my lunch money in my backpack I'll be right back." He ran off back down the hallway. I decided to wait for him where I was because I didn't like how everyone kept looking at me.

Then evil Luka came up behind me and pulled at my hair. "I heard all about what happened. I thought I told you to stay away from Len!"

So that's why she was being so mean to me?

Then Luka 2 came up. "Um...Luka what are you doing?" she asked.

"What does it look like Ilsie?" Luka grumbled.

Then boy Luka came up (I recognized him as one of Len's bullies.)

"Stop it Luka!" He cried.

"Says the one who bullies kids all the time." Luka spat at him

He blushed, looked down and muttered something.

Yet another person came up, this time it was Neru and not another pink haired person thank goodness.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I'm trying to help you Neru!" Luka answered.

I am so confused right now.

Neru's eyes widened. "Omigosh...Luka do you mean you've been hurting Miku because I liked Len? I am soooooo over that."

I am completely surrounded by these people and have no idea what is going on.

Luka 2 (now known as Ilsie apparently) looked over at me sweetly. "Sorry about this...Luka gets carried away really easily."

Just then Len came trotting up. When he saw the half circle of people and me up against the wall he got an angry look on his face.

He jumped into the circle and looked directly at boy Luka.

"What are you doing with Miku?" He asked in a voice that scared me.

Ilsie stepped forward. "Sorry Len...we just figured out a misunderstanding between Neru and Luka...but don't worry Miku won't get hurt again."

"What! You guys hurt Miku!" Len cried.

"Chill..." Boy Luka mumbled.

Len grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cafeteria.

Ilsie waved at me and I nodded back. She seemed nice.

At lunch I asked Len who all those people were.

"Well you probably remember Luki. He's Luka's sister and is the one that bullies me."

I nodded.

"And then Neru is the blonde and she's super annoying. Ilsie Allan is the other one, she's pretty nice. Most people call her IA cause she hates her name." Then Len got a dark look in his face. "Miku if somebody ever hurts you you better tell me."

I just nodded quickly. His look scared me.

"Good." He announced, taking a bite of his sandwich.


When I got home later my dad was waiting for me. He always welcomes me home now and it makes me really happy.

"Go pack." He said.


"The Kagamine's invited us over their beach house for the weekend. They'll be here to pick us all up in a few minutes."

"Woah really!?" I cried excitedly.

"Yes's a trip they planned for when you got out of the hospital."

I ran upstairs and got some things together. I grabbed two pairs of PJ's and clothes. I also grabbed my bathing suit since it WAS a beach house after all. I didn't take too long to pack, I'm not that kind of girl.

I came down just as there was a knock at the door.

"Are you guys ready?" I heard a voice say. It was probably Mr. Kagamine. I realized that I hadn't seen him since I was in Japan

"I'm ready!" I called running down the stairs so fast I almost tripped and died.

"Careful there!" Mr. Kagamine laughed. "We don't want another hospital trip!"

My family piled into the Kagamine's van.

"MIKUUUUUUU!" Rin yelled. "Sit next to me!" She was in the backseat and so was Len.

"Better move into the middle then Rin." Len pointed out to his sister. "We don't want to squish Miku."

Rin realized that meant she had to sit next to her brother and I saw a look of disgust play across her face. 

I laughed. "That's okay. I can sit in the middle." I did just that and Rin grabbed me in a hug.

"I am SOOOOOO glad you're better! There are so many things we can do! I have a giant list. We can go to the beach and there's a fair in town and we have a giant pool with waterslides and then we could go see a movie and maybe eat out every night!"

"Rin we're only going for two days plus tonight." Len reminded her.

"I know! That's why we have to plan ahead!"

"I think the beach sounds like a fun idea." My dad suggested as we started to drive away.

"Well...I'll leave it up to you guys..." Rin sighed. I could tell it took her entire being not to burst out all the other things we could do.

After three hours of driving we got to the beach house. It was really big considering it was a beach house. 

As soon as the car stopped and my dad and Mikuo had gotten out, Rin grabbed me by the hand. "Come on! I want to show you the house? Would you want to sleep in my room? Or with your dad and brother? I'm so excited! We're going to have soooooo much fun!"

I just laughed and allowed her to drag me through all the rooms.

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