Chapter 31: Amusement Park

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Miku's POV:

My dad offered to pay for me and Mikuo but the Kagamine family wouldn't hear of it.

When I say "Kagamine family" I mean ALL of them.

"No way! This trip is for you guys." Len had smiled.

"Are you kidding me!?" Rin screeched. "Mom and dad can pay for it...they're RICH for heaven's sake!"

We were currently standing in front of the map of the amusement park trying to figure out where to go first.

"When it get's dark we should go to the haunted house!" Mikuo yelled excitedly.

"Ugh. I hate haunted houses." I moaned. I really did, it's not that they were actually even that scary I just don't like it when people come up behind you and poke you or whisper in your ear. Sometimes they even have fake thunder and that always freaks me out.

"It's okay Miku!" Rin laughed. "I will protect you when we go."

"Okay we're splitting up right?" Len asked.

"Stay with your buddies!" Mrs. Kagamine cried. "I'll be right here on this bench the whole time if you need something okay?"

"Okay!" Everyone yelled while we ran off.

Rin first took me to the games. "We should totally win a big prize!" She said.

"Not if I can win one of the big prizes first!" Mikuo called, running over to the games.

That poor man that was running the game.

They had picked the one where you shoot water into the clown's mouth. Rin won four times but My brother still insisted on a rematch.

Rin won a ton of prizes but eventually Mikuo won the grand prize. The man didn't have any prizes left from their battle.

"All right you won fair and square. What do you say we stop competing now? Ya know...since we're even?" Rin asked my brother.

"Yeah all can have this stupid bear as a peace offering to never arm wrestle with me again." He replied, handing her the giant orange bear.

"AW! He's sooooo flufffffyyyyy!!!!"

Len rolled his eyes at me and I laughed.

"Miku come pick out one of my prizes!" Rin called. "I guess Len can have one too."

I picked up a cute little penguin.

"I shall name him Ritoruburu and he shall be mine!" I announced.

"Little Blue?" Len asked. "Isn't that a type of penguin?"

"Yes and he shall be it!" I replied. "Which one are you going to take?"

"I don't really want one..." He started but Rin cut him off.

"Oh so you're too cool for stuffed animals? Even MIKUO is gonna take one right?" Rin asked my brother.


Mikuo's POV Plus time skip:

It was starting to get dark. The day had pretty much worn us all out. Rin had wanted to go on every ride, and although Len and I could have left the girls at any time (since Rin was buddies with Miku) we pretty much just followed them around.

"Now..." Rin whispered in her creepiest voice. "We shall brave the haunted house of death."

"Do we get to die? Oh goody!" I said sarcastically.

"First one's to come out alive and without screaming their heads off win!" Rin announced.

"Since when are you the boss of this trip?" Len asked.

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