Chapter 35: Familiar Faces

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Miku's POV:

Monday. I woke up with a blue feeling when I remembered that I was back home and not at the  beach house.

"MIKU!" My oni-chan yelled. "Get ready or you'll be late!"

Ugh. Was I really happy that he payed attention to me now?

I trudged down the stairs and took a seat at the stool. The box of cereal was out, as well as the milk. I poured myself some.

"Get rid of your mopey look." Mikuo smirked. "You're going to see your boyfriend today."

"Why don't you go call your girlfriend." I sneered.

Mikuo rolled his eyes. "Can't tease me about that. You KNOW I don't hang out with girls."

"But you kissed one." I mumbled as I shoved some cereal into my mouth.

Mikuo's mouth gaped open. " know?"

"Duh. Idiot." I rolled my eyes back at him.

"You're starting to sound like me and that is very very bad." He muttered.

"Better get dressed." I said as I climbed back up the stairs.

Before I left I glanced at my nightstand. On it was my mother's picture along with the sketch that girl...Emi? Gave us. (It was in the leek picture frame Len got me.)


I entered the school building and saw Ilsie and Luki.

"Hi Ilsie." I waved.

"Um...I'm Luka." Luka smirked.

"Oh...whoops sorry."

"It's okay. We would prank people all the time like this."

"So the girl who I helped the locker with?"


"And the water bottle?"

"Yeah that was me. Sorry." Luka mumbled.

"That's okay. I forgive you." I smiled.

Luki made a retching sound and walked off.

"Idiot." I heard Luka say as I walked away. (She was talking about her brother...not me)

A group of first years walked past me and into their classroom.

I reached my classroom and slid the door open.

Len was inside sitting on top of his desk.

"Hey." He greeted me.


And of course then we had a super awkward silence.

Then the door swung open and in marched Luka, dragging Luki by his shirt. She shoved him towards Len.

"He has something to say to you." She announced.

"My dad found out so he's making me apologize." Luki grumbled.

"Ahem!?" Luka fake coughed.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Luki said sarcastically.

"Um...okay?" Len looked completely confused.

The two then went and sat down at their desks and the rest of the students came flooding in.

And so begins another boring day of school.

The class president asked for volunteers to help set up for some Spring dance thing that was a few weeks away. I said I would help. I love decorating things. I never went to any of the dances or anything before. I didn't have any friends so I didn't see the point.

Len signed up too.

The class president was going to set up the teams later today. I hoped I would be put on a team with Len. Then it would be less awkward.


I entered the gym to help set up for the dance. Inside the class president was telling people where to go ad who they were working with. I saw Len and a few other boys carrying out the bleachers.

"Um hi." I said to the president.

"Miku? Okay you are over there." He pointed.

I walked over and saw that a few girls were untangling decorations and sorting them out.

I sat down next to a girl. "What can I do?" I asked her.

One of the other girls laughed. "She doesn't talk. She's too shy. But she does have some imaginary friends. You might be able to ask them."

The girl pulled her sweatshirt's hood further over her head as if to turn invisible or block out the other girl's taunt.

"Rachel get over here! You're supposed to be helping sweep!" The president called.

"Rachel" (The girl who had laughed) sighed and went over.

The girl sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me with closed eyes and a smile on her face. "Y...yeah. Thanks for asking!"

She looked very familiar...did I know her?

Then she opened her eyes.

"It's you again!" She laughed shyly.


She pulled off her hood and let her orange hair fall out. "It's me. That girl from the amusement park and the beach."

"Oh!" I smiled and struggled to remember what her sister had called her. Emily? No that wasn't it. "Your name was?"

"You can call me Emi." She smiled a little.

"Nice to officially meet you Emi. I'm Miku." I laughed.

She pulled her backpack over to herself and pulled out a binder. "I've been drawing you and that boy a lot." She mumbled and handed me some papers.

They were all so good! There were a few more based on the beach day and amusement park.

"Wow you are really good at drawing!" I announced, handing her back her pictures.

"Thanks. I'm kind of a wallflower here." She mumbled.

"Do you have any friends?" I asked. "Not to be nosy or anything..."

"Not really. There are girls that don't talk to me and they're the one's I count as nice and then the girl's that tease me. I've never really talked to a person as much as I have to you before." Emi smiled again.

"I'm pretty much the same. Len and his sister are my only friends. If you want I can be your friend too." I smiled.

"Really!?" Emi cried happily.

"Sure! The more the merrier right?"

Em's eyes were positively glowing with happiness.

We talked for a while. She was a first year and that's why I hadn't really seen her before. That and the fact that I used to just try to blend into the background. She said she would blend in too but more of because she just liked to go people watching (like me!) and write down little stories for them (not like me).

Her favorite things to do were drawing and writing stories. She also liked to bake and play video games. I was going to ask her if she did any clubs after school but knew she probably didn't. That would draw too much attention.

I liked this girl. She seemed nice and I'm glad I could make someone happy. I don't ever want to stand by and see people get treated the way I was.

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