Chapter 40: Get It Together!

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A/N: A HUGE thank you to my newest followers: PotterHead_EmilyStoryBookLovesBooks, and ImABaconHairedAuthor! Yay my Minecraft friends plus my inter-twin! Welcome to the Another_Rolling_Gang!

Miku's POV:

The weekend passed really quickly. I barely had time to think!

I avoided Len on Monday and Tuesday. I had to have an answer for him by Friday since the dance was on Saturday, but I really didn't want to.

Len would always wait for me outside the school to walk me home, but these days I would sneak out the back. Then I would go to the park and wait for fifteen minutes just in case.

Today I saw Emi sitting under a tree with her sketchbook in hand. "Hi Miku!" She cried excitedly when she saw me. I sat down in front of her. "Hey Emi. What'cha doing?"

"Oh I was waiting for you." Emi smiled.

"For me?" I blinked. 

"Yeah! I thought you might come here and I wanted to talk with you."

"About what?" I smiled a little. Why did Emi assume I would be here? She did say she was a wallflower so maybe she had been here before and I hadn't noticed?

"Well...I just kind of noticed that Len really seems to like you and..."

I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Emi asked worriedly.

"Not really its just...I don't know I'm too confused."

"Why? Did he say something you didn't like? Is he creepy?"

" I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship or anything." I stammered.

Emi laughed. "You never will be! No one ever is! I bet Len isn't either."

"Then why did he ask me to go to the dance with him?" I asked. I wonder if she has a good answer for that?

"Because he likes you! Just because you guys aren't ready doesn't mean you don't like each other. I mean has he ever showed that he likes you ever before?"

I thought back to the hospital and squirmed. 

" he has? And I'm guessing you guys even kissed." Emi smiled shyly.

"Wha? How did you..."

"Intuition." Emi smiled and tapped her head. "That's how I scared Len."

So basically none of my secrets were safe when I'm around Emi. 

" about you just try it out? You can always go back to being friends if it doesn't work out."

"But what if he hates me!?" I wailed.

Emi looked directly into my eyes. "He won't. He never will. Unless maybe you keep avoiding him. You're really hurting his feelings."

I stood up. This was getting too freaky. How did Emi know so much?

I started to walk home. Why did Emi want me and Len to get together so badly? Why did she even care?

It started to rain so I ducked into Karen's cafe bakery thing.

No way.

Len was sitting inside carefully sipping a hot chocolate. He almost spit it out when he saw me.

We stared at each other for maybe two minutes before Karen came up to me. "Oh! Miku! Come in and get warm. I'll have your usual all ready for you in a minute. Your friend is just over there!" She babbled as she practically shoved me into the seat across from Len.

He looked down at his banana purse.

"Funny seeing you here." I said.

"Mhm." I could here his feet tapping under the table.

Karen came over with a hot chocolate and croissant for me. She set them down and went away with a smile.

This was so awkward. I looked up and caught Len's gaze, but he immediately looked down at his plate again.

"Len I'm sorry!" I cried. 

"It's okay." He mumbled.

"I'll...I'll go with you." I announced.

His head shot up. "You will!? Really?" He looked so happy.


"So you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully.


"Perfect!" Len took a huge bite of his banana purse.

What just happened? Ugh! Get it together Miku! You told Len you would go to the dance with him and now he thinks we're dating?

I looked over at him. He was smiling at me. It was kind of creepy.

"S...stop it." I mumbled.

"Stop what?" He asked taking a gulp of hot chocolate. "AAAAHGGGG!"

I smirked and finally started eating my dessert.

Len went back to smiling at me. "Isn't it funny? We practically met here, and now this is where we became a couple." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You are so weird." I laughed.

"Yeah, but Rin's a psychopath. So which one of us is more fun to hang out with?" Len asked.

"Rin all the way." I answered.

Len choked on his banana purse. "WHAT!?"

"Rin is more FUN to hang out with but I enjoy your company more." I smiled.

Len smirked. "Okay fine. I'll accept that."

Karen passed by again and smiled at us. "So does the happy couple want anything else? We'll do half off since you two met and fell in love in MY cafe."

"Oh we're good..." I started.

Len beamed. "Okay so I'll take another banana purse, actually make that two so I can have one for snack AND dessert. Then I'm going to want..."

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