Chapter 2: A Little Sweetness

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Miku's Pov:

"Are you okay?" A voice says, and I see a hand holding out my binder to me. I take the binder and look up. It's..a boy. He looks concerned, his blue eyes shimmering and his blonde hair slightly damp from the rain. I smile and stand up.

"Thank you...I'm...fine." I say.

The Boy's Pov:

I knew she wasn't fine. It was hard to tell with all the rain dripping down her face, but I am positive she was crying. "Are you sure?" I ask.

"I'm Fine!" She snaps. I wince a little and I think it showed.

"Thank you though." She says smiling. Her smile was fake, that was easy to see. She smiles once more at me and then starts to walk away. I jog to catch up. 

"Um, what are you doing?" She asks looking at me a little nervously.

"Do you have an umbrella?" I ask. (Although I know she doesn't)

"Uh...I like the rain!" she cries stretching out her arms and looking upward.

Yeah no. Ever heard of a cold? You are pretty much soaked to the skin and you're teeth are chattering loud enough for me to hear. I keep following her, holding my umbrella over her head.

"What are you doing?" She asks again.

"Walking you home." I said looking away. I don't know why, but I am starting to blush.

Miku's Pov:

I'm a little freaked out. The boy's face is almost as red as mine. Okay. Think Miku. You don't want this stranger knowing where you live. Ugh! Is there a place near enough to your house that you can go that would make sense? AHA!

"Um I'm actually not going home." I say looking up at the boy's yellow umbrella. "I was actually planning to go to a little pastry shop as a reward for surviving my first day of school."

The boy laughs. I like his laugh, it is genuinely happy.

"Okay. A snack sounds good!" he says. "Lead the way!"

I feel myself relax a bit. No Miku! Be on guard you just met this random person. It doesn't matter how nice they SEEM.

We reach the little pastry shop bakery place (which is just around the corner from my house) and head inside. The lady behind the counter smiles at me. "Hello Miku!" She calls. "My goodness! You're soaked!"

The boy seemed impressed that the lady knew me.

"The same as usual?" She asks. 

"Yes please Karen! I think I also want to buy a snack" I don't know what to call this boy!

Karen seems to notice the boy for the first time. "Ah!" she says. Her eye's started twinkling. "I see. Nice to meet you..."

"Len. Len Kagamine." He smiles and shakes Karen's hand. Len? That name sort of rings a bell. hmm...

"Okay what would you like?" I ask gesturing to the entire case of pastries.

"Don't worry I'll pay for myself." Len starts to take out his wallet.

"No, this is thanks for helping me." I say. "Now what do you want?"

"Hmm...I'll have that please." Len announces pointing to a banana purse.

"Alright, you two go sit down near the heater while I get these ready for you." Karen smiles at us and starts preparing our treats.

I went and sat down near the heater. AHHHH! it was sooooo wonderfully warm!!! Len sat opposite to me and let out a sigh of content.

Karen comes up to us and places our dessert in front of us. Then she gave us both a hot chocolate!

"Um...Karen?" I start but she shakes her head at me.

"No Miku I know you didn't order this, this is to warm you up." She laughed and went back to the counter.

"She's nice!" Len cried happily taking a chug at the hot chocolate. And unfortunately burning his entire mouth. "AHH!!!" He yells.

I stifle a giggle. NEVER drink Karen's hot chocolate, you should wait about two hours and then it will be a drinking temperature. Len took a bite of his pastry and smiled widely. 

"Is it good?" I ask curiously. (I never chose banana anything. It's not that I don't like banana it's just that I like other things better.)

"I don't know." He said in reply. "I can't even taste it cause my mouth is burning off." Regardless of what he says he's smiling more and more like a maniac with each bite.

I take a teeny bite of my chocolate croissant (So Good!) and then my phone beeps. I look down and see a message from my brother.

Mikuo: Hey sis are you coming home? It's almost dinner time but I guess we can order out.

I sigh. Of course they want me home to make their dinner. I pick up my croissant and start to head out the door.

Len jumps up grabs a box and stuffs his dessert inside it. He then grabbed his hot chocolate and ran after me.

He jumps in front of me and opens his umbrella. 

"Okay now we can go!" Len smiles.

I roll my eyes but step under his umbrella. We walk on in semi-silence. I say semi because Len kept trying to see if his hot chocolate was cool enough to drink. I was afraid he would spit the burning hot chocolate on me by accident.

We reached my house (It was just around the corner like I said before) and I walk up the steps to the door.

"WAIT!" Len yells.

I freeze. What the heck is going on!?

"You didn't tell me your name!" He cries. Wait... what?

" Miku Hatsune." I say. "Thank you for your help today."

"Miku." Len mutters. Like he's testing out my name. "Okay! See you soon Miku!" He calls turning away. I shut the door and walk inside.

As expected Mikuo is sitting in front of the TV. "Where's dad?" I ask.

No answer of course.

"Where's dad!?" I yell. Still no answer though.

I step in front of the TV and stretch out my arms. "WHERE'S DAD!!!!!???" I yell as loud as I can.

"Miku what the heck!? He's on a call! Go away!" Mikuo cries angrily.

I head into the kitchen and check on the soup that I had in the crockpot. It smells yummy.

I go up to my bedroom and lay down on my bed. I place my hands on a familiar picture frame.

"I miss you...."

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