Chapter 42: Shopping With The Fairy Godmother

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Miku's POV:

Late Friday night I got a text from Rin:

Rin: HI MIKU! Okay are you going to the dance?

Miku: Yes. How was your date with Mikuo?

Rin: It was AMAZING! Anyway, do you have something to wear to the dance?

Miku: Yeah I have one or two old dresses that I can wear

Rin: WHAT!? No that is NOT acceptable! Early tomorrow I'm bringing you on a shopping trip to get you a NEW dress!

Miku: Rin my old dresses are fine XD Besides the dance is tomorrow night!

Rin: SO? We have PLENTY of time! Okay I'll meet you at the mall at 9:00 sharp tomorrow.

Miku: Ooookaaaay?

Yup. So now Rin was taking me on a shopping spree to get a dress. I have NO idea what she may have in mind, but I know it isn't going to be simple. 

As promised I met Rin at the mall precisely at nine. I found her in the food court with a big box of munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts. 

"Here eat something quick before we go." She smiled.

"I already ate." I laughed. "But do you have any glazed left?"

"GLAZED!?" Rin cried. "Wow! I mean yeah I have one but I didn't think you would want anything so simple!"

"I am a simple girl." I smiled and took the Donut Hole. (A/N Ehehehe I like that song. It has something sugary in the name :D)

"Okay simple." Rin announced. "Mentally noted." 

Next thing I knew we were going in and out of almost every clothing store. Rin made me try on a TON of things but they were all either too short for my comfort, or they were just plain not me.

After about two hours Rin needed to stop to take a breather. Then I saw a pretty dress in through a window. It was plain and white with a teal ribbon belt that matched my hair perfectly.

"Hey Rin what about that one?" I asked and pointed to it.

"Huh?" Rin looked over. "Um...okay? It's so plain though!"

I smirked. "Yeah but I already told you I like plain things."

Rin sighed. "Alright let's see if they have it in your size."

They did. It went down to my knees so I was comfortable wearing it.

"Okay that looks super great on you." Rin admitted.

I laughed. "Thanks Rin."

We brought the dress over to the counter and the lady working there started chatting with us as she scanned my dress.

"Ah! I see you chose the White Eve dress! Isn't it so pretty? Maybe you should check out some accessories to go with it.

"Yeah that's what we were going to do next!" Rin nodded.

Oh no. I could feel myself get dizzy just at the thought of walking through all those stores over again.

"Uh...I think I have accessories or whatever at home." I smiled weakly. The lady laughed and handed me my dress. I was thankful to get out of there. 

"Okay so where should we..." Rin started.

"Hey Rin!" I cried. "Want to come home with me and help me get ready!?"

Rin gasped. "OH MY GOSH YES!" She grabbed my hand and ran out of the mall so fast I thought that someone would send the police after us.

Thank goodness. I thought I would never get out of there.

Rin's POV:

I got to Miku's house and we went inside.

Mikuo was just coming down the stairs. He smiled down at me. "Hey."

"Hi! Okay I can't talk now cause I need to get Miku READY!" I yelled.

Mikuo nodded and went into the kitchen.

I dragged Miku upstairs into her room and started rummaging around. She had a bunch of bracelets and a few necklaces. 

"Hm...these would work really well." I mumbled and handed her some of the bracelets. "And I have an ADORABLE choker at home that would look AMAZING!"

"A...choker?" Miku stammered.

"Yeah! It's a black one and it has...oh never mind I'll just give it to you tonight."

"Tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah! I'm going to the dance too!" I smiled.

Miku choked and then started to laugh. "Does Len know?"


She laughed even harder.

"Oh! OH OH OH OH OH! DO you have white shoes?" I asked.

"Um yeah but I never wear them because I am not very good at keeping things clean." Miku beamed.

"Well you better try to be tonight." I smirked. "So are you going with anyone?"

"Mhm. I'm going with..."


"Rin...what the..."

"Ugh I thought maybe Len was just JOKING when he said he was going with some girl." I grumbled. "The idiot."

"But Rin I'm..."

My phone buzzed. "Oh shoot I need to get home so I can get ready. You'll be okay to do your own hair right?"

Miku sighed. Maybe from relief but I'm not sure. "Yes! Of course! You better get home!"

I gave her a big hug and then ran down the stairs. "Bye Mikuo! See you tonight!" I called as I ran out the door.

"Hey wait!" He yelled.

MU HA HA HA HA. I kept running until I got home.

"RIN IS BACK!" I yelled when I flung open the door.

Len ducked out of the room and ran upstairs. "LEN WHAT ARE YOU WEARING TO THE DANCE!?" I yelled.

"Um...just probably something casual." He called back. "I don't need you up here!"

But I was already in his room. "Stop right there Banana Boy." I wagged my finger at him. "You need to look GOOD to make the person Miku's going with jealous. Got it?"


"Good. Now let's see what you have..." I started going through his drawers and his closet (Which were all a disaster) but he didn't have ANYTHING! "Okay I think if we make a quick run to the..."

"I am NOT going to the mall. And I am NOT going shopping anywhere." Len humphed.

"Idiot." I muttered. "Well you need something FORMAL."

"Like what?"

"Um just wear the formal school clothes?" I suggested.

"UGH. I HATE those!" Len moaned.

"Well that's what you get when you don't own anything fancy." I retorted. "Now you get into the clothes and then I'M coming back in to make sure you look good."

Len started grumbling as I closed the door, but hey! This might make Miku think Len was handsome or whatever grossness. And then Len would see Miku and they would completely forget about their dates and just go with each other! And then the abandoned dates would end up chatting or whatever. Just like in a movie!

I am SO excited! I bet whoever Len is going with isn't half as pretty as Miku will be tonight.

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