Chapter 14: Miku-Chan!!!

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Mrs. Kagamine's POV:

I followed behind Rin and Miku. Len walked beside me poor boy was probably uncomfortable surrounded by all us girls. Rin dragged Miku into her favorite store (Rin's favorite that is). 

It was a store I knew very well since Rin bought most of her clothing there. Miku looked around the store.

"Isn't it GREAT!" Rin shouted over the blaring music.

"It's kind of loud!" Miku yelled back, covering her ears.

"In more ways then one." Len said glancing at one of the outfits displayed on a model.

Rin dashed over to a rack of dresses and picked one up. "This would look soooooo cute on you Miku!" She cried.

Miku looked at the dress in Rin's hand. "Uh...I think it's a little short." She said.

"Alright well why don't you come find something?" Rin asked.

"But I don't have any..."

"I know, but just something you WOULD get if you COULD." 

Rin definitely had the most fun. Miku and Len were both a little scandalized by the things Rin was telling Miku she should get "if she could".

After about ten more minutes in that store I suggested we take turns picking stores to browse in. 

"That's an AWSOME IDEA!!!" Rin squealed. "Miku gets to pick next!"

"I don't really care where we go. I'm just happy I get to hang out with all of you." Said that blessed child.

"What is your favorite store?" Rin asked.

"We shouldn't go there." Miku shook her head.

"Why not?" I asked.

Miku turned and smiled at me. "Because it would be way too tempting."

"Which store is it?" Len asked curiously.

Miku stretched out her arm and pointed. We all looked and saw a chocolate store.

Len grinned. "Hey mom..." He started.

I sighed. "Alright but only one each."

Miku's eyes widened and child-like delight filled them. 


"Miku's store is my favorite!" Len smiled as he walked down the same aisle for the third trying to find the perfect candy.

"Yeah!" Rin agreed.

Miku picked out the smallest bag of chocolate possible, while my children came up to me with huge packages.

"Len and Rin Kagamine." I said wagging my finger.

"You said one." Rin smirked at me.

"You know very well I didn't mean that big."

"Fiiiiiiinnnnneeee..." Rin sighed.

Len ran back to his aisle and grabbed the same kind of candy but in a slightly smaller box.

Rin came back with her smaller bag of chocolate.

I went down the aisle where Miku had gotten her candy and got the same kind of candy as her but in a much bigger package.

"Hey thats not fair!" Rin cried.

"I'm the mom, and I'm paying." I retorted. "Also this isn't for me this is for Miku and the rest of her family."

I was expecting Miku to say something about how she would share her small bag and that I didn't need to bother.

"Thank you Mrs. Kagamine!!!" She cried. I think my children have drilled into her brain, that when one of us says something it's going to happen even if we have to make it that way.

Len refused to choose a store so I took the trio of teens back to the car.

Miku's phone buzzed. She took it out of her pocket, checked the screen, and sighed.

"I need to get home." She smiled regretfully.

"Alrighty I'll give you a ride." I said returning her smile.

Miku put her address into my GPS and we drove her home. The car ride to her house was pretty quiet. Mainly because we were all eating our chocolates.

We dropped her at her house.

"Bye Miku!" Len and Rin yelled waving their arms wildly.

"Bye!" Miku cried waving her arms as well.

She stood there and waved until we were out of sight.

It hurt me to leave her. I wish I could have never let her go.

"Miku is the nicest girl in the world!" Rin smiled from the back.

Len turned to face her. "You better watch your mouth about her mom Rin."

"Your right..." Rin mumbled. "We wouldn't want your girlfriend to hate us."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Len yelled.

I held my hand up to my ear.

"Please...mercy. Wait until we get home for this match okay?"

"Okay!" Rin smirked.

Len grumbled something and turned back around.

"I can't wait to see Miku-chan again!!!" Rin cried.

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