Chapter 4: Idiot sibling

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(A/N: I should probably mention that in this chapter it's Friday. Are you guys liking this story so far? I wish I could see who was reading it so I could thank you all properly, but THANK YOU ANYWAY!!!)

Miku's POV:

"GET OUT! GET THE HECK OUT!!!" a voice screamed from inside.

I paused for a minute with my head cocked to the side, Len jumped back.

"DIE YOU VARMINT, DIE!!!" Screamed a second voice.

"HELP! HELP! HE'S KILLING ME!!!" Screamed the first voice again.

I rolled my eyes and entered the house, motioning for Len to follow me. He did but a little hesitantly. It was kind of funny; I shouldn't make fun of him though because he doesn't know what's REALLY going on.

I turn to the left upon entering and poke my head through the opening of the family room. Just as I suspected. There was my brother and his friend, Luki, playing a stupid fighting game. I head into the kitchen with Len right behind me and cut us both a slice of banana bread. Yum! I open the fridge and get out some cream cheese for mine. I offer some to Len but he shakes his head no with a mouthful of the banana bread.

I sit down at the counter and start to eat. Then my idiot brother comes in and starts rummaging around. 

"Hey." I greet him.

"Can't talk, gaming, need snacks..." He mutters robotically.

"Ok then zombie."

Then Mikuo stops. He starts staring at Len. Whoops I forgot that Len was a boy.

"Miku who is this?" My brother asks giving Len the evil eye. Len gulps.

"Stop it." I say. "This is my friend Len."

"Yeah right." Mikuo snorts.

"Shut up!" I yell turning red.

"You be quiet. Me and Luki are gaming." My brother smirks.

"Okay!" I cry.

My oni-chan leaves the room and I wink at Len. I motion for him to follow me and we head up the stairs. I sneak into my room and grab my phone. I connect my music to the speaker and play it at max volume. 

"MIIIIIKUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" My brother screams above the music. I giggle and turn it off. Then I turn my attention to Len.

"So why were those boys beating you up?" I ask finally.

Len's POV:

I sigh. "I don't know. They always have and they haven't even given me a reason."

"Don't give them the chance! Stay around other students, and teachers!" Miku cries with a determined expression on her face.

"I've tried that, but they always find a way." I sigh again.


Then Miku's brother comes in.

"Miku where are the chips?" He asks her, clearly agitated.

She smirks, reaches under her pillow, and throws the chips at him.

"You're so annoying!" He shouts.

"Thanks! I try." Miku replies. "So what game you and you're idiot friend playing?"

"Hey!" came a voice from downstairs. "I heard that!"

"None of you're business." Mikuo snaps as he leaves the room.

Then my phone buzzes. I look down and there's a message from my sister Rin.

Rin: Yeah! Weekend! Can't wait to see you and tell you about boarding school!!!"


Miku must have seen my expression. "What!? what is it? what happened!?"

"My sister's coming home for the weekend." I moan.

"You have a sister! Wow! I can't wait to meet her!?" Miku cries happily.

"You might regret it." I say darkly.

Miku just laughs and shakes her head.

I notice a picture on Miku's nightstand. It's of a woman that looks a lot like Miku.

"Is that your mom?" I ask.

(A/N: Okay my IDIOT SIBLING hates Vocaloid and she hates that I'm writing a story about this, she told me I wouldn't get any reads. Her face when I showed her that I had 118!!!! So now she's told me that I wont get any votes. LOL I can't wait to prove her wrong!!! I changed the cover, sorry for any confusion. Also new chapter coming soon...Please comment! I want to know if I've made any mistakes!!!

Thanks a ton!!!


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